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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. From someone who seems to have an uncanny knack for pontificating about numerous subjects on which he knows absolutely nothing but is extremally confident of his knowledge. Dunning Kruger effect The Dunning-Kruger effect is the phenomenon by which those least competent in a certain subject area overestimate their skills the most.
  2. Have had an HSBC expat account for 25 years, no problem with the bank and getting credit cards to Thailand, that used to be a big problem with some banks. Have never used them for investing, I use Interactive Brokers for that. A less expensive off shore bank is Standard Bank Offshore which I use for my company account, less of a balance to keep up and equally good service.
  3. A voice of reason, I've seen these gas station signs blown over in Texas after hurricanes, quite common in fact
  4. Just google, how to jail break a fire stick I used https://troypoint.com/how-to-jailbreak-a-firestick/, along with a SurfShark VPN It's a little fiddely to set up but once it's done your good to go
  5. 1 submarine and 1 landing ship and 1 dry dock. A very good days/nights work
  6. Preparing for the "storm" are you? Buy lots of canned and dry food and lots of ammo of course. The scary thing is that there are too many people who hold the same belief's as you
  7. A new missile brought to you by Roscosmos, who just last month flew crashed a lunar probe into the moon.
  8. The words of Adam Schiff have never been more relevant. There is no secrecy with the former president, he says quiet clearly what he is going to do, and millions will vote for that, and millions more will somehow be surprised by his actions Adam Schiff used his closing arguments in the president's impeachment trial on Monday to urge the Senate to take a stand against "a man without character." "We must say enough — enough! He has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again," Schiff, D-Calif., told the Senate.Feb 3, 2020
  9. I'll take this guys word for it,
  10. Everyday occurrence now, keep hammering the back lines and pushing from the front, something big will eventually happen
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66599733 FAFO I guess, One less bad man in the world
  12. Woke up Sunday morning with Gout in my left foot, big toe. Extremally painful, just lightly touching the area caused huge pain. Went to the doctor Monday morning and he prescribed 0.6mg Colchicine, take 2 immediately and 2 more as needed. Also prescribed 25mg of Teva-Indomethacin, a NSAID anti inflammatory to be taken if needed later Tuesday, still in extreme pain after taking only Colchicine so added the NSAID and within 4 hours I could walk again relatively pain free. Wednesday, am pain free, one more round of two pills and that's it. Am 65, exercise, eat a healthy diet and am not overweight, but do have a family history of gout. YMMV
  13. Lou, you keep dropping teasers, Story Time please
  14. I think their aiming to be the "HUB" of climate change in SEA
  15. I got the Shingrix vaccine in Canada, 1st 4 months ago and then a followup 3 months later. I'm 65yo My oldest brother got shingles last year and suffered horribly so that made me go for it. All the vaccines and Covid shots over the years have had no after affect on me. This shingle vaccine laid me out for 2 days of arm pain, nausea, weakness, headache, booster shot was worse than the first. Glad it's done now and good for the rest of my life. Are you at risk, see the link https://www.shingrix.ca/en-ca/index.html
  16. Done deal, charge No 1 RICO I also particularly like Charge #9 https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/gdpzwwwqyvw/Details.pdf Charge Charges Trump, Donald John Description Statute Level Date 1 Violation Of The Georgia RICO (Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations) Act 16-14-4 Serious Felony 11/04/2020 5 Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer 16-4-7(b) Felony 12/07/2020 9 Conspiracy To Commit Impersonating a Public Officer 16-4-8 Felony 12/06/20208/14/23, 12:39 PM Details https://publicrecordsaccess.fultoncountyga.gov/Portal/Home/WorkspaceMode?p=0 2/2 Financial No financial information exists for this case. 11 Conspiracy To Commit Forgery in the First Degree 16-4-8 Felony 12/06/2020 13 Conspiracy To Commit False Statements and Writings 16-4-8 Felony 12/06/2020 15 Conspiracy To Commit Filing False Documents 16-4-8 Felony 12/06/2020 17 Conspiracy To Commit Forgery in the First Degree 16-4-8 Felony 12/06/2020 19 Conspiracy To Commit False Statements and Writings 16-4-8 Felony 12/06/2020 27 Filing False Documents 16-10-20.1(b) Felony 12/31/2020 28 Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer 16-4-7(b) Felony 01/02/2021 29 False Statements and Writings 16-10-20 Felony 01/02/2021 38 Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer 16-4-7(b) Felony 09/17/2021 39 False Statements and Writings 16-10-20 Felony 09/17/2021
  17. When I went to the Canadian embassy from Pattaya I would drive to the airport, quite easy, park and go downstairs and take the sky train. Airport to Phayathai station, change to Silom and then exit at Saladang station and then a short walk to the embassy. Easy quick way to the center of Bangkok
  18. Absolute nonsense https://crimefictionbook.com/2016/02/04/do-glocks-have-safeties/
  19. After I had my right hip replaced my right leg was about 1.5cm longer, when I first stood up I could swing my left leg freely and it wouldn't touch the floor. Doctor was quiet happy, he said up to 3 cms difference is OK. I was not happy at all, he said my pelvic structure would adapt but would take at least a couple of years. When I started walking it's important not to limp, I used a lifting pad in one shoe which helped, but your pelvis won't adjust if you do that. It's been 10 years now and I can walk, run, ski, without any noticeable difference in leg lengths This guy will be fine, it will take time.
  20. Defeat of what? Polls are polls and have been wrong on multiple occasions Elections, voting and their results are the only thing that matters
  21. I would imagine John Eastman and Andy Biggs would be two of them,
  22. Wow, Just read the indictment, Mr Smith pulls no punches, very well done. Defendant 1 constantly lying, who could imagine
  23. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pentagon_Security_Camera_1.ogv There are lots of videos but the plane is moving so fast and they are not high speed cameras, low quality security stuff The truth is out there
  24. My Hospital gave me a card saying I'd had a hip replacement, it is useless, nobody cares to see it. I flew out of Udon Thani as my home airport, the scanners there weren't functional, they never beeped when I went through State you have a hip replacement, made to go through scanner, scanner beeps get pulled aside for a hand scan with the wand, the wand beeps and then a hand pat down. This is now your new normal, I used to fly a lot for work and it is something you have to get used to. Airport screeners are on a whole poorly trained including the US In Australia I said I had a hip replacement, scanner beeped, wand beeped, given a hand pat down and the young man felt the rivets on my jeans and said, Oh I can feel your hip. I find I had less hassle in Thailand as they don't really care. In the US it's off with the shoes, belt, wallet, tell them hip replacement, they don't care as it's usually to busy, scanner beeps, go back again, scanner beeps, wand check, wand beeps, hand pat down. A full body scanner is no problem and the preferred way to go if possible.
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