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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. Our little blast of Siberia will be over tomorrow. Watch the headlines out of the US in the coming days as this mass of cold air hits the southern states
  2. It's in the worlds best interest, not just Canada's or Americas. The money being put in by the US military is a rounding error on the amount of their budget. As to Canada I'd sooner see it go to fighting a good cause rather than say a totally useless gun buyback program, which is a colossal waste of money
  3. I'm a Canadian of Ukraine descent, I have family there still, close to the Romanian border so they are further back from the front. I'm quite happy my government has stood up and wish they would give more military aid. I've also bought thousands of dollars of bonds offered by our banks for war support. Stay behind your keyboard, brave warrior SLAVA UKRAINE
  4. Here's some weather that sucks more. 4:20 PM Tuesday Dec 20 Edmonton Alberta Clear sky tonight with a possibility of -40C
  5. Fracking is the breaking apart of the oil bearing shale, it's too tight to flow on its own. Depending on how far the sand and chemicals go into the formation to break it will determine how long the well will produce About 3-5 years on average for a fracked well.
  6. My first job was on a paving crew. There are manhole rings/spacers which fit under the manhole lid and on the concrete to bring the level up to the paved surface. If they have these in Thailand is anybody's guess
  7. https://goo.gl/maps/DjgzBPkP7ohmQwg59 Paddy's Pub and Restaurant I used to have a place in VT7 and this was my go to breakfast spot, excellent food and service pre covid, don't know about now though Exit VT7, turn left on tappraya rd, walk up to the lights and turn left and there you are.
  8. Look for shops that build gates and handrails for houses and buildings. They use a lot of various sizes of stainless steel
  9. Originally from South Africa Now based in the Channel Islands
  10. https://international.standardbank.com/international/personal Here's a offshore bank you can sign up to from anywhere
  11. To OP, you'll be OK
  12. It's not even cold yet, wait until prolonged -20 C or more As a Canadian I know our military clothing is up to that and much more, as is the Norwegian and Scandinavian gear. Winter will be Ukraine's best ally, They are on home ground and can and have been rotated out, ruzzia doesn't even think that way. Slava Ukraine
  13. Look suspiciously like work camp trailers that I've stayed in many times in the lands of sand. And I didn't have to pay for them.
  14. So, you seem to know what is on the laptop in question. What is it? Solid hard evidence will do
  15. Repairs won't cost billions, Call AllSeas, they're the company that built NS 1 and 2 https://allseas.com/equipment/solitaire/ The water in the pipe will have to be pushed out by pig and then they can bring in the Solitaire and pickup the pipe off the seafloor. It'll cost many millions but really isn't that hard to do.
  16. Years ago when the very first Spiderman movie came out, we were watching it at home via DVD About half way through my wife asks me if this is a real movie, depicting actual events. I said no, it's fiction. She said, "I think it's real" Case closed.
  17. I've bought this product at Tops supermarket, with the pet supplies. Nice citrus smell but doesn't last very long
  18. When you get your retirement extension on your O visa ask for a multiple entry stamp also As stated 3800 baht for the multiple entry stamp + your 1900 baht fee for the retirement extension Did it for many many years when I was based out of Thailand No questions asked.
  19. You should read more On January 2, 2021, during an hour-long conference call, then-U.S. President Donald Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to change the state's election results from the 2020 presidential election. Trump had been defeated by Joe Biden in the election, but refused to accept the outcome[1] and made a months-long effort to overturn the results
  20. I'm also Canadian, lived and based out of Thailand for 26 years. Lived and worked on 6 continents and about 15 countries Now happily moved back to sunny Alberta and couldn't be happier(lovely -23C this morning) Wanted my son to grow up and go to school in Canada Haven't been bitten by a mosquito, or broken a sweat in over a year. Don't miss Thailand in the least and I will never go back.
  21. And use a proper USB data cable. This is important. The Android Auto in my new 22 4 Runner wouldn't work, I was on the verge of buying a new phone and I went on a tech site and was recommended to use the original USB cord from my samsung phone. That's long gone so I bought a high end cable and then everything worked. If you use a cheap gas station cord it will charge the phone but won't work for the Android Auto.
  22. What city are you from or close to? A consulate might be a better choice I found the Ottawa Thai embassy to be slow same as you I've used the thai consulate in Edmonton before, but I see that they've closed shop Vancouver and Toronto have them though
  23. You need to talk to a good accountant in Australia who is familiar with these matters. I did the same thing that you are thinking of. A similar amount FWIW I had a Interactive Broker investing account while living in Thailand and working internationally. In 2021 I moved permanently back to Canada. In the Canadian system I was deemed to have sold my assets the day I left Thailand and repurchased them in Canada at zero cost difference. I never used a bank to transfer these assets, I would not trust a bank to give proper advice about international tax matters I had to open a new IB account with a Canadian jurisdiction and the funds were transferred about a month later after a long vetting process. No cost for this, just a transfer from my original account to my new account Now my investment account is Canadian based and I pay taxes on any Capital gains made. I could have liquidated my stocks while held in Thailand and just transferred the money without any problem. This was option B, but I wanted to maintain my stock investments. I did have to show how the money was earned, much like a get to know your customer form at a brokerage. Not to difficult, worked offshore for XX years, sold a condo in Jomtien for a good amount of profit During my time in Thailand I had changed my status to the CRA as being a non resident citizen. I had to undo that process upon returning to Canada, and integrating back into the system here. After a year it's more or less done. Do your research and ask a good accountant is the most important Understanding Australian rules is a must.
  24. Just looking on the website I see the Legender is made in Japan. I also see a lot of similarities inside with my 22 4 Runner, also made in Japan. Congrats on your new truck. I bought the 4 runner in Canada for the same reasons as a lot of people buy Toyota. I've owned 3 in Thailand and had many at work and like the reliability. Mind you, if they sold the mini Raptor in Canada I would have gone for that.
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