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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. Around a hundred people ordered cyanide online from this company with police having got all their names and among them are a famous actress and a nurse. Those who purchased cyanide must have a purpose for doing so and if any suspicions arise the buyers will be summoned for questioning, he said. So what is a legitimate purpose for buying cyanide? And why is it available online to anyone?
  2. *rump intimidated people for years by constant suing and litigating and wearing them down over time. You know who has more lawyers and time than *rump? The US government that's who, FAAFO
  3. Between my son and myself I've got about 7 or 8 CDN passport renewals done in Bangkok. All promptly and courteously. When you start on your last year of your passport is the time to start the renewal process, not 3 months before hand, especially over the Xmas holiday period. Your friend left it too late IMO. I've found the staff at the Canadian embassy to be very professional and helpful. With the recent strike at Service Canada you won't get a passport in Canada any quicker than Bangkok.
  4. You can transfer the amount of money that's had the taxes paid for it at the land office without any problem. Land office will give you a receipt for taxes paid amount and take that to the bank. Agents in Thailand will report a lower number of sales price to the land office to pay less tax, but it's a double edged sword when trying to transfer the money out.
  5. I hope hannity and ingraham are feeling the walls close in on them and that judge something or other.
  6. https://www.cartercenter.org/about/experts/jimmy_carter.html Chosen by Admiral Hyman Rickover for the nuclear submarine program, he was assigned to Schenectady, New York, where he took graduate work at Union College in reactor technology and nuclear physics and served as senior officer of the pre-commissioning crew of the Seawolf, the second nuclear submarine. Close enough for me
  7. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-gained-only-tiny-percentage-more-ukraine-territory-february-experts-2023-3 Russia expanded its territory in Ukraine by less than 0.04% in a month of brutal fighting that cost it thousands of soldiers and vital equipment, says think tank The invaders of Ukraine are getting their axxes handed to them in a useless frontal assault style of ww1 Meanwhile Ukraine is building up a combined force US style Lets see in a couple of months what the spring offensive brings Slava Ukraine
  8. Article in the Economist said he was an IT support person and had access to basically everyone's computer. He also posted them on a Discord server to flex to his friends https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/04/10/a-leak-of-files-is-one-of-americas-worst-intelligence-breaches-in-a-decade https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/04/13/america-arrests-the-suspect-behind-mass-intelligence-leaks
  9. But when you sold bitcoin what spendable currency did you buy? US dollars? Government debt is not meant to be paid off, it's not like a mortgage payment. The economy grows and expands and the debt in a percentage term is reduced
  10. This is the answer. USD isn't going to collapse despite what the alarmist's say
  11. It Works, Thanks Charlie
  12. Why are you so worried about an unelected person's private information?
  13. Yes indeed, a photo outside of a Florida golf club shows the coming storm, idiots one and all
  14. How do I copy a media video from Reddit or Twitter into a post?
  15. *Deleted post edited out* Real crimes like the consensual BJ Bill Clinton received from a more than willing aid, and the Republicans lost their minds?
  16. This is the best way, I moved out of the village after the wife went to the monkey house. I then systematically stripped the house/shop of anything that could be sold All the good furniture came with me to a house in town, that was then given to my housekeeper for services rendered. When I closed the door for the last time it was a shell. She got a letter on the kitchen counter, my son and I got a flight out, never to return. Life, for us anyway, goes on.
  17. JosephH. If your friend can produce the paper trail to show he paid for the house he has a good case. Get a good lawyer and take it to court, BUT be prepared for a long long battle. The Thai court system is fair to Thais and foreigners alike but it is extremally slow, I had a straightforward divorce case with my ex wife claiming nonsense amounts of money. It took approximately 2 years to work through the court system until a judgment was delivered, in my favor. If your friends wife gets an aggressive lawyer or she doesn't want to cooperate it can take many many years. You go to court with all your material and lawyer, everything in order and your opponent doesn't show or requests more information, come back in 4-6 months. Prepare for slow slow It took me 4 years to get a judgment on property that was seized by the police as "proceeds of crime" by my convicted ex wife. I won As to the child custody, something seems very odd. A formal letter is sent to the parties as to the date and time of the court case, was this received by your friend? When I did my child custody case because my ex was now in prison, the case was considered a paper exercise, no issues. But a letter is sent to both parents so they can be at the court to argue their case. My ex was brought is shackles and jumpsuit from the prison, not a good look in a custody case. The judge did look at both sides very carefully and I was deemed the responsible parent and was given 100% Parental Power @Gecko123 is giving you good advice, some of the others are not. Your friend can win, but how much time and money for a lawyer does he want to invest into his quest however? In my case, Divorce 100% worth it Child custody 100 % worth it Property judgement case, It cost me more to win than the property was worth, but I had the western mindset of this ain't right and I'm going to fight it. 0%
  18. I had 25,000 liters of storage next to my house in Issan, I thought it might take weeks or even months to fill. One good downpour of about 6 hours filled everything to the brim. I did have eves troughs funneling all the water from the entire roof into the storage though
  19. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lazada+snake+deterent&atb=v369-6&ia=web Lazada does sell some dedicated snake repellant
  20. Your wrong https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/16/mapping-where-every-country-stands-on-the-russia-ukraine-war It's from an approved source of your favorite, al jazeera Why is a New Zealand citizen so worried about what the US gives to Ukraine?
  21. They seem to think so. russia constantly probes the airspace over Alaska and northern Canada with long range bombers and there's also the Naval version, russian fishing trawlers anyone?
  22. This is the right answer As an industrial radiographer welds are examined by IR192 (Iridium) gamma sources, as above picture. Extremely thick pieces, 4" thick and above are examined by CO60 (cobalt) sources Cesium 137 is NOT used for radiography. We use it as a signaling source for x-ray crawlers And it is used as a measurement device to see where the level of coal is in a storage bunker. ie power plant or a mine It is very long lasting, and extremly penetrating in small amounts That's this one in this article and was the use of the one in Australia that recently went missing and was found.
  23. I wonder if he will just shut it down like the paper he owned in the UK He is a businessman and if the numbers don't add up he may walk He has no loyalty to anyone but himself
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