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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. kennw, on 07 Apr 2015 - 16:08, said:

    I looked at the "example" shown on the Immigration website. The example says you can check your status,but it shows a list of the applicants and their status, ie pending, it also gives applicants names, passport numbers, and DOB. In my opinion not good to have that info out there, so I opted for the mail method this time. Will wait to see actual results not the example. .

    The 'example' is fictitious names, DOB and passport numbers.

    • Like 1
  2. MickTurator, on 07 Apr 2015 - 16:28, said:
    Langsuan Man, on 07 Apr 2015 - 12:44, said:Then there were the ones that put "Caucasian", and would be subjected by some of my colleagues to questions like "How are things in Caucasia at the moment?", although I soon got bored with that.

    Well the guys at Thai Immigration have obviously got a sense of humour as well.

    In the drop down menu you can select your nationality as Utopia (UTOPIA/ยูโทเปีย)

    What! Not Texan facepalm.gif

  3. My report is due on 9th, my application is still pending, but....I have the offer of a free ride to Amnat Charoen tomorrow with a friend.

    I thought I'd give Amnat a ring, with my luck the receipt will be available tomorrow so no point travelling up there needlessly.

    Amnat tell me they have a problem with the system and they can't access it to check on 'pending' applications cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Don't you just love Thailand...........he has no idea if other offices have the same problem wai2.gif

    whistling.gif TAXI

  4. steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 12:22, said:steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 12:22, said:steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 12:22, said:steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 12:22, said:
    sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:41, said:sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:41, said:sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:41, said:sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:41, said:
    sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:23, said:sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:23, said:sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:23, said:sinbin, on 07 Apr 2015 - 10:23, said:
    steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:49, said:steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:49, said:steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:49, said:

    Thanks Faz.

    Already went to next step 3. But there is nothing shown in the information ...

    no name , no TM number nothing ... just small dasshes.

    Then I click ' acknowledge and accept ' and it just goes back to that page ...

    I'm wondering if it has ' timed out ' and should I start again and do it faster ... ?

    I too have this problem. I tick the box at the bottom and doesn't go to page 4. No info shown in the above fields.

    Sorted. There must be a log out time. Went back to the beginning and started afresh but quicker this time. Accepted.

    Same here, all done got my ' Acknowledgment ' in step 4.

    Got my TRN ... although I don't have a printer to print out the page ....

    I did scan the TRN bar code.

    Also, worked with Firefox, just download the add-on ( firefox user agent ) go to tools, change the user agent from default to IE or whatever your using .. I used IE8

    Now when do I get my receipt ? whistling.gif

    Steven, when select the 'pending' section, you have a choice to either enter the TRN number, or just your DOB, Nationality and Passport Number so printing off that page isn't a necessity. You may need to print your receipt off though.

    The instructions state your application will start to be processed within 7 working days, but how long the process period is, is anybody's guess.

    One would thing the same day they start to process it, but..............

    As of yet I haven't seen a report of anyone receiving a receipt. The earliest application was I think on 26th March, which makes today the 7th working day for that OP.

    • Like 1
  5. steven100, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:49, said:
    Faz, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:42, said:

    Don't select that box. You can still move onto the next page.

    Thanks Faz.

    Already went to next step 3. But there is nothing shown in the information ...

    no name , no TM number nothing ... just small dasshes.

    Then I click ' acknowledge and accept ' and it just goes back to that page ...

    I'm wondering if it has ' timed out ' and should I start again and do it faster ... ?

    If you haven't completed the application it should let you go back again.

    Your internet may have disconnected, then reconnect while doing it, happens all the time in my neck of the woods.

    Once your application is accepted and your in 'pending' you cannot get back in to go through the steps again (other than the first page again)

  6. lostoday, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:42, said:
    Tywais, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:20, said:
    ubonjoe, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:15, said:
    Langsuan Man, on 07 Apr 2015 - 09:05, said:

    What I am able to put on the paper TM47 has nothing to do with the online form

    You don't have the option to input what you want, you must use the drop down, and the drop down does not have United States, only American, which I am sure really frosts all those from Canada and South and Central America

    The reason I asked was because if you put United States or USA on the TM47 form it would not match what you select when applying for online reporting when you have no choice but American.

    It appears that they do a search for your records based upon passport number, nationality and date of birth.

    I just looked at my computer printed TM47 receipt and this is what it has which I assume it is what is in their computers as it is a computer generated receipt. Not sure how they match that up with only American in the online version. smile.png


    One of the posts above said American was checked and accepted on the on line form for people from the USA. Is that correct and is American the correct box to check for Americans? My TM47 says USA.

    That's correct, check 'American' if your from the USA.

    The point Joe is making is that Immigration have got it wrong.

    A citizen of the US is also a US national.

    The Thais are using the term 'American' which I would say is your ethnicity, not your nationality.

  7. Spending 15 months going through hell with social services, child welfare workers, solicitors, and the ex, frustration, anxiety and anger, to finally get my day, and my say in a Court of Law.

    I got full custody of my 4 kids and a settlement of £3,000 to buy her out of the house.

    I can't even describe the emotions that went through me at that point.

    That day changed my life forever.

    • Like 2
  8. At the request of the deceased family the blog has now been taken down.

    Maybe the girlfriend arranged to meet him at 3pm Saturday, but he thought they arranged Friday.

    Obviously he lost his cool and I'm sure didn't intend to take his own life, just vent of steam being full of anger and frustration.


  9. rawhod, on 06 Apr 2015 - 15:39, said:rawhod, on 06 Apr 2015 - 15:39, said:
    Faz, on 06 Apr 2015 - 09:18, said:Faz, on 06 Apr 2015 - 09:18, said:
    rawhod, on 06 Apr 2015 - 08:39, said:rawhod, on 06 Apr 2015 - 08:39, said:rawhod, on 06 Apr 2015 - 08:39, said:
    Pattaya46, on 04 Apr 2015 - 13:47, said:Pattaya46, on 04 Apr 2015 - 13:47, said:Pattaya46, on 04 Apr 2015 - 13:47, said:

    Hi. In my case it costed me a lot of time and 3 visits to try and don't manage to get it at Pattaya. The employee 3rd time admited I would not get one because not married to a Thai... It was in 2008, and I since heard of single guys who managed to get one though... Maybe I could try again?

    But after 8 year living here, I would have need it only once: to buy my bike. A letter from immigration was OK. So I can't say the Yellow Book would be useful for me.

    I have had a similar experience to Pattaya46.

    I have made 4 trips to our Kweng in Nong Hoi, Chiang Mai.

    First time...They said we needed 2 witnesses

    Second time... we had 2 witnesses but they said we needed to be married.

    Third time...We were married and had 2 witnesses but they said we needed an extra witness who was a government employee

    Fourth time...We had a government employee witness lined up but they said we needed to have children.......

    Talk about "moving goal posts"

    Sounds like you have an Amphur that doesn't know the rules or procedures.

    It's much easier to make excuses rather than lose 'face' by not admitting they don't know what there doing.

    Of course they could always pick up a phone to check with a higher authority, but again they lose face by appearing stupid.

    Unfortunately that happens a lot in Thailand.

    The boss man there certainly knows what to do...

    The last time we were there to get a blue Tabian Baan for our new house there was an agent getting Yellow Books for two Condo owners, so my wife asked him to help. That was when the boss said that if we had children, as they had, I could get a Yellow Book.

    He has previously expressed opinions that some people get a Yellow Book and then return to their home country without cancelling it. Having Thai children means that you are committed to staying in Thailand.

    In other words, his personal opinion over-rules the regulations...

    Condo's are the only property a foreigner can own 100% outright and they should be issued with a Blue Tabian Ban, so your boss obviously doesn't know his stuff.

    Ask him where in the 'Act' it states, must own a property, must have a wife, must have children.

    Threaten to take it to a higher level. In my experience when challenged they often back down.

    He can't argue with what's in writing, regardless of his opinion.

  10. Tywais, on 06 Apr 2015 - 15:35, said:
    elviajero, on 06 Apr 2015 - 15:28, said:

    I'm not saying you're wrong about the IP address I just don't think any developer would have done it that way.

    It also wouldn't make sense in that nearly all IPs within Thailand are dynamic. That is the IP you have today may not be the same tomorrow. And of course there are VPNs and other means to establish a different IP.

    What about 'cookies'

    Thinking about it the system must cross check at least some of your details, otherwise everyone would get a 'pending' while it was manually checked.

    The fact some get the 'contact your Immigration' message suggests the info you supply isn't matching up to what they have recorded on their database.

    It could be just as simple as a typo error by the person who originally entered your details on their database, hence a confliction and the report to Immigration message. Bound to be teething problems at first. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones so far......still 'pending' though.

    They had to retype my details into the system when I got my Tabian Ban because of a typo error I spotted.

    Then I spotted another typo error............jeez, 3 books to get it right.

  11. ubonjoe, on 06 Apr 2015 - 14:58, said:
    Faz, on 06 Apr 2015 - 14:36, said:
    elviajero, on 06 Apr 2015 - 14:05, said:elviajero, on 06 Apr 2015 - 14:05, said:
    Faz, on 06 Apr 2015 - 13:50, said:Faz, on 06 Apr 2015 - 13:50, said:

    I think it will only accept one application from an IP address at a time.

    How else is it going to identify your application other than identifying your IP address.

    If you have a friend with a PC try and make the second application on his PC.

    It will at least rule out my theory if it still won't work.

    You could ring 1111 to enquire about your problem.

    It's possible, but I doubt they'd do what you suggest. There are many couples and families that report at the same time so it wouldn't make sense for the developer to restrict the number of applications made from the same IP address.

    Aaaaah but it is a Thai developer, that obvious from the spelling errors............do you think he thought about couples and families?

    How else will there system recognise your application and where to respond to other than your IP address.

    How would multiple applications from one PC be segregated for approval.

    Names, addresses and details will be checked manually.

    On the application I arrived by 'Airplane', on the pending notice I arrived by 'Airplan'

    There is no reason that I can see for the system to recognize your application after it is done.

    To get the receipt and/or to check the status of it you have go back to the website to check the status of it by entering your verification number or passport number and other info.

    I know you haven't been able to get to that point yet Joe.

    To check the status your only asked to enter the verification code they give you, nothing else.

  12. I moved into a rented house which has a Mitsubishi air con unit. The controller is an RKX502A001B.

    My problem is there are no instructions for use and I can't find any guides to download, only sales of the controller.

    What puzzles me is the temperature setting. There is no actual temperature display. Pressing the UP/DOWN buttons only displays -5 through to +5.

    If it works on a pre-set thermostat of say 25C, then it would make sense (-5 would be 20C, +3 would be 28C)

    Anybody got the same controller and would be good enough let me have a set of the instructions.

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