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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Women are women just like men are men, some good some really bad, doesn't matter where  they are from or what nationality. Just an opinion (I've got an a$$hole) as everyone does, but I think most of the guys here have just been through a bad experience and that does NOT mean that it was the womans fault. A lot of guys came here on vacation and found a YOUNG thing that fulfilled their needs and then they dumped the misses (and sometimes kids) then got married to this woman and others that couldn't get a ride unless they paid for it. I think some of you guys whinging are just going through MALE minopause (SP) and just don't have a clue.  I could go on and on but...The other group might have just been in just a real bad situation and are lucky to be out of it. Don't bash all farang women just because of your history. I have an ex farang wife but she is a great lady and a very good mom. Just didn't work for us.

    Excellent post Kringle :D

    Finally something we both agree with.

    (And thats menopause :o )

  2. Well folks, this is it. I start a new job on monday and alas i will actually have to work in it (how depressing) so i will not be able to spend all day online. Thanks to you all for all the entertanment and information you have provided over the last few months. I have really enjoeyed this site and have gotten some really useful advice. I try and check in as offten as i can......

    So thank and bye for now

    TJ :D

    Leaving so soon? :D

    Well good luck with your job and hope to see you post in the future. :o

  3. As others have said Burnout Revenge is AMAZING, I don't like car games, but this is much more than that.
    Burnout is great. I'm not into car games either but I'm hooked on this one. I'll be expecting good stuff from Burnout Revenge when I have a play.
    Also Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (or whatever it's called) is good, with a great co-op feature

    Really? I played Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance and thought it was excellent. It does get kinda boring when none of your friends can beat you on it and you have all the characters and completed the globe millions of times :D

    I played that one a few months back.

    Do you know what to do with the candles?  :D

    Don't tell all! I haven't really got into it yet. I may be female but I'm a pretty good gamer if I do say so myself :D

    I don't need no hints and cheats :o

  4. I think Tots is finished with work now and either preparing to or already flying out here, so thats one explained.  And I can't go in there much coz its just drains my computer so much that I can't do anything else without it all freezing up.

    I expect the girls aren't there because me and Tots aren't and they only go there to flirt with us. :D

    Liar liar pants on fire :o

    I'm all alone in there now. I guess it isn't busy tonight.

  5. Zazzer,

    Plenty of great responses to your thread :D

    It seems that you are obviously not happy emotionally. Are you hoping Thailand will be the cure? If you are coming to Thailand to live I'm sure your emotinal issues will forever come to haunt you. Sure you can forget about them whilst living in 'The Land Of Smiles' but sooner or later they will visit you.

    Okay so you have visited Thailand several times as a tourist and had an amazing time. It's easy to forget about your emotinal problems when here. The beautiful sunshine, the smiles and the wonderful enviroment and people. Sounds like a perfect cure to someone stuck in a situation such as yourself.

    I'd get your emotinal happiness fixed before moving here Zazzer. Once you have the capital I'd come out here for more than just a few weeks. Enough to out live a little holiday romance :D

    Then that way you'd be able to plan living in Thailand with more than just a tourists view on the place. Saying that how long is it before the holiday feeling wears off? I recall Khall saying a few years. Only time will tell.

    Go and chase your dreams Zazzer but get the mind department sorted out first :o

  6. hey folks, just checking in. Salvagin is going to take weeks, rreconstruction months.

    We are mostly okay, although a couple of hundred people, and over 2 thousand houses were destroyed. We, as a village, are coming to the end of our stored resources, and all the press choppers that fly overhead all day long, burning valuable gas, never land, never bring anything, just buzz over our heads taking pictures from their little glass bubbles.

    Thanks to all for concern, emails, pm´s etc... It looks like we have a few computers connected to satellite in the village, so for the time being, and with the -now clear- good weather, we should be on the road to recovery.

    Another Survivor of another Apocalypse.

    edit: My idle moment got quite exciting there for a minute. Where oh where art thou, my beloved Zacapa Truck.... Oh How I do crave more moments of idleness... Far too much excitiment for one lifetime, let alone one week.

    edit2: Hi Icey... I see you reading but I have to be off before responding to you, so here is my pre-emptive strike. Love yous... Kayo.

    I'm sooooooooooooo glad you are okay Kayo :D

    You have to be off? :D

    Well love you too Kayooooooooo :o

  7. I am not a Thai female but being a female I'll try my best here.

    b: you know I just trying to make friend in this new city

    g: oh really?

    b: friends yes.. girls no

    Okay so here you have made it clear you would like to be friends.

    g: oh, if you want girl you can goto a gogo.

    Then here it's obvious that this girl thinks you were implying you wanted sexual favours. I'd feel a bit edgy right now if I had these thoughts in my mind.

    b: I know. I know. It's very easy for me to get a girl. If I wanted that, but I am trying to make a friend.

    You make it clear again you would only like to be friends.

    b: listen, would you like to get a cup of coffee for a bit?

    Since you have already expressed you only want to be friends this sounds like a nice friendly move. But if I was the girl I would feel edgy still because she has only known you for a few mins and she still might think you are just after sexual favours.

    b: hmmm... maybe you have a boyfriend already? That's why you can't?

    g: No. No. I don't have a boyfriend.

    Now here is where you go wrong. You ask here if she already has a boyfriend. A bit too personal for a guy shes known for a few mins.

    You have broken the barrier between friends and someone who is intrested. Maybe you should of waited until you got to know her a little better? You probably scared her away. But after all it would of made things easier for you to find out sooner or later.

    I take it you are intrested in this girl. If I was you I wouldn't rush it. Start talking to her during the gym it could be simple things like "Hello how are you today." once you start basic convos with her then ask her out to coffee. Even suggest she bring a friend like another member said.

    Me personaly I wouldn't go out to coffee with someone I didn't know. You carn't run before you can walk. Start fresh maybe? :o

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