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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. I don't agree with the death penalty for drug offenses, but when you enter a foreign country, you agree to be subject to their laws and legal system. Chan deserved the most severe punishment that could be meted out by the Indonesian courts. He was the mastermind behind a large drug syndicate and was under watch in Indonesia when he was finally arrested. I hope one day they catch the Thai woman who sold the large batch of heroin to him.

  2. Bangkok would not fare well in any earthquake close to magnitude 7.0 because it is essentially built on a drained swamp. One only need look at what the 6.9 magnitude Loma Prieta earthquake did to the Marina district of San Francisco to recognize that no structures could be built to withstand that kind of earthquake due to the ground layer of the city. Fortunately, Bangkok does not have the earthquake frequency of San Francisco.

  3. An off topic post has been removed, this is not in the UK.

    I was highlighting that arson is considered a serious offence, and should be treated similarly in Thailand.

    I think the owners of Central World would beg to differ. Arson is not a serious offense in Thailand, as there was absolutely no criminal investigation of the red shirts torching it in 2010.

    Are you sure about that? I seem to recall that two redshirt were recently acquitted of something to do with Central World and the attempt to burn it down? It was a headline here on TVF a while back.

    Pretty sure they were in detention for it too, but the evidence against them was overturned, but I do agre with you on that comparing other countries laws of the land to Thailands inconsistency with crimes is a wasted exercise.

    15 years for less than a gramme of coke, but seizing an airport or killing a policeman with your high performance car, is not pursued, pick a few mushrooms and it's off to the clink for the rest of your life.

    The Judiciary is long overdue a reform too!!

    I will stand by my statement that there was absolutely no criminal investigation. 4 red shirt defendants were acquitted because the prosecution never submitted any evidence against them. https://soclaimon.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/court-lets-off-2-red-shirts-on-arson-charges/

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  4. "The National Telecommunication Commission (NTC), Thailand's media regulator, has said it plans to suspend the broadcasting license for Peace TV, which features a daily programme by Jatuporn Prompan, chairman of the Red Shirts, whose votes helped to elect the toppled administration of Yingluck Shinawatra."

    The grammatical errors in this sentence infuriate me more than the claim that Thaksin's and Yingluck's policies were "pro-poor".

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