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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. It almost seems disengenuous to write this article without any mention of the newly formed NDB (New Development Bank). Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS).

    This new reserve currency bank will have is completely backed by gold. Moreover, Germany plans to back this new bank. It is also not new to the Internet that, "The Russian and the Chinese wanted to stop use of the Treasury bonds in their banking systems. The crime for Russia is not only did they boot out the Rothschild bankers, they wanted to stop US dollar trade settlement. So they got the same treatment that Iran and Irag got-war." here.

    I personally believe that this is a significant development in world economics, and regarding the visceral behavior of the NWO, in military strategy as well. I invite anyone to investigate this new development, which has many articles deserving of due diligence.

    To merely write an article implying that the United States (Federal Zone) is paranoid and not mention this legitimate development is, in my view, another attempt at deception. Shame on this reporter for his ignorance or aganda.

    Keep in mind that the bank will be set up with 100 billion, but that is 100 billion backed by gold.

    Paranoid, I think, is not the appropriate word for those who hold nation's economies, food supplies and labor industries captive. The interesting thing here that is being proven, and will eventually be difficult to ignore for even the most unintelligent person is that a story held together by lies comes apart quite easily when the audience has a better place to go.

    Just my take on this... and buying up gold and silver is the way to go, it seems.

    A few good speculative reads:


    I agree, but the NDB is just an example of how the global economy is becoming more democratic. The IMF won't have a monopoly on global lending in the future. I think the main point of the author, although poorly stated, is that the economic threat posed by China is illusory. China's economy is already showing some weaknesses. Labor costs are increasing, and despite China's economies of scale, industrial growth in the country is waning. At the same time, China is developing a middle-class and consumerism. I'm not sure the shift will cause disintegration as the OP claims, but certainly we'll see a dramatic change in China's trade balance. This will actually be good for the global economy as China will import more finished goods and less raw materials. The drop in raw materials imports has already become evident by the fall of oil prices.

  2. This insurance salesman was all hyped up, just wanting to use his Taser on somebody.

    I had reserves ride with me on most weekends. They were younger and well-trained, many having gone through the academy. But even then, never, never could a reserve participate in an undercover operation.

    This is southern cronyism. The reserve here donated heavily to the sheriff's campaign. It is typical in the south, and often "reserves" are required to pay a fee to wear the badge.

    This is what happens; people die, and police continue to lose more respect.

    EDIT: spill checker.

    Yep, you can't use volunteers for undercover ops. At 73, and given the lack of training and probable honest mistake due to old age, Bates will get a minimal sentence through plea-bargain, maybe 1-2 years. He'd be foolish to allow this to go to trial. The Tulsa County DA needs to step up to the plate. He should publicly apologize and get the civil rights/wrongful death case settled ASAP. Do it early, pay about $5mil to the survivors and work with the Sheriff's office to implement standards and training for volunteers.

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  3. "...Sansern said security officials suspected old political powers masterminded the attack. This is thought to refer to the political clique ousted by the coup..."

    Talk about slinging mud. There is nothing about this statement that makes sense.

    If the bombers are trying to make a statement then why try to point the finger elsewhere. Bombers will usually set the bomb off then make their statement, unless the location (like in the south) says it all. What was the point of the bombing? What were they trying to accomplish? Why set off a bomb if no one is going to make a statement as to WHY they are doing it. In this light the whole bombing here and in BKK makes no sense at all, but it's a great opportunity for the current government to point fingers.

    I wasn't aware that the red-shirts have ever taken credit for one of their bombings, grenade attacks, arson or other acts of mayhem. So, according to your logic, it doesn't make sense at all that they routinely employ violence for political purpose. Sounds perfectly logical to me.thumbsup.gif

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  4. Thats the cunning yellow shirts at it again trying to put the blame on others never accepting responsibility for anything, it was announced last week that the military new who did the bombing and were keeping a close eye on the perpetrators

    No, it was the cunning redshirts. They used a pickup truck from Yala to disguise their attack. After all, it doesn't matter which group is responsible for the attack, as the sole purpose is to demonstrate the Junta can't fulfill its self-declared purpose of improving security. The warning shot off the bow is consistent with many of the bombings perpetrated by the red-shirts during the occupy Thailand protests. The bombing was not intended to kill, only terrorize. The fire at Suthep's co-op might be related as well.

  5. Nu

    and this is news because a farang was involved? How many times has a farang invested with Thais never to see a dime? If they put those stories in the news every time that happened the newspaper would contain a lot more pages.

    This is an expat forum I thought, or something like it, so obviously editorially one would favour stories about farangs etc. Wouldn't one?

    There is also no reference to the victims or particular victims. There are also many stories regarding farangs being ripped. I don't think you're looking hard enough. Especially for an all seeing eye.

    Perhaps a contact lens would improve.

    In the prior Phuket news release, it says the victims were both Thais and Farangs. Obviously, an equal opportunity swindler.
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