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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. Typical British press. Their journalists can't even comprehend the actual legal ruling. The original lawsuit, filed 6 years ago, was certified as a class action on behalf of all victims of Epstein's sexual rampages. The judge ruled that it was unnecessary for Jane Does 3 and 4 to be added as parties at this late stage in the proceedings, as they were already included in the original lawsuit as plaintiffs. Moreover, the details of their allegations were unnecessary, as US courts adopt a notice-pleading standard. Their testimony about these allegations will probably be permitted when the matter goes to trial. Prince Andrew is not off the hook by any means.

  2. Vans have very poor impact protection to start with and of course no seatbelts. Recently I had words with a driver because he was chatting on face book whilst driving like a drunk on yaba and he looked at me like I was the idiot for asking him to stop it

    They all have seat belts and speed limiters, Prayuth solved that about 9 months ago, isn't it?

    Should ask Costas.

    Idiotic post. Have the government leaders in your home country implemented van safety standards that have improved crashworthiness of vans and would have avoided these deaths? Have your country's leaders implemented driver education programs that would reduce fatalities caused by drivers who fall asleep at the wheel? Has your country required the manufacturers of vehicles to install anti-drifting technology which detects drivers and corrects for drivers who fall asleep at the wheel (yes, this technology is now available)?

    . . .

    I didn't think so.

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  3. Can't wait for the prayuth apologists and the usual but Thaksin. They will find a way to blame Thaksin for Prayuth's cockup. Yes Thaksin is a lowlife before you call me a red, Prayuth and Thaksin are equals.

    In a battle-like situation, ground forces can make errors. Probably has nothing to do with Thaksin or Prayuth unless someone has knowledge that an engagement policy which came from the top was the cause of these deaths. All recent governments have treated it as an armed insurgency which needs to be met with force. The historical roots of the conflict go back decades when the Thai-Malay border was demarcated.

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  4. It might be a problem now. The U.S. just said they weren't to happy about it. And I sure other countries are not either.

    link! ...... where the US said not too happy about it.

    Thailand martial law replacement criticised by US


    yea but apart from that link do you have a link.

    I still have never seen anything from an identified official of the US state department criticizing use of Article 44. Anonymous leakers are not official statements of US policy. When an unidentified source is used, it means the person making the statement is unauthorized and the comment is basically off the record.

    So far, the orders imposed under Article 44 are basically the same emergency decrees issued by Chalerm during the shutdown Bangkok protests. Prayuth hasn't used the Article 44 orders yet to punish dissent, so we'll see where this goes.

  5. Your remark on English is spot on.. Thais are in general not good at English.. though one would imagine many researchers would have to be good to access the information that is available already.

    So need to be careful about this comment "Thais are in general not good at English" as it really doesn't apply in the academic community. But in the general population, I will agree, at least in comparison with some of its' Asian neighbors.

    Sorry, but Thais tend to be very poor in output of academic English. If you were an experienced IELTS instructor, you would know this. If you are just proofing academic texts, most of what you are reading is cut and pasted or outright plagerized.

    Ive both edited academic research papers written by graduate Thai students, and been an IELTS instructor. Thais lack sufficient confidence in their English language skills to attain the output levels being measured by these studies.

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  6. Wonder how many of the journalists 'voicing their concern' acted as cheerleaders for those hooliigans that got Thailand into this mess. Did they apply any insight into the possible outcome of those silly, sham 'reform before vote' rallies? Hmm?

    Too late goofballs. The time to test boundaries and act as though you have cojones has passed. Doing it now is far too little, far too late.

    You have a selective memory. The hooligans that got us onto this mess were the PTP. Aside from the rice scam fiasco, I think most people could live with having Yingluck as PM. When PTP illegally tried to ramrod an amnesty act through parliament to bring their puppet-master home is when all sh#t broke loose.
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