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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. Give them the increase.

    I moved manufacturing to Vietnam 2 years ago. We cannot satisfy the Clients wanting design, tooling and manufacturing in Vietnam that once manufactured in Thailand.

    Primary reason is cost. Thailand is at least 20-30% more expensive, but also quality and manufacturing times are better in Vietnam.

    Thailand is complacent, expensive and slowly losing business to other countries.

    ...so, let's speed it up and grant the increase.

    I will hope they soon develop robots for you to use then you can get rid of all those pesky workers that deserve a decent living. Its profiteers like you will soon ruin the world. You will produce all those great and glorious products but nobody sadly will be left with money to buy them. For the few people like you its a race to the top of the profits pile and finding places where you can operate cheaply and increase said profits even more. Nobody cares about the rest of humanity its just a case of using people as cheaply as possible and then disposing of them with little or no pension. We no longer care about our fellow man all we care about is how cheap we can get him to work and how long he will last before being discarded. Free trade has killed the whole world from a workers standpoint.

    Vietnam has welcomed us at every level - from Investment and tax break levels, to local Governments and local communities where we give hundreds of people technical training and jobs and lift their standard of living and provide education and healthcare to the local communities. In short, they really value us and want us. Don't blame me for Vietnam investing in the right areas.

    So, thanks for your backhanded concerns, but frankly, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

    I repeat, give Thailand the increase to give them a "decent living"...and see what your misguided and ignorant decision does for Thailand.

    Somehow, I don't think Nike and Adidas are enthusiastic as you about Vietnam. http://news.yahoo.com/thousands-strike-major-shoe-factory-vietnam-033307666--finance.html

  2. An unidentified source in the State Department allegedly claims that, hypothetically, invocation of Article 44 powers may not accomplish the objectives of ending military trials, detention without charge and increasing freedom of expression.

    What kind of news story is this? It certainly doesn't support a headline which reads, "US leads criticism of Thai junta martial law replacement." Anonymous leaks are not statements of national policy.

    • Like 2
  3. I haven't seen anything which would support the proposition that the results from trials before the Thai military justice courts are in any way inferior to the results from the Thai civilian court system. For the most part, the Thai civilian court judges make the law up by themselves, because the nation lacks a national reporter system. A national case reporter system is an indispensable part of stare decisis, or court precedent. How is a judge supposed to determine prior Supreme Court precedent where there is no reporter system or indexing system by which applicable prior court decision can be researched? Moreover, the judges don't have clerks to do the intensive research required to have a firm grasp of prior precedent. The civilian courts decisions are completely random, that's why you have rulings such as the injunction prohibiting the screening of Fast and Furious 7. The civilian judges just do what they want, regardless of common sense or prior binding appellate rulings.

    • Like 2
  4. This ICJ is not the International Court of Justice. The International Commission of Jurists was formed in 1952 by German human rights advocates to advocate for the rights of Germans under post-WWII Soviet occupied Germany. How do you like that? Germans objecting to the treatment of its former citizens after they killed over 20 million Russians. Just another useless human rights advocacy agency spawn of the useless UN.

  5. Give them the increase.

    I moved manufacturing to Vietnam 2 years ago. We cannot satisfy the Clients wanting design, tooling and manufacturing in Vietnam that once manufactured in Thailand.

    Primary reason is cost. Thailand is at least 20-30% more expensive, but also quality and manufacturing times are better in Vietnam.

    Thailand is complacent, expensive and slowly losing business to other countries.

    ...so, let's speed it up and grant the increase.

    I will hope they soon develop robots for you to use then you can get rid of all those pesky workers that deserve a decent living. Its profiteers like you will soon ruin the world. You will produce all those great and glorious products but nobody sadly will be left with money to buy them. For the few people like you its a race to the top of the profits pile and finding places where you can operate cheaply and increase said profits even more. Nobody cares about the rest of humanity its just a case of using people as cheaply as possible and then disposing of them with little or no pension. We no longer care about our fellow man all we care about is how cheap we can get him to work and how long he will last before being discarded. Free trade has killed the whole world from a workers standpoint.

    Vietnam has welcomed us at every level - from Investment and tax break levels, to local Governments and local communities where we give hundreds of people technical training and jobs and lift their standard of living and provide education and healthcare to the local communities. In short, they really value us and want us. Don't blame me for Vietnam investing in the right areas.

    So, thanks for your backhanded concerns, but frankly, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

    I repeat, give Thailand the increase to give them a "decent living"...and see what your misguided and ignorant decision does for Thailand.

    I'm real torn about this issue as I am closely involved in both sides of the equation. When BKK minimum wage was increased to 300 baht/day, a lot of factories closed up and either relocated or outsourced their production. For instance, footwear manufacturers Nike, Adidas and Ecco moved to Indonesia and Vietnam. Thailand actually began to record a measureable unemployment rate.

    At the same time, 8000 baht/mo is very difficult to live on. Most workers at minimum wage work 6 days/week and often as much as 68 hours/week to bring their income up to close to 12,000/mo. It's not good for the physical and mental health of the workers to be working this much.

    If the minimum wage were to be raised again (the last raise was 2 years ago) I am pretty sure the next industry that will flee Thailand will be garment manufacturing. Most garment workers are at or close to minimum wage.

    Other industries like auto, energy, semi-conductors and plastic injection have a larger number of skilled workers, so a minimum wage increase doesn't hurt them as bad.

    The loss of unskilled jobs would be a big blow to the economy. The end result would be higher unemployment, but some unskilled workers in heavy manufacturing or tech being paid a more liveable wage.

  6. EABC proposes to revive FTA with EU for Thailand

    BANGKOK, 31 March 2015 (NNT) -

    She urged the EABC to be confident in Thailand’s economic policies, including regional and international cooperation, FTAs, and a foreign investment incentive program.


    -- NNT 2015-03-31 footer_n.gif

    How is that possible? Some stupid government official is always shooting his mouth off about adopting a policy disadvantageous to foreign investment. Then, when there's a media backlash, always finding a way to worm out of it to save face.

    It would be nice if there was just an even-playing field, so that Thai investment in foreign countries was treated the same as foreign investment in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  7. The Coconuts article is pretty over the top, perhaps defamatory. I don't like to see animals mistreated. I would point out that what goes on daily in Nongnuch Garden in Pattaya is far worse mistreatment of elephants than what I can see from these photos. I'd rather see social media go after the Garden, but . . . that would probably be ruffling some feathers, or tusks, as the case may be.


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  8. I think the Italian courts properly convicted Rudy Guede. He had a history of criminal burglaries, one of which he committed while carrying a jackknife, and another at a nursery while carrying an 11" knife just days before Kercher's murder. He fled to Germany shortly after Kercher's murder. His fingerprints were found at the murder scene. Kercher died of multiple stab wounds from a knife.

    Amanda Knox seems like she was involved in a cover-up of the murder. She provided testimony in support of Guede's claim that someone had broken into the flat and killed Kercher. Knox probably has done enough time in prison, and gone through enough emotional turmoil, that no further punishment is necessary.

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