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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. BBC World News is reporting that the PM has said he would probably execute reporters who don't toe the line and they are highlighting his regular outbursts.

    It had to happen and can only get worse, wait until he stars at the UN and has to face the international media scrum.

    And that report doesn't seem very accurate, does it? I've also read similar reports in other international media, but the actual quotations just don't support the international media's hysterical headlines.

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  2. Thailand should be careful when dealing with this man, there are so many Russians living in certain areas of Thailand they might decide to secede and seek to be part of Russia. That seems to be happening a lot lately.

    I bet that America must be feeling a little bit left out in the cold as everyone is deserting them for China, Japan and god forbid, even Russia now. Even all of the important countries in Europe are joining the Asian fund which is a big blow for the impotent IMF that they have the major say in and keeps their currency as the 'reserve' currency of the world (for how much longer one may ask)?

    Can't say that they don't deserve it as they have tried to boss the rest of the world for too long now and they are getting their comeuppance as people have decided that they are not as important as they think they are and are a fading super power on the wane!!

    With the EC economy in shambles, it's the American economy that keeps them on top. China's economy is now showing weakness and Russia is still a basket case. Thailand will soon realize that its economic growth will depend on US investment and markets. When the numbers roll in next year, Prayuth will be changing his tune.

  3. I'd rather imagine an America without the conservative Christians, religious right, or Moral Majority, however they are going to rebrand themselves this time 'round. They have a very narrow platform: abortion, same-sex marriage, school prayer, etc. They have no solution for the real issues: the debt, healthcare, and immigration. The staying power of this 30% of America makes me proud to be an ex-pat.

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  4. Human rights parasites? Really? Do you even know what you are referring to? The German human rights workers who are leading much of the human rights advocacy in Thailand are some of the most honourable and ethical people out there. They are hardly parasites and are certainly better educated and far more contributing to society than most foreigners. Who are you to insult them?

    In respect to the Thai human rights workers, they accepted their positions at personal sacrifice to their incomes, careers and families because they genuinely care about human rights and Thailand. Many of the advocates and workers face great personal risk and are subject to threats and intimidation.

    LOL. NGO workers all have hidden agendas. They are basically socialist activists who turned to the dark side because they couldn't cut the mustard in the private sector.

    Don't glorify them. They are leeches off their super-rich benefactors who are trying to alleviate their own guilt for being wealthy.

    If they really were interested in improving human rights globally, they would be active in the real torturing and abusive dictatorships, like Iran, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia.

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  5. What's wrong with filing a lawsuit? Both sides of the political spectrum do it with abandon. Might as well bleed the Thaksin legal defense fund.

    Authoritarian government tortures citizen - gross violation of human rights. Citizen objects. Authoritarian government leader sues tortured citizen for daring to complain that he was tortured.

    Nope, nothing wrong there. The better question is "what's wrong with you"?

    No, the better question is what evidence can be produced to support such a claim. Only courts are empowered to decide these matters. Not people speculating on social media forums.

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  6. $8.7 million seems awfully cheap for that place. One room shacks in Honolulu go for $500,000 or more. Something doesn't smell right.

    It does seem very cheap....it's waterfront, right?

    Mind you, it's not downtown Honolulu.

    Perhaps the neighbours are undesirable.

    Bear in mind that Waimanalo is a mini-ghetto. The secessionist movement in Hawaii is based in Waimanalo and most of the town is similar to Waianae-Nanakuli on the leeward coast. In other words, mostly poor, homesteaders, who are mixed-race Hawaiians.

    It's not Kailua-Lanikai where the haoles live. The Paul Mitchell estate in Lanikai I think is valued at $30 million and is the most expensive residential property in Hawaii. Although this Waimanalo property is beachfront, the neighborhoods to the east (Kailua-Lanikai) and to the southwest (Hawaii Kai) have higher valuations because of the communities, access to decent retail stores, better roads and schools.

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