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Everything posted by johng

  1. I have not referred to him as Hilter others have on many occasions literally, roughly, vaguely, allegorically,indirectly and approximately tried to tie Trump to Hitler I suggested we call those persons "conspiracy theorist"
  2. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/04/helene-trump-georgia-north-carolina-elections-00182448 Helene hit Trump strongholds in Georgia and North Carolina. It could swing the election.
  3. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to work it out for yourself ? but just a hint refer to the post directly above yours in this very thread.
  4. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4796259/user-clip-cia-director-john-brennan-geo-engineering
  5. They looked a bit like this in Pattaya.
  6. What a great decision that'll show the "Evil Hitler Putin Orks" we cut off our nose to spite our face we willingly pay huge premiums for our energy needs our heavy manufacturers relish the challenges of having no supply of cheap energy everyone else excepts and understands that prices must rise 2-4 x to save the Ukrainian democracy after all "War is Peace"
  7. Impose illegal sanctions on fuel exports if that doest work (it didn't) blow up a few pipelines to ensure high prices... but wait low and behold "someone else" has magically overturned their fracking and drilling bans and is now one of the world largest suppliers..what an absolute coincidence 🤮
  8. Why not, they use tried and tested technology extremely reliable all infrastructure already in place up and running huge reserves of the energy (oil) readily available 100% of the time no need to depend on "overseas" manufactures of solar panels and batteries and intermittent charging source... Use what you have until something completely compelling comes along to replace it... I do support hydro,solar and much lesser (last resort) nuclear energy but they are not yet the most cost effective and reliable (safe)options for every situation, solar in Thailand is a good option because there is a huge abundance of solar energy almost everyday ( but not at night)....again use what you have if it works very well then use it first and foremost.
  9. So trump is not literally Hitler ? what to call those comparing him literally to Hitler...... conspiracy theorists ?
  10. we all await but in the meantime perhaps have a look here https://ic911.org/
  11. Not what I said, I said retaliation against the lawfare ( do you understand the term lawfare ? ) not against the opinions of his detractors on the other side the opinions are what are being targeted for “formal deprogramming” what a horrible dystopian vision refer to the Stanley Kubrick film "A Clockwork Orange" for a glimpse of your preferred future.
  12. If Moscow is a pile of ashes then so will several major capital cities all across the world...Thank the Buddhas/gods /fairies for the level headed restraint of the "suicidal drunks" on the Russian side ..shame the same can't be said for the suicidal warmongering drunks on the other side. Got your shelter fully stocked yet ?
  13. Retaliation against those who have gone after him with "lawfare" with similar "lawfare" is perfectly understandable he does not advocate trying to "brainwash" (“formal deprogramming”) his opponents ,critics and their whole supporter base ( almost half the population) what a preposterous and highly dangerous idea !
  14. She believes Isreal has space lasers and as such is anti semetic ?
  15. Definitely signing up for that x 2 just incase the first session doesn't take...I'm quite thick skinned and mentally obtuse might even require a 3rd session just to make sure, after all 100% compliance is mandatory.
  16. Nope. not as far as I can see obviously I'm not a mind reader and they could be his plans...I'm more inclined to believe they are the plans of those who actually espoused such plans.
  17. Yeah I believe them completely I saw it on the MSM where do I sign up ? Is there free icecream or is that only included in the premium re-education package...
  18. Did they blow up their own pipelines again ?
  19. That's their plan...call everyone with a different opinion an extremist,hate speech ,anti Semite whatever....just "lock them up" is the mentality freedom of speech diversity of opinions pffff who needs that in this modern dystopian "paradise"
  20. Nothing to do with Moscow/Putin what a ridiculous insinuation. Hey look out there's some reds under your bed !
  21. Go and refresh your memory watch the video of those 3 buildings collapsing.....there are many experts who do agree that controlled demolition is the most likely scenario.
  22. Rubbish he published information obtained by whistle blowers exposing horrendous crimes that governments tried to suppress...he paid a hefty price for his audacity as did the "freedom of the press"
  23. No we are very "unlucky" because the "structural engineers and metallurgists" have failed to fully explain how the twin towers both collapsed compleatly and perfectly into their own foot print...why it never happened before or after and completely fail to explain how building 7 collapsed. (not hit by a plane) Go back and look at all 3 of those buildings collapsing all look like a controlled demolition to me. There is much more, its quite fascinating once you start digging into it.
  24. Yes Aren't they all ? (99.99%) I just find it interesting that he is now seemingly backtracking on 2 very major issues and icing on the cake they have both been deemed conspiracy theories in the (not too distant) past.
  25. Certainly none of the aforementioned ABC/CNN/MSNBC deep state mockingbird media outlets. 🤮
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