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Everything posted by johng

  1. It is now, more to come unless the "Piano Penis-ist" sits down for talks.
  2. Other "studies" show other findings regarding the horse dewormer. And the so called vaccines 100% safe an effective ??
  3. No it was only you who thought that. More rubbish, Putin has been very restrained from the beginning he has taken the areas that are (mostly) Russian leaning and will retain them, but the more that US/NATO provoke him the more territory he will take as a buffer zone and the less of Ukraine will remain...
  4. No but thanks for the other evidence 😋
  5. He has "successfully" lost 20% of "his" country with more upcoming losses he can also successfully play penis piano and dance in high heels ?
  6. They are purely estimates and guestimates as I keep saying there is no way to know unless they use a time machine to go back and "not vaccinate" and then somehow compare the 2 timelines (3 body problem)
  7. It's good that you point this out It's quite a revelation looking at the figures certainly caused me to re evaluate. perhaps some graphs would help if you have some handy..I don't.
  8. No you did not have a scientific route you had Hobson's choice. !!!! Moving at the speed of science remember ? I had hope when you "admitted" the above about whether or not the jab had saved you from "certain death" as propagandized on every MSM.
  9. Just because the document says something doesn't meant it can't be effective, plenty of drugs/medicines are used for things that are not mentioned on the documents included in the package. There is hope that the "horse de wormer" is also a very good anti cancer drug but of course we should not look into that because "antivaxer" "conspiracy theorist" !!!!
  10. I see you are living up to your nickname mushroom
  11. ohh dear I've lost all hope really ???
  12. Lost cause already 20 % of territory already taken the longer the war goes on the less of "Ukraine" will be left Though I can understand why you support Zelensky
  13. In the case of Clinton and Harris ... common sense ?
  14. Really I'm quite impressed that you do and that you are fluent in Russian bravo 👍 🙏
  15. Yes if black men don't vote for Kamala then they are misogynists
  16. Yeah you have a Kremlin hotline or maybe an inside mole or was it just CNN "propaganda" ?
  17. How many Ukrainians have "deserted" (claimed refugee status) in nearby countries ?
  18. Yes the Great Barrington Declaration poo pooed and mocked as a load of "conspiracy theorist antivaxers" !!!! Sweden kinda followed it and came out better off in all metrics...after the dust had settled. https://gbdeclaration.org/
  19. They got the time machine out again to produce that "fact" or is it at best a "guestimate" ?
  20. I will take the bus 143 baht per seat https://airportpattayabus.com/#
  21. "Moving at the speed of science" to expedite the mass roll out of an experimental concoction is nothing short of criminal and I hope for speedy prosecutions of all involved. Just like Thalidomide was also hailed as a wonder drug,took time the attempt to cover-up and gaslight the victims was scandalous but this is much bigger. The long term effects are starting to manifest themself look at the life insurance company figures which correlate to the "unexplained" continuance of excess mortality... With all "due respect" you have just proved what "we" (well me) have all been saying all along this is the whole point right here vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv "I have no idea if the Covid would have been more serious had I not been vaccinated, but neither do you" Yes without a time machine no one knows all they can do is "guestimate" and pass it off at "scientific fact"
  22. For many ( I think you included) there was no "choice" either you get jabbed or you loose everything and no path back to "normalcy" that is what they call Hobson's choice. I'm all for "following the science" and we are starting to see were the science leads... unfortunately its not looking so good for those who "moved at the speed of science".
  23. johng

    Too much rain?

    I have absolutely no doubt that they either have or are trying to obtain said technology, there are numerous articles about "geoengineering" spraying particles into the atmosphere to limit solar radiation..Ronald Reagan and his Star Wars program remember that ? HAARP ? just from the top of my conspiracy theory head.
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