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Everything posted by johng

  1. That is what the "powers that be" wish for a sterile,compliant zombie like population easy to control and manipulate,tax,smother in red tape...the street vendors are one of the last independent factors that have to be brought to heel...slowly but surely it unfortunately progresses.
  2. Thanks very much very useful info.
  3. He didn't even share a vaccine just some machine to test for covid(iocy) the Russians made their own vaccine.
  4. I don't think you should believe that 😋 or perhaps you should buy one and then test how many Watts it really delivers.
  5. How the heck did he manage that manoeuvre ? seems almost deliberate !!!
  6. No that is a cooler setting. 25 degrees C is cooler than 27 degrees C
  7. How low do you like your humidity ? 70% ++ is quite "normal" for Thailand.
  8. I'm stuck at the upload stage..why on earth have they divided it into separate categories what goes where ? I'll probably just pay the 600 baht and have them do it at the application centre. Also the website does not like addblockers or refusal of cookies I had to turn off all defences on my router and PC just to get to the appointments page or got thrown out unceremoniously with this very misleading banner !!!! I tried for 2 days but eventually it dawned on me that it was probably not under maintenance
  9. Ion cleaning ? perhaps it's ozone causing or exacerbating the dry throat...? might be useful to buy a hydrometer (cheap ) to gauge how humid the air is, below 40% humidity most people start to suffer the symptoms you describe 50-60% humidity would be more comfortable on throat but still feeling cool on the skin. As suggested above check that the auto mode doesn't include a bit of "drying" too.
  10. I think "you think too mutt" yes its silly but the "inspection" is cursory...they also don't pack goods into bags, you have to show membership card ,they won't except many debit credit cards...after all they are supposed to be a wholesale outlet for business customers not retail for the everyday walk in from the street "pleb"
  11. What temperature are you setting the aircon to ? try 27-28 degrees and a fan if its still too warm.
  12. I think it might have gone up to 2000 baht recently 😋
  13. There where Police roadblocks on the Sukumvit road south bound going into Pattaya and leaving towards Sattahip yesterday...(day time) they didn't check me for anything, fortunately I had just come back from the DLT renewing my licenses..my tax and insurance is up to date and I even had my seatbelt on !! 😋 They did seem quite interested in some school kids on motorbikes at one checkpoint and pickups /trucks at the other one.
  14. I well I perhaps spoke a bit too soon as now on my PC looking at the desktop view the topics list is now on the left whereas before it was on the right other than that it seems "normal"
  15. seems to have automagically righted itself...all back to "normal" again for me.
  16. I'm not seeing any new topics or content in threads just the toppic headers using firefox mobile view ,if I switch view to desktop then things work again ...though not so nice on a tiny mobile phone screen.
  17. Yes it was compared to the previous 56k (analogue) modem speed...well ISDN was available but very expensive.
  18. Over 80kph is life-threateningly dangerous and in certain circumstances even way below that..you can die falling off a chair.
  19. I can niether confirm or deny both of those questions/theories/accusations. However (later after considerable pressure to actually answer a simple question) I doubt the first and highly suspect the second.
  20. The story was by Politico not me I have not spoken about MTG are there space lasers yes of course remember Ronald Reagan ? https://www.history.com/news/reagan-star-wars-sdi-missile-defense
  21. It's quite alarming that people don't seem to understand the very real and dangerous consequences CBDC's would/will have on their life in all aspects, it means total control and monitoring the digital Panopticon of which there can be no escape. They all agree "it's so easy"
  22. He He such a cunning plan I think it just might work ! 😋
  23. Yes where are those pee pee tapes ? hidden away with the JFK files don't worry they will (maybe) released in the next 100 years !!!
  24. Helene hit Trump strongholds in Georgia and North Carolina. It could swing the election. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/04/helene-trump-georgia-north-carolina-elections-00182448 I'm sick and tired about the constant stream of lies being told about Trump.
  25. Maybe it would interfere with her pretty hair bow thingy and in any case she has a ambulance right there in front of her what could possibly go wrong 😋 <--- notice this is a tongue in cheek post.
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