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Everything posted by johng

  1. Many are more believable than the "accepted narrative" would have you believe. 9/11 being a good case study how many steel framed buildings have collapsed (into their own footprint) due to fire before and after this event ? then look the building 7 collapse. 3 on the same day...yeah conspiracy theories alright.
  2. Until after the election when it will be obvious one way or the other.
  3. Coupled with the recent Covid lockdown backtracking perhaps he knows something is coming...trying to revise history before the reckoning ?
  4. 100 % agreement with that statement of fact.
  5. Yes I do the same its a good strategy IMHO. They undertake on the left in the hard shoulder/motorcycle lane then zoom off into the right hand land at warp speed they overtake on the right then cut straight back into the hard shoulder for a tasty snack,coffee or fuel. I just keep on cruising along in the same lane no need to zig zag in and out of other traffic every few meters... "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast 😋
  6. From the masters of deception,mis,mal and dis information themself, those who conspire collude and plot to cover up anything damaging to themself and their interests. Hint for others who don't know its a 3 letter agency.
  7. I did LOL at that one " Gesundheit" WTF
  8. Yeah well no surprise you don't know about it, after all it wasn't announced on CNN therefore doesn't exist !
  9. Well he plead guilty to get out of prison its not at all unusual unexpected or "unmanly" to agree to anything to stop the torture. Also no mention by detractors of the plot to have him assassinated.
  10. "Unfortunately" there are strict laws against that,,,not so much against other "animals"
  11. 👍 Bravo Mr Trump.
  12. 10 -11 of December should be ok for application but they might want to come and interview you in the meantime whilst you are not here, maybe tell them you won't be here and give a date they can come and interview you at home once returned from work.
  13. https://www.vice.com/en/article/scientists-explain-why-doing-your-own-research-leads-to-buying-conspiracies/ Scientists Explain Why ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Leads to Believing Conspiracies. Yep they said it quite unbelievable but there it is in black and white
  14. Perhaps we all should have followed Sweden or even better the "great barington declaration" https://gbdeclaration.org/
  15. Agree totally but we still do have a slight window to resist reject the plan, refuse CBDC's use cash at every opportunity refuse the smartphone app of everything ,stop injecting dubious concoctions etc etc etc.
  16. Thanks for that useful information I have heard other reports over the years that they throttle or block torrent traffic.
  17. You censorship freaks just don't get it ! ... Perhaps you will once YOUR speech is removed...but probably not.
  18. The winter of death ring any bells ?
  19. Yeah go back and refresh your memory on Biden's "words" about "the unvaccinated"
  20. Of course not questions only lead to conspiracy theories...as reported in "MSM"
  21. There is his favour of censorship right there in plain sight of course those on favour of censorship and brain washed think he's an advocate of free speech
  22. Their actions don't agree with your words...
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