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Posts posted by johng

  1. Thanks to the both of you ( Crossy + elkangorito ) for gathering all this info into one place.

    I'm not an electrician but have received quite a few shocks in the past :o

    I just wanted to comment that, 2 out of the 3 places that I've rented in Thailand don't even have a consumer unit !!! there's just a wooden box on the wall concealing a mass of wires just twisted together and wrapped in insulating tape ( not even conection blocks ) they must be extremely dangerous not just an electrical hazard but a fire hazard too.



  2. Extension cords are prone to physical damage. Periodically check the extension cords by running your hand along the entire length of it. If you feel any discrepancies, inspect the area. If the extension cord has a cut in it or an obviously compressed or distorted section, replace it immediately

    I know its stating the obvious, but the extension cord shouldn't be inspected like this while its live ie plugged in to the mains :o

  3. (Presume you mean a Non Imm O by the term "multiple O" ?)

    Yes Non Imm O multiple entry.

    Recently went to the new place in Soi 5 Jomtien...to try to get a "comfirmation of place of residence " , as needed for a driving licence and bank account...had a few days left on my 90 day stamp..the imigration officer told me to go do the visa run first :D then come back to see her again when I had more days left on my entry stamp :D ...trouble is that was the last 90 days I could get on that particular Non Imm O visa ( it expired ) so I didn't bother going back as they won't issue the certificate on a 30 day " tourist " stamp :o:D

  4. I'm playing things the way my landlords do. Wait until they come to cut off the service, then run down ("leo leo") to the office to pay the bill.

    Well "upto you" and " TIT " and all that...yes they should be sending you the bill but they don't have to come and physically cut off the service, all they have to do is deny you access via their radius server .. so as soon as you drop your curent session ( or the thunder and lightning storms do it ) you won't be able to log in again !!!!!

  5. I went to the old place in Soi 8 ( last year ) with a multiple O visa ( albeit about to expire) and was offered 7 days extenstion.. :o when I protested he offered 14 days :D

    I did a " visa run " to Cambodia and got 30 days instead.

    Obviously he didn't like my face :D

  6. Kerryd,

    you should get yourself down to the end of South Pattaya road ( no not the Walking Street end :D )

    the other end on the left just past the traffic lights for 3rd road , ask them in the CAT office as to the whereabouts of your bill ..and pay the outstanding balance....otherwise you might not have internet service for much longer. :o

  7. The hardware firewall can be setup on using any old computer and a linux firewall costing < 10,000 baht, perhaps the guys at linux forum can guide you more on this. The easy way would be to get some branded hardware firewall which may cost a fortune


    can be used for this..just install an extra lan card in a cheapo computer ( 2000,3000 baht pentium 2 or 3 with 128 megs of ram and a 4 gig harddrive will do ) then set up Ipcop with Red, Green and Blue interfaces connect the internet to Red.. your trusted lan to Green and the wireless access point to Blue...the bonus of this is that you could have full acces the Blue lan but they can't access your Green lan :o

  8. There were stories awhile ago about the "Fitness Park" just below the Big Buddha, but nothing recent. Bali Hai pier might not be the best place to hang around after the bars/discos close, but again, no recent news from there.

    There was the old guy out jogging a couple of weeks ago at the fitness park.


    There are certainly lots of roudy teenagers on motorcycles hanging around Bali Hai at all times of day :D Although I never had any trouble with them I just feel a bit uneasy around them so leave when they turn up. :o

  9. Bit like a saturday night in the UK really

    "Don't give us none of your aggravation ,we've had it with your discipline... Saturday nights allright for fighting ....get a little action in "

    Clasic Elton John

    It's getting late have you seen my mates

    Ma tell me when the boys get here

    It's seven o'clock and I want to rock

    Want to get a belly full of beer

    My old man's drunker than a barrel full of monkeys

    And my old lady she don't care

    My sister looks cute in her braces and boots

    A handful of grease in her hair

    Don't give us none of your aggravation

    We had it with your discipline

    Saturday night's alright for fighting

    Get a little action in

    Get about as oiled as a diesel train

    Gonna set this dance alight

    `Cause Saturday night's the night I like

    Saturday night's alright alright alright

    Well they're packed pretty tight in here tonight

    I'm looking for a dolly who'll see me right

    I may use a little muscle to get what I need

    I may sink a little drink and shout out "She's with me!"

    A couple of the sound that I really like

    Are the sounds of a switchblade and a motorbike

    I'm a juvenile product of the working class

    Whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass


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