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Everything posted by johng

  1. johng


    Hardwarehouse Na-Jomtien/ Bahn Amphur has a selection of fans and almost everything else...ever invented
  2. It is a war started in 2014 egged on and instigated by US /NATO meddling and provocation "Ukraine" had little choice but comply.
  3. No I reject your 2 choices, as I said before this whole mess could have been avoided by letting zelensky negotiate...instead they sent Boris to insist on war...a proxy war to "bring Russia to its knees and envoke regime change" with no US military personnel lost and low percentage of GDP spent a price well worth it according to the war hawks...never mind the Ukrainians let them fight to the last man,womam and child ! Never mind that the illegal sanctions have backfired the Russian economy is doing fine and they are forging new trade links via BRICS further weakening the US hegemony. Now It's looking increasingly likely those US/NATO troops will be on the ground in Ukraine...well at least that is one thing (GI) Joe got right !
  4. You fail to see my point that China will allow a "different" set of speech not free speech no-one allows that but a different set of opinions to combine many different sets of speech/opinions then you can make up your own mind.. (not the CIA,NSA,CCP well hopefully)
  5. Your fawning adoration of "Uncle Sam" (GI Joe) and unquestioning following of the mainstream narrative has led you up the garden path. Ukraine can not win against Russia If the US and NATO fully engage then that is a whole nother cattle of fish in other words World War 3.
  6. Why the heck does it matter if its a Chinese shareholder spying on you or an Uncle Sam shareholder...both are terrible but having 2 (more's the better ) competiting "systems" at least allows some small degree of diversity of thought,expression,opinion...some would call different opinions mall,miss,diss information or propaganda..I'd say the more speech,viewpionts ,opinions and platforms to express them the better.
  7. You like war ? WWIII with a nuclear sprinkle on top ? This whole thing could have been avoided if they had not sent Boris to insist on fighting..dont give in we got your back...fight to the last Ukrainian..it's very good value for (US)
  8. The "west" is certainly two faced and hypocritical no need for "propaganda" to show that.
  9. I think the "pumping station" at the beginning of Walking Street claims top prize...for gut renching smells.
  10. Unless very recent (last few weeks) I wouldn't call them little...more like motorcross "whoops"
  11. No B.S. It is completely about censorship and control...facebook,Google etc collect as much if not more "user data"..the difference is they spy for the CIA ,NSA,FBI so all's good right ? Warrantless searches all hunky dorey "for your own protection" https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/12/what-is-fisa-warrant-surveillance
  12. Exactly..the hypocrisy of "Uncle Sam" (GI Joe) is totally off the chart !
  13. The point is that they are forming new alliances so as not to depend so much on US ,Europe, NATO and other various vasal states. I believe this Blinken visit is a prelude to more sanctions on China and so they are right to look towards strengthening ties with less sanctimonious trading partners.
  14. They cannot win and never had a chance of winning, not a "kremlin talking point" just the plain truth.
  15. ^^^ Exactly ,almost everything is made in China it is impossible to isolate China without incurring a massive degradation to "our" standard of living....I'm all for countries repatriating their manufacturing but it can't happened overnight.
  16. I know I shouldn't but I laughed out loud what an idiot cyclist...thinking he owned the road and everyone would stop ha ha
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/25/poland-and-lithuania-pledge-to-help-kyiv-repatriate-ukrainians-subject-to-military-draft Poland and Lithuania have said they are prepared to help Ukrainian authorities return men subject to military conscription to the country, after Kyiv announced this week that it was suspending consular services for such men who were now abroad.
  18. Anyone noticed that so called liberals are suddenly in favour of no freedom of speech,censorship,cancel culture done a complete 180 on "my body my choice" and now fully support the deep state (CIA,FBI,NSA etc etc) intruding into every aspect of their life ?
  19. For me it's ok for everyone to decide for themselves if they want to use a service controlled by the CCP or one controlled by the CIA/NSA I would prefere to use services with no conection to any government agencies but often its very hard to avoid them...
  20. Yes it's horrible but this push to ban it is IMHO more to do with censorship/control than protection of kids...which is ultimately upto the parents...unless by kids they mean everyone and the government is the parent which seems a bit north Korean-ish.
  21. Nope because those are already fully cooperating with the 3 letter agencies...but they would still love a digital ID..just to make sure.
  22. All part of the push for an online digital ID under the same guise of "for your protection" and or to "protect the children"...they have of course wanted this for a long time the end of online anonymity. The ultimate censorship lovers dream. Resist these draconian/dystopian edicts in every way possible.
  23. Of course they have no say in who joins NATO as they are not members they can express disapproval of continuing NATO expansion toward their border.
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