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Everything posted by johng

  1. I bought a beer instead 😋
  2. Agreed the extremely loud and bassy musak is impossible to escape 🤮
  3. Yes starting to look like a "wind up"
  4. The one time I was breathalysed was the exact day that I had not had a drink..which was kind of a relief ( lucky ??? 5555)
  5. That would be the much easier route to take leave out the (unwanted dirty ) foreigner just let the Thai person handle all the hassles of which I'm sure there will still be many..best of luck to you.
  6. One and the same, whatever Google,facebook,Meta,tictok etc etc know about you so do the CIA,FBI,NSA,MI5,MI6 etc etc all the 5 eyes countries and most probably more share the info...but its all for your safety nothing to worry about if you have nothing to hide !!!!
  7. These so called "authorities" are the exact same who want to wield the total power that an AI "policeman" can give them..they are the ones pushing ,promoting, and legislating for this AI takeover...it's kind of ironic to realise that in the end even they (along with everyone else) will be consumed by it.
  8. Now that no-one except a tall Bangkokiain is scared of Covid they need a new boggyman.
  9. Those 3 years where the height of Covidicy whilst there was (thankfully) no water throwing they where hardly happy times IMHO
  10. You answer that question below AI (could) will do it and do it at an unprecedented level and speed implementing the new so called online "hate speech" laws call a tranie a tranny,dead name or misgender someone saying that oil is useful disagreeing with climate change extremists we already saw what happened to those disagreeing with the Covid narrative the censorship,deplatforming,debanking,shadow banning,shaming and ridiculing of those people by governments in collusion with legacy media and big tech. Those who think they have nothing to hide had better think again.
  11. Eventually it will be a problem for everyone even those who think they have "nothing to hide" !!
  12. A couple of photos from 2003 Songkran Wun Lai (19th) on Second road near the Tony gym intersection. My car in the foreground broke down so we bought a bottle of vodka and got soaked and smashed.
  13. @Issanman great photos the couple of foreigners in the first one don't look too happy.... got any more to share ?
  14. My definition of woke would be political correctness gone mad on gender bending drugs combined with anti "white" racism and a huge splash of hypocrisy. Definitions can change, remember gay used to mean happy.
  15. Another step along the path to a total surveillance totalitarian state... "for your safety" of course.
  16. This is the number one issue for me and what stops me updating as I have my few addons TVheadend,backend and IPTV simple setup just right and working nicely for a couple of years..only problems being with sdcard corruption on the Raspberry Pi that runs Kodi ( I still prefer calling it XBMC)
  17. Period correctness over political correctness gets my vote.
  18. I find people who re write history with "diverse casting" to be wokeist. I have no (not much) problem with modern characters being diverse except that it often goes over the top...bit like the Google gemini AI woke debacle.
  19. In this case it's the wokeist's changing history to fit their woke agenda but in other cases "they" are The Hierarchy Enslaving You.
  20. If you are up for a bit of a challenge you can D.I.Y ...steep learning curve though.
  21. Well I didn't see that in the video (can you give a timestamp) but the cop messed up then.
  22. Normally they will take the keys and you have to show a receipt to get keys back..maybe this joker had a spare set of keys ?
  23. That does sometimes work bit risky though as sometimes they have other cops waiting a bit further along and in rare cases they will give chase. They also have spotters before the checkpoint looking for those without helmet or wearing seatbelts. Still its a hell of a lot better than the Orwellian total surveillance 24/7 spy cameras that "western" countries use to subjugate their populations.
  24. No shirt on whilst driving a motorbike and no IDP to show the cops, was he wearing his helmet when they pulled him over ? doesn't pay and then says he can work and they don't say anything Jesus then goes onto to say he has been drinking smoking weed and taking pills whist driving !!!!! FFS !!!
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