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Everything posted by johng

  1. Anyone noticed that so called liberals are suddenly in favour of no freedom of speech,censorship,cancel culture done a complete 180 on "my body my choice" and now fully support the deep state (CIA,FBI,NSA etc etc) intruding into every aspect of their life ?
  2. For me it's ok for everyone to decide for themselves if they want to use a service controlled by the CCP or one controlled by the CIA/NSA I would prefere to use services with no conection to any government agencies but often its very hard to avoid them...
  3. Yes it's horrible but this push to ban it is IMHO more to do with censorship/control than protection of kids...which is ultimately upto the parents...unless by kids they mean everyone and the government is the parent which seems a bit north Korean-ish.
  4. Nope because those are already fully cooperating with the 3 letter agencies...but they would still love a digital ID..just to make sure.
  5. All part of the push for an online digital ID under the same guise of "for your protection" and or to "protect the children"...they have of course wanted this for a long time the end of online anonymity. The ultimate censorship lovers dream. Resist these draconian/dystopian edicts in every way possible.
  6. Of course they have no say in who joins NATO as they are not members they can express disapproval of continuing NATO expansion toward their border.
  7. NATO was formed after an attack by Germany not Russia.
  8. Continued east ward expansion of NATO, they have clearly said that NATO on the immediate Russian border is a red line...remember the Cuban missile crisis ?
  9. Nope the provocation started shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall/Soviet union collapse with NATO expansion culminating in the war in Ukraine...which BTW Russia has won.
  10. Because they where provoked...by the equally autocratic "terrorist" US/Euro/NATO
  11. If NATO/Euro/US keeps up the provocation they may use them and thus WWIII ?
  12. There was no "attack" on the Capital there was a "mostly peaceful" with no fires or looting protest that got a bit out of hand after police used tear gass and at the same time the police escorted some of the protesters around the building. The only person killed on that day was a protester shot by police. Trump said protest peacefully but his tweet and account where removed.
  13. ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile....I swapped M and B and thus am a troll ?
  14. That light is the Russian ICMB train steaming straight towards you !
  15. Perhaps it was a gentleman's agreement between Gorbachev and Reagan ???
  16. Yes NATO continues to expand towards Russia's borders..I wonder when Ukraine will be excepted into the club ?
  17. It seems there is always enough money for war..but never enough for peace. The headline does say "suspected" but I would not be surprised if the Russians are jamming or interfering with GPS signals as part of their war effort...I remember during the Gulf wars that the Americans reduced the accuracy of their civilian GPS signals in the area of conflict. Naturally Uncle Sam kept his less than 1 meter accurate signal to help bomb the Iraq's to oblivion.
  18. A patriotic win would see that money being spent on improving Americans life's not on proxy wars in foreign countries.
  19. Yes it is at least partly Europe/US /NATO's fault they promised after the fall of the Berlin wall not to expand NATO further east towards the Russian border. They incited/encouraged the 2014 Maidan coup that ultimately lead up to the war ongoing today. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/30/russia-ukraine-war-kiev-conflict
  20. front page of The Times today the i newspaper Daily Mail
  21. Can you remember who saved Europe from the "Nazis" ?
  22. Don't even need to answer the call just know the number Pegasus spyware https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/18/what-is-pegasus-spyware-and-how-does-it-hack-phones
  23. Maybe the truck driver thought you wanted to race....where you perhaps in the right hand lane (fast lane) they (idiots) tend not to like bikes being in "their" fast lane.
  24. It will fix it's self after after us humans are extinct..just make sure Trump and Putin are blamed for that too...errr hold on a sec.
  25. johng


    Yeah like he also blew up his own gas pipeline...that maniac
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