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Everything posted by johng

  1. In many cases I think your correct in other cases they are in "only following orders" mode in other cases it the "pay peanuts get monkeys" problem and in a large percentage of cases i'd suspect all 3 cases combined producing the almost unbelievable daily events we read and witness.
  2. You just proved the point that there is much more than just one thing you can't talk about in Thailand and most other places..."free speech" is rapidly fading into oblivion..accused of all the ism's, hate speak mis,dis and mall information, (Putin) propaganda !!
  3. Well you are entitled to your opinion...I think it was a slightly tongue in cheek post revealing some truths.
  4. Yes I suspect they hate trees...in particular the leaf litter..I notice they tend to sweep up leafs but leave the dust,dirt,sand etc for extra motorcycle mayhem excitement.
  5. Safety first....but don't forget to wear at all times the strongest amulet you can afford + full body tattoos for belt and braces safety approach
  6. Yeah well duh !!! I expect to see a plethora of news stories from miraculous near death escapees espousing the miracle amulets so as not to damage their reputation.
  7. It will be easier once they insert the microchip in your hand and or use facial recognition...no need to carry anything around just instant deductions from the bank account....ahh utopia ?
  8. Cash rules in all countries and long may it continue....resist digital "money" CBDC's and digital ID's for as long as possible as they lead to the panopticon.
  9. He probably thought that as he is a VIP the rules are for thee and not for me as demonstrated during the Covidiocy.
  10. And predictably he will act all surprised and outraged if/when Russia targets British-supplied weapons whilst they are still in Britain.
  11. Yes human beings are the carbon that "they" want to reduce the most.
  12. Don't worry the WEF,IMF,WHO etc have a very cunning plan "agenda 2030" You will own nothing and be happy (eating ze bugs)
  13. The Americans (government) really do think they are the supreme rulers of the world and that everyone must follow their rules (which they hypocritically don't even follow themself) and if the rules are not followed then punishment is forth coming with illegal military and economic sanctions administered from their almost 800 military bases around the world thankfully some countries are pushing back BRICS and "the global south" seem to increasingly be saying enough is enough
  14. Its very pertinent as many in this topic are suggesting that to support Ukraine is to support "freedom and democracy" the US state department report suggests that Ukraine is still a corrupt,undemocratic un-free country committing many if not all the "crimes" it accuses Russia of. IMHO the support does not help Ukraine at all it helps the "military industrial complex" to carry on its never ending war killing and maiming thousands of people Ukrainian and Russian alike, whilst at the same time attempting to destabilize Russia and cause "regime change" which has always worked out so well in the past ! The illegal sanctions on Russian overseas assets has not worked Just pushed them to accelerate setting up of alternative banking and currency deals with BRICS the global south and closer ties to China,the sabotage of the Nord stream gas pipeline hurt Germany/Europe much more than it hurt Russia (no Putin did not blow it up) Russia has now said it will seize JP Morgan assets though they are tiny compared to the Russian US and European assets that they want to seize and send to "the most corrupt country in Europe". And no I am not a Putin Puppet spouting Kremlin propaganda just telling it as I see it. P.S did "we" ever find Sadam Huseín's weapons of mass destruction ??? IE: you shouldn't believe everything that "Uncle Sam" and his acolytes tell you.
  15. https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/ukraine/ 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Ukraine Swathes of paragraphs about how bad Russia is (the report is supposed to be about Ukraine) And then There were also significant human rights issues involving Ukrainian government officials, although not comparable to the scope of Russia’s abuses, which included credible reports of: enforced disappearance; torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; restrictions on freedom of expression, including for members of the media, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, and censorship; serious restrictions on internet freedom; substantial interference with the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association; restrictions on freedom of movement; serious government corruption; extensive gender-based violence; systematic restrictions on workers’ freedom of association; and the existence of the worst forms of child labor. Some of these human rights issues stemmed from martial law, which continued to curtail democratic freedoms, including freedom of movement, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceful assembly, and legal protections. The government often did not take adequate steps to identify and punish officials who may have committed abuses.
  16. Rubbish and I'm not a usual suspect whatever that means, however I won't take your troll bait and (try to) insult you in return.
  17. Of course it is..except when the "special" people are doing it then it's "self defense" 🤢
  18. Yep gone for a long time now, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Amorn store goes soon. Sorry I don't know of a place that repairs power tools all the places I knew about have disappeared.
  19. Amorn in the basement of Tuckcom hasn't had a repair center for a long time now.
  20. Probably all would be tourists to the southern part would either change their minds or "hang out" at the Bpoo Ben and Loong Sawai restaurants till dusk. I'm pretty sure the non planting of any sort of shade trees on the expanded beach is a deliberate "cunning plan" Baldrick would be proud of.
  21. shake hands with imaginary friend then exit stage to the left...do not trip over sand bag.
  22. Get your aircon cleaned..set it to 27 degrees not 16...wear less clothing, have more showers.
  23. johng


    Hardwarehouse Na-Jomtien/ Bahn Amphur has a selection of fans and almost everything else...ever invented
  24. It is a war started in 2014 egged on and instigated by US /NATO meddling and provocation "Ukraine" had little choice but comply.
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