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Everything posted by sanuk711

  1. I got the same unblocktheplanet... (do people have to have 16 letter names) Mine is not complete deafness-- about 60-70% I htought it was water , as they syringed some out. Got treated with Antibiotics..(yer Issan, everything is cured with Antibiotics up here) what is the steroid treatment. Brain Tumor--wow hadn't even considered that one---can that be cured with Antibiotics...............
  2. 150,000 baht a month---Wow Why didn't he just give the Thai landlord his Gold necklace as security............
  3. If you are an EPL fan........ All Or Nothing -Arsenal --- part 1 of 3 part series to be shown UK TV tonight--but EZTV have all 3 parts now.
  4. Thanks for that Will27--- Alcatraz in a field ... ????.............I always thought The Isle of Wight had that--"Alcatraz"--tag. Combining 3 prisons with 1,700 inmates on the island. Although most of those in there are of the Train/bank Robber types--- Wakefield is certainly the biggest Nonce Prison in the UK holding 600 pedophiles/Sex offenders/ and nutty Serial murders. In general, in would be difficult to find a decent honest Thief amongst them. Even the Buses carrying visitors used to have blacked out windows.--So I guess it does get the "Most Evil" Tag. Anyway thanks for the download--I missed it......
  5. I just read Michael Connelly latest Lincoln lawyer book---Law of Innocence.. And The Ghost (Robert Harris)...I thought both quite readable---- .both in Kindle...anyone want PM me
  6. I meet a woman Guy in ThaiFriendly..............................
  7. Thanks for that Will27---for anyone hunting the ref (name) is just --- Son Of Fils de, la série =French== Son of the series https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14521376/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  8. All, Fruits of Sin Suan Tua, are usually classed as Sin Somros---remember that before you sell your condo which may have doubled in price while you have been married, or clap you hands at the great return you have had from the your shares over the years..
  9. I'd rather not dwell on the details, just tell the paramedics I've become 'entangled' in a domestic appliance
  10. Removed---Already posted--------beaten to it again...........
  11. OK --I know now, but when I asked the cryptic answer I got back was just......Pic Apparently, It was big in the 90s according to Wiki-- .
  12. For the first time ever--I had to write an ask the poster on a joke site---"whats the punch line to that joke" ---they told me (sort of) but is it that apparent to everyone else but me.....now its got me worried..... .
  13. Yer they did--they were recommended to look on Kayak, I had heard about the site on US TV adverts but had not used the it before but, it really undercut all the other sites (Agoda/Booking.com etc ) as it lists their price along with Kayaks -- they picked a hotel close to the Mekong and Kayak just said the cheapest price on the market is the hotel--phone them direct. With Lao's they said it still had not open completely--the main shopping center (3 levels) still had 2 floors closed-- you can get the high speed train now to Luang Prabang or China. ...disappointing--but they brought back a lot of good red wine--Cheap...
  14. Did I miss it---or has no one mentioned what the Check-Bin was ? I know in places like patpong -BKK--you were ripped off, strong armed into paying a lot-- I dont know if that was the situation here or not.
  15. https://aseannow.com/topic/1245104-what-movies-or-tv-shows-are-you-watching-2022/page/84/ Who Stole Tamara Ecclestone’s Diamonds? - Only just got round to watching it--getting further behind, & football starts tonight.....it wasn't just Ecclestone’s house they hit--stopped off At Frank Lampards for a quick million, then on to Thai magnate Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha--- King Power- after he died in England they turned his house in London into sort of mausoleum, apparently nothing was to be touched. including the half million Euros that sat there. So a great night----then the police chase was on-----worth a watch I thought
  16. Yer --sorry Hammer-I should have made that clearer------ City on a hill --- season 3 ep 1 out early
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