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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Has anyone had..(or know someone ) that has had this? I see that there are several clinics in BKK advertising it, & there is a Mayo Clinic there also, (the group that seem more advanced in this than most others) 


    I spoke to someone on another forum who knew someone who had successful treatment in  New Zealand.

    But not a lot of info out there...or at least info that I can understand.

    This YouTube with Mel Gibson (with someone from the Mayo Clenic) talking about his fathers treatment  was quite interesting.


  2. 1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

    The fact that you think people can spear reef fish using spearguns

    No where in any of my posts do I mention the use of a spear gun Old Croc...do you remember this line from my post----?


    - but 2 things led me to think they just speared them with their home made harpoons from the boat

      Because someone may have agreed (ticked) my post on just this subject, doesn't make them a life long friend who is conspiring to get you. Please dont be silly about these things. This is just a forum where we put our views--if we all agreed there wouldn't be a need for it.


    If you do not want to accept my apology for getting 1 letter wrong in your name in the original thread...so be it. I am not going to add to the thread any more--so you get the last word----


    ** But in a few weeks or so --the full story (of how they fished) is bound to unravel...so if I am wrong & all these pensioners donned wet suits & weight belts and dived overboard I will come back & apologise on this thread---( so if I miss it OC ...because I dont come on here so often--please PM me)


    PS I am in my 70s O.C so saying watch your blood pressure , is something I say to a lot of acquaintances

  3. 14 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    When you don't know what you're talking about it's usually a good idea to keep quiet.

    These guys were diving or snorkeling (see the pic of the weight belts), and I'm fairly sure not one of them had a peg leg or the name Capt Ahab, nor were they harpooning from the bow of the longtail!

    When you've spent as much of your life boating, fishing, diving and spearfishing as me you could then try the little lecture.

    Incidentally, in nearly 13 years on this forum you are the 738th wit to spell my nik that way in a pathetic attempt to insult. 

    Really Old Croc....what is that all about ?


    For you to have this much aggression over a silly fishing thing.

    Would you just look at the first line I wrote--" I dont think they were diving ".....No ones attacking you, just giving an opinion . Why not try to address people as you would if you were just sitting across from them. I can concede that I could be well wrong about all those Old age pensioners stripping off and diving--but 2 things led me to think they just speared them with their home made harpoons from the boat. 1/ * Police were alerted that the tourists were seen harpooning fish* Its possible that they saw them under the water or coming up. 2/ The Long tail boat they chartered is not the best type of boat to be climbing in and out of--But its possible they managed that.. They had pics of them on Channel 3,  not carrying any wet suite or weights...But its possible they were left in the boat.

    All in all AC.... I am happy to concede that its quite possible I'm completely wrong


    Oh *BTW...congratulations on you 13 years on the forum, about your name--I looked and then typed it wrong--Honestly it really is what happened... could it be that "Just" some of the other 738 people may have done the some thing ?

    Watch the blood pressure mate , enjoy life in Thailand---all this is just small potatoes in the long run.


    My parents spanked me as a child. I now suffer from a psychological condition known as ... "Respect for others"


  4. 4 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    kudos to these miscreants who are still able to dive/snorkel at an age

    I dont think they were diving Old Crock--They were "Harpooning fish",

    (-Harpooning-A barbed spear attached to a rope and thrown or fired from a gun,) If they had been diving, I wouldn't think they could have been reported by --whoever, & these harpoons were DIY ones.

    Although the boat they were in was chartered , so they dont say it came with an operator ..but they usually do in which case he should certainly shoulder some of the blame.



  5. 5 hours ago, The Oracle said:

    What?  Now she's an ex-  sex worker?

    Look at the first word of the post T.O....."Possibly" .. I haven't lived here to long, February will be just 19 years but I have learnt--(the hard way)-- never to rule out anything....Maybe (Possibly) she is just  an over reactor (drama queen) ask your self.. would you be horrified to just walk through a gay area or pop into a gay bar...because everyone around may say your gay,   silly statement isn't it....Pattaya is the biggest beach resort for Bangkokian's, many years ago I used to rent a condo that sat three quarters empty, until every long week-end came around...then full of mothers /wives/daughters.....who did not seem to think they would be mistaken for sex workers---


    People in relationships always assume they know someone--but to quote Levin--: "You don't know me. You know one me, just like I know one you"

  6. 7 hours ago, The Oracle said:

    You seem to know her so well.
    Maybe you can tell me why this university-educated, multi-lingual translator doesn't like being looked at as a sex worker.

    Possibly..because she was, before you were on the scene----but has now left it behind, so good on her......:wub:


    *BTW nearly every bar girl is a multi lingual--ones I knew from soi 3 BKK could even speak and read Farsi

  7. Silent witness season 21 aired last night, usually good acting......


    Who Dares wins...Season 3....started Monday... SAS team take a group of 20 or so fit guys and put them through the course, usually end up with just 1 or 2 left.


    Panorama: last night---"Millionaire Bankrupts Exposed"  Panorama team  go undercover to find  to everyone's surprise that the Millionaire bankrupts actually are not living out of a suitcase and surviving on weetbix  ....but it seems have lots of money stashed away.



  8. On 1/5/2018 at 7:56 PM, JHolmesJr said:

    mcmafia off to a good start...thanks will27...stremed like a champ on player.

    They are dumping episodes of McMafia & Hard Sun at the moment--hard sun has up Episode 9 on the Webb...I saw McMafia 2 & 3 around...there maybe more..have not looked. Falling water Season 2 has started and I haven't even seen season one............so much to watch....so little time.





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  9. When Siam legal had a blog here, I am sure they stated that you can not have a contract between Husband and wife. This may have changed or maybe I have it incorrectly.

    One thing is important -- and often overlooked --Wife having a Will. As unlike the west it doesn't automatically go to the husband.



    If there is no Thai will, the intestate's assets must be distributed in accordance with the classes of relations as stipulated in the CCC Section 1629 which are, in order of priority:






        brothers and sisters of full blood;


        brothers and sisters of half blood;


        grandfathers and grandmothers;


        uncles and aunts.


    Siam Legal

    Descendants being the children--means you are number 7 in line for your property should your lady have a motor bike accident--I am sure her parents are nice people but maybe the Uncles/Aunts "Brothers" may not be so accommodating.


    I have posted Siam Legal Webb site a few times here----I am not recommending them--I have never dealt with them. Their webb site However may be able to answer some of your questions.



    ** Do you have a smart phone ? you know the translate App now changes all Thai sand script to English..its free...Just turn it on and hover over any Sentence/Paragraph  to change, I even do it with Menus --street names etc



  10. What name did she put on the Birth certificate FruitPud ?


    There used to be a law firm that answered questions for T.V Readers, it was great but they moved on, Their webb site mentions "Can I legitimize my child" questions, maybe you can just pop into one of their offices and get a form--


    ** This is not a recommendation---I have never used them



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