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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Wow..reminds one of that old joke...A drunk guy is showing some friends around his brand new apartment. In his Bed room a big brass gong sits next to the bed. What's that gong for?  the friend asks him. It's not  a gong,  the drunk replies. It's a talking clock.--Really?, How does it work? The drunk picks up a hammer, and gives the gong an ear-shattering pound, and steps back. Suddenly, someone on the other side of the apartment wall screams,

    " YOU STUPID <deleted>!!..it's 3:30 in the bloody morning!"

  2. Just now, Orton Rd said:

    Built by Ital Thai with German (Siemens) technology.

    I know that Orton---just as the High Speed rail will be built by the most experienced country in the world----a country that has built over 44,000 klms of it.


    That doesn't stop the posters tipping rubbish on the  Thais about it----and it didn't stop them when they were building all the other projects.

  3. 16 minutes ago, aright said:

    Can I repeat. If the republic want to guarantee their future they need to leave the EU, become part of the UK and join the greatest adventure opportunity since  Christ was a carpenter.    

    "since  Christ was a carpenter". ---And he could possibly get a start at McAlpines


    I would like to see the Brexit go through aright.... but to be realistic, Ireland are not about to do that. They are more tied up with the EU than Britain..... so how do you stop the flow of goods/people/anything -when you have it written (in Blood) "The Good Friday agreement"  there will never again be a border separating Ireland, the first step to reunification. And the only people that do not want that is the people (DUP) that keep this current government afloat .

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, momochan said:

    Thanks. But it doesn't sound like the kind of service I need. I'm hoping for a more professional approach that could provide me with photos and videos if possible.

    That's exactly what my friend said......after the guy had given him all the details of the conversation with his girl...details which only he could know was true......it was always, "but I need more proof".

  5. Yes basically  because the BTS is so popular...... You know the BTS, the one the embittered farang posters always told us that couldn't be built by Thais,

    Then they told us no Thais  would use...........

    It confects up with the underground service....

    You Know the one underground rail, that Farang posters told us couldn't be built by Thais..

    And of course no one would use

    ...Well that now it goes out to one of Asia Busiest Airports

    You know the Airport the one Farang...etc....etc....etc.....


    Anyway hold this space.....

    while the farangs tell us about the new High speed Rail link

    You Know the one that Thais could never build.....etc etc


    Torment pessimists by topping up their glass while their backs are turned...

  6. There is a guy in Pattaya---(will probably work BKK as well) He has quite a good reputation, (I think S/African) he mainly uses Thai girls...wander into the toilet where the mark is, to do their make up and moan about a farang boyfriend being mean..... 3 other girls will immediately tell her their life story...how they have got this one fooled...or how their much better off than you they are.. etc.

    I had a friend use him.....oh must be 14 years ago, he came back with an address she stays at when he isn't here....Not hers, friend wanted more proof , got a photo of her walking along hand in hand..(not so easy before Mobiles cams)   my friend wanted more proof....to which the guy said...Look you really dont want to know do you.

    He married her...still together....(maybe all 3 of them.....:wub:)

  7. Acceptable Risk is a 6 part thriller from Irish TV... its one of the better ones to come out lately.

    Netflicks just dropped a whole season of "Longmire"  Season 6..which is in the usual places.

    There is some good UK true crime out at the moment--"Swipe Right For Murder" is one covers a Muslin dating site--girl from Cardiff--meets man from N.York.....Surprisingly enough he was possessive  when she wants to  move on.


    Never Never -- in the UK is what is now known has HP... Because you Never never paid it off..the catalogue companies and their pushy agents (that collected every week--jobs were to make sure of that--set in a bleak Council estate --its a re-release of an award winning  2000 TV drama --2 part

      Award-winning writer, Tony Marchant, created this riveting two-part television drama about the harsh and everyday realities of debt on an ordinary housing estate in Britain.


    re-release BBC put a 26 part called "Infamous Assassinations" a study of attempted and successful Assassination...of just about everyone...from Gandhi-to Mountbatten


    The last and final episode of George Gently ....(some time back)  



  8. 1 minute ago, Peterw42 said:

    Depending on the state I think your current license sits in limbo if not paid, you dont loose it. I returned to NSW after living interstate for 10 years, photo and payment and got license back, even the same license number.

    That must have changed somewhat---because you can not convert a Kiwi into an Oz without sitting the questions...(not the driving test)

    If they just accept a Thai Licence for change then the OP has no problems letting it lapse.  From Qld...but I thought the laws were now uniformed on this

  9. Why tell them you are overseas when you want to renew on line...do you not have a friend in Oz for use of address...? I am also coming up to decision time as I am in the 70s... and soon will require health certificate to renew. I dont want to lose my Oz license but last time I went over  I was nearly 1 year out of date--so I got an international from Thailand....when I got there surprise to fined, you can be right up over 1 year before you lose it .

    One thing is for sure...after living/driving  here 20 years---I would never be able to pass the Oz test again.............:goof:

    Collect enough tickets when I just do a visit....

  10. Its a nothing for people who live here, but if you have saved up for a weeks holiday and you hit one of those Friday -Monday Holiday which they seem to want to interoperate the week-end into it also.

    Then its a lump out of partying (paying) for your average tourist.


    I haven't taken much notice, do they close this much in the other Budapest countries ? Lao/Cambodia etc

  11. 6 minutes ago, pumpjack said:

    wasn't that meant to kick off like 3 years ago ?

    Yes...unlike the British one --which is a whole 125 miles long--and is now 23 years behind....and still talking about it.....or the American one that is.....oh that's right..they dont even have one planed, 

    The great American Rail system which USA is now rated  21st out of 22 in the world, beating (Just) Denmark that is so small it doesn't really need a H/S train system but has 5 Klm of high speed rail, against the mighty 44 Klm of high speed that the USA has though out the country.


    So while we are laughing about the Thai effort---which one are you from guys?

    The one that is still talking about the 125 mile London to Birmingham rail link for the last 23 years..(still not a sod of earth turn on it yet.)

    Or the One that is 21st out of 22 countries, with its 44 Klm of high speed rail.

  12. I am not that Comp savvy elfpattaya but there should have been a choice when you downloaded CCleaner. Anyway I was introduced to Zemana (which cost me nothing) I had that Yahoo virus that takes over your search engine---always sending it to Yahoo instead of my choice. CCleaner would remove it but only until the comp rebooted, seemed to still be in the background. They (the experts) recommended CCleaner along with Zemana...it worked very well ...and has done for any other mail-wear problem.


    Zemana AntiMalware is a free second opinion malware scanner designed to rescue your computer from malware that have infected your computer despite all the security measures you have taken.



  13. 16 minutes ago, Justified said:

    And it is a fantastic train system

    And who built that fantastic system--??

    It is a fantastic system because the people who built it knew what they were doing.


    The China Railway Construction Corporation and China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation won the bid in 2005 to build the railway line--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed_rail_in_Turkey



  14. 40 minutes ago, SABloke said:

    The land department came first

    Thanks for the link SABloke...that's interesting....actually its amazing..--amazing that you can run a poll on how much bribe money is paid year by year....I have only had to go to the land office 3 times in the 20 years I have been here--& yes paid a small amount to queue jump....instead of waiting the 7 hours in the non air con Place. I wonder what the huge bribes are for.


    Still its good to see that the Thai police are on the job & will  investigate the land office.... 2nd most corrupt is to investigate 1st.........:omfg:

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