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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. The age of consent in Italy is 13......if the partner is under 18....and consent is 14 for all other ages. Like Thailand it has a rider in the law, Italy --pay for sex and she has to be 18....dont pay for it...14....

    The age of consent in Italy is 14 years, with a close-in-age exception that allows those aged 13 and older to engage in sexual activity with partners who are under the age of 18,---Wikipedia

  2. 104 years ago today, suffragette Emily Davison died after throwing herself in front of king's horse. History remembers her as being influential in giving women the right to vote.


    What history doesn't remember is her husband, who didn't get his tea that night............

  3. "You can't park there it's a disabled space" shouted the parking attendant.

    "Sorry but there are eleven empty spaces, it's not as if eleven disabled people are going to turn up at once", I replied.


    At which point the west ham team bus turned up to disprove my theory

  4. 2 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

    Pattaya manages to get going earlier- what is so special about Phuket?

    Honestly Psimbo..when I lived there for 8 years Pattaya had always seemed to be a law unto itself, major (non drinking ) holidays would see lines of people at the bars with a large coffee mug ---filled with anything but coffee.


    I didn't exactly mean Phuket as an exemption.....most flights seem to land in BKK at night, by the time the tourist get to their hotel and get changed---everything is closing....its mad.

    Open hours drinking----gosh they even have it in the small village I lived in the UK last I was there.

  5. 21 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Let them open from noon to midnight. Is 12 hours long enough?

    No..................come on guys this is an international destination, not an old folks convention. I am 70 and I think its crazy to stop the party at 12 pm.

    When I first migrated to New Zealand  (in the 60s) yes nearly half a century ago...closing time was 6pm.....everywhere there was a sneaky drinking place....and everywhere was paying the police.

  6. 5 minutes ago, binjalin said:

    Horrible, horrible how Thailand is turning into a 'mini'North Korea'

    Possible you mean South Korea--- most people on here don't even bother to Google who has what laws -


    South Korea --Yes not North--Anyone caught leaving anonymous comments on a blog with more than 100,000 readers will see a five-year prison term. If that’s not enough, you can receive a maximum of three years for libel, even if you can prove a statement is true.

  7. On 11/22/2017 at 8:21 PM, The Deerhunter said:

    Some of us love it here but whinging is an important cerebral sport for those of us who do not like Dominos (except the pizza) Scrabble or playing cards.   555.

    If it was the banter that you get with different things ---I wouldn't  have any problems Deerhunter I am a football nut & a Brit/Oz...so of course I want them to do well--usually they don't, so the good nature banter comes in  -

    "What do you call an Englishman in the knockout stages of the World Cup? A referee".-----We all want them to do well--usually they don't-

    This is not the case with most of the negative posters on here---they seem genuinely upset that Thailand is improving its living standards/infrastructure/& appeal to the rest of the world as a desirable destination . Every tourist figure that comes out is a conspiracy / yet not one link in all the years that I have been reading this stuff, to counter it.

    If there is a family dispute and the man kills the woman---then its Thainess/or "only in Thailand" yer someone killing his wife--- it never happens in the west.

    Lots of things I am not happy with here----more things that I was unhappy with in the west--hence that's why I am here.



    Wow ...its been that long I had nearly forgotten about him.....


    14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    capital Sarajevo, in which more than 11,000 civilians were killed by shelling and sniper fire over 43 months.

    As the leader it seems he is responsible for all actions during that war....


    Mean while as the Emperor of Japan passes peacefully away surrounded by his love ones who will put on a mass funeral party for him....


    Some historians and governments hold Japanese military forces, namely the Imperial Japanese Army, the Imperial Japanese Navy, and the Imperial Japanese family, especially under Emperor Hirohito, responsible for the deaths of millions, some estimate between 3 and 14 million civilians and prisoners of war through massacre, human experimentation, starvation, and forced labor that was either directly perpetrated or condoned by the Japanese military and government. Some Japanese soldiers have admitted to committing these crimes.


    Please do not mistake this post as any sort of apology for the crimes of Ratko Mladic  The man is a dog.


    Just pointing out......Politics....its a funny thing ain't it ...........:omfg:


  9. 1 hour ago, hansnl said:

    I am afraid you have no idea, at all, what it means if your identity is taken away from you, don't you.

    Assumptions....they do abound on this site don't they?

    As a Family yes twice...wife adult daughter once New Zealand then  Australia.


    1 hour ago, hansnl said:

    Flogging, yes identity stealers should be flogged, put in prison for a very long time and all the assets should be confiscated and given to the victim

    May I return an assumption that you have neither been flogged or thrown into a Thai prison--to make statements so silly.


    The real culprit in this story walks away (rich) and free " No charges against the district clerk involved".....does anyone think it was the first time he had done this..........or is that an assumption on my part.?



  10. On 11/10/2017 at 3:53 PM, webfact said:

    Thus far, there is no sign of a change of heart on Brexit in opinion polls

    You Know I really do get a feeling that if they ran the poll again--Leaving would have an even larger majority. I think that the way the EU has acted to wards what they say is a friend that just wants to leave the party...is starting to get up the Brits nose ..Just a little

  11. 14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Chaiwat said police couldn’t proceed with legal action against a district clerk involved in Siripat’s alleged identity theft as the statute of limitations on this offence had expired.

    "as the statute of limitations on this offence had expired."

    That's interesting I didn't Know that they had a sunset clause in affect in Thailand law --Anyone know where you can look up what offenses expire after what dates etc.....


    I am asking for a friend......:wub:

  12. On 11/21/2017 at 10:06 AM, bert bloggs said:

    where did you find never never,? looked but cant find it ,looks interesting


    If you are into UK---Irish Scots etc  TV...then TVchaosUK is the one that covers them all the best---IMO, not only things that are popular, but  everything that was on the night before including news weather---even all the Welsh/Irish/Scots TV. There are some gems....especially on the Irish TV. Acceptable Risk  came out some time ago made for Irish TV, but is only picked up by the usual places when it becomes popular---BBC have to buy it....and so often don't. It has a large audience from Thailand (mainly Pattaya) on there. That's where Never-Never comes from bertB  It also recycles anything that was popular a few years back,  if you missed it--I am watching "Lenny Blue" --Ray Winston, a  few years old..but great & I missed it first time  Its a closed site--Meaning you have to join....but write to them they will let you join.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, rufanuf said:

    If you want to know the truth about review websites just type "trip advisor warnings" Into Google Its a real eye opener.

    Thanks for that tip rufanuf......although I have never booked through them, I do  sometimes use them (and some others) for reviews on hotels etc if I don't know the destination.

  14. 19 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    Not really. That is Airport Rail Link, owned by SRTET (State Railway of Thailand Electric Trains) which is completely different company from Bangkok Transport System that operates BTS Skytrain

    Amazing tomazbodner Thanks for such a strong response.......maybe you would like to try to rearrange these words....... STRAWS--AT--GRASPING ------

  15. 15 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    You mean the system the Thais built that was not designed to cope with demand from a city of over eight million, and is overcrowded all day long


    I think you must know that statement is incorrect BBarry...the BTS is fine to use in normal times during the day---rush hour its packed with all the Thais that People of your outlook said would not use it.


    But I am sure London/New York/Paris/Tokyo  etc have no problem what so ever with crowding during rush hour --yes I just don't know why the Thais can not fix this for you like they have in those places. .......but I am sure you can work it out...it must be because they are 1/stupid 2/backward....oh yer..I know its because of 3/Thainess....

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