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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 4 hours ago, saminoz said:

    This is a Thai forum for Thai stories.  If you honestly think that this is the norm in the UK, or even the USA, then you're on drugs, cloud cuckoo land

    Now there's a man with anger issues on a nice Boxing day.....


    You do not seem to mind when Thailand is compared "Badly"---and "wrongly" with western countries , but if someone points out that this is incorrect---then this is Thailand thread only...

    Am I off my mind thinking this is the norm in the USA---no , only if Wikipedia is off their mind printing the figures--per population 4.58 murdered in USA - 3,5 in Thailand.

    The crime committed was cowardly and despicable...but its not the first time anyone has read about it happening before in their own country.

    However instead of the criminal getting the Blame---the whole country/people/ couture  gets the blame.

    It only took to the 4th post---"Thailand the land of shootings" --- if you asked people around the world--where is the land of shootings.... I guess most would all say Thailand..huh

    As long as people wrongly write that...then I will respond, if its not to your liking saminoz , then there is a little button you press so not to see my posts-- this might also help you not get to angry.


    Thailand, Land of Shootings.--#4

    Insane, unstable Thai males..#7

    Sad, too much anger on all the population here-#10

  2. ......Must try this prediction stuff....

    In the new year you.....


    Will meet a girl with long black Hair.....

    Wont be happy with some Bar bills.......

    May have to make a decision whether to let the Buffalo die or not.....

    Suffer some suspicions, when your back home-- about "Is she really back in the village planting Rice"....


    Anyway---Do be careful on the roads this week---some guys get so drunk they let their wives drive........:omfg:




  3. 1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

    How could anything go wrong?

    I dont know Srikcir.....is it going wrong in China...who are by far the biggest and most advance country in the world for this transport, it  reaches 29 of the country's 33 provincial-level administrative divisions and exceeds 22,000 km (14,000 mi) in total length, accounting for about two-thirds of the world's high-speed rail tracks in commercial service.

    --are we picking up the paper and seeing rail crashes. Trains running off the tracks....Oh no sorry that's America isn't it.


    Anything Thailand does is usually subject to the Can't do it mob....there just not clever like us folks.....So hope your still around when they finish it, because the last lot of can't be done mob..re the  Sky train/Underground train system, Airport ..etc......all seem to disappear when these projects were up and running.

     If you feel sitting on your bar stall that you have found some sort of fault in their engineering system that they have built in other countries around the world as well as in their own, write to them. I am sure they will enjoy pinning your thoughts up on the board............:omfg:

  4. Samsung reveals bizarre 'unspoil me' hypnotherapy site it claims can make you forget TV shows so you can watch them again-

    Samsung has unveiled a bizarre new hypnosis experience that it claims will help you forget your favourite TV series – so you can re-watch it as though it ‘were the first time..

    Before beginning, interested participants must indicate that they are over the age of 18 and are ‘mentally healthy,("That lets most T.V. readers off the hook') in addition to approving the terms and conditions.

    The video begins by asking the listener to think of the show they’d like to forget.

    Then, it walks you through 23 minutes of hypnotherapy.


    It seems to work-- I viewed it before I went to Tesco to get the weekly stuff & couldn't remember a F^@ing thing I needed

    .....But you try it





    • Haha 1
  5. Blitz: The Bombs That Changed Britain


    During the Blitz over 450,000 bombs dropped on Britain and every bomb has its own story. This series examines the specific effect of four bombs, from their initial impact on individual lives right through to their wider consequences for the Second World War and all the way to the present day.


    BBC Doco its 4 parts last part out today--


  6. 1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

    Where are the stats for USA, Russia South America,Spain, Italy. If you're going to blurt stats about other countries for comparison then do it properly then post it on an appropriate forum. We are discussing Thailand here.

    He was probably picking up on the fact that most of the Whining comes from the UK ex-pats...............Come on TKD.....where you from.......:wub:

  7. On 12/9/2017 at 10:20 AM, rooster59 said:

    The two compounds are separated by barbed wire topped fences and male prisoners can only enter the female areas under supervision to carry out things like changing light bulbs

    Q/ How many high security prisoners does it take to change a light bulb....


    .......one to fake the orgasms..... one to find the G-spot...one to ask "Is it in yet"?....etc  ....etc

  8. Quote

    At the moment under DOS attack so closed the Webb site--but can reach it through its F/B page all this week-end they will take on new members---- if you are into UK TV..... this has everything, even down to last nights Welsh news--+-- it has re-runs all the older programs --Plus it has all the BBC Radio programs...(if anyone listens to that format now)


    Guys I have just the 1 invite to that site--(UK TV) if you want, have to give away as when they issue them its just a 7 day thing-- if anyone wants, it also has to be sent from me by e-mail.....any mail is fine, just PM me



  9. 3 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

    I have 3 High speed rail projects my CV sunshine all 300kph Taiwan Lenght 350k Wuhan -Guangzhou-830k, X'ian -Zhengzhou 650k. Carry on if want keep making yourself look stupid

    Well that's it then Dave....your be a shoo in when they start, just leave the name of the bar your at and I am sure the Chines engineers who know absolutely nothing will beat their way to you.......

  10. 6 hours ago, Dave67 said:

    Due the weight axel load and wheel profile of freight trains they are not compatible with High speed railway tracks, moderate speed 180kph is feasible but rail wear will be far more than passenger only

    China's rail system---wikipedia---Certain mixed use freight and passenger rail lines, that can be upgraded for train speeds of 250 km/h, with current passenger service of at least 200 km/h , are also considered high-speed rail.


    If anyone does not consider 200--250 Klms high speed, then OK..maybe you need to get a rocket....I dont know where you come from but certainly not from riding the rail systems of the UK or USA


    Who is building this project

    Who has built the biggest HS-rail system in the world in their own country then built so many other systems all around the world-Africa/Turkey etc.

    And what bar fly's are telling us this can never be done---(once again)  yer I wonder who to go with on this one.


    Of course its going to take freight as well--all I day I hope, & so do all the people in Issan hope. We watch Daily as hundreds of 18 wheel truck trailers make their way up the highways to try to keep up with a land locked country that is growing at speed--& takes so much of Thailand's exports.

    If that rail system can  cut that road traffic down by just half--driving will be wonderful.


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