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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 4 hours ago, Gregmc said:

    I'm  just trying to help a great friend who would undoubtedly do the same for me.

    Hi Gregmac

    I was once in the same position--had a person I really didn't know that well imprisoned for a bar room fight that someone got badly injured in, he didn't get a long sentence, (1 year) so I thought I would visit him when I came to live here nearly 20 years ago--Lad Pro Prison BKK, if your friend wants to transfer to BKK prisons he will at least find someone  from his country....(I dont know if that's important to him or not)--the conditions are much the same, I ended up after many years in Issan--Udon Thani, same--same-- prison built for about 400 hundred people has over 1,500 in it, no prison for women so they threw the 300 women prisoners they now have in with them---sounds humorous ..but it isn't.


    When I started to visit my friend , other people (farangs) would reach out with messages through him.... could you just e-mail/write/phone  my mother in the UK / USA/Oz..etc just tell her I am OK...of course messages would come back..I am out of work/sick/old  & do not have the money to come to Thailand...but I want to help my son so very much, can I send a little money to you to pass on to him ..etc

    So difficult to say hey, no I'm sorry I acutely came here because I  just want to get to Chiang Mai and bang this bar girl I met last time I was here......


    Anyway long story, but spent a while doing prison visits... some Embassy's better than others--Irish -Great, give any Irish person 300 Baht a day to help with food etc..its probably one of the best--American, is quite good, they do try to help their people, and they do carry some clout--got some moved internally that were being knocked around, just as soon as they picked the phone up---

    Scandie usually are OK so I am surprised you dont seem to be getting much help there. I have a Swedish friend that takes over most of  the prison visits for Scandies in this part of Issan-- he is well known to the Embassy, I am going to PM you my e-mail, I will go and see him when you contact and ask if he will try to assists you --Like all these guys I know the answer will be yes anyway.


    Good luck mate




  2. 2 hours ago, JAG said:

    This possibility is that she is detained here in Thailand. The conditions of her detention may be comfortable enough, but her being detained here, as a hostage in effect, could explain the total lack of information

    Oh yes.....along with

    The Iluminati are controlling the world...

    The terrorist attacks on 9/11 were actually orchestrated by the U.S. government

    The Moon Landing Was Faked...

    FDA is Withholding the Cure for Cancer....

    Lizard People aka “Reptilians” Are Running the World ....


    Leave her alone--she is now finding out that she will most probably spend most of her life living with the sand People-- No genuine Western government will ever take them in. Her brother found this out when he tried Britain...they wouldn't even let him own a football team (and look at the shady characters that own them)

    But life isn't to bad..... one time her brother was a failed Police officer owing millions in Chiang Mai....now he is on the Forbes 50 list of the worlds richest....

    All through hard work ...of course.


  3. 13 minutes ago, trogers said:

    True Christianity don't kill to force their beliefs.

    Oh no...the Christians never killed any one trogers........:omfg:


    I am going to drop out at this point--as its taking away from a serious bit of news.

    But you can always start an alternative post on peaceful Christianity --- and other oxymoron's   also the location of that Soul you mentioned.


    ** no more from me.


  4. 1 minute ago, trogers said:

    Easy. Go to any crossroad, dig and bury your hair and blood, and call Satan that you want to sell your soul to him.

    Thanks for the tip trogers---would Sukumvit/Soi 4 be OK..?  Then I would just be a short distance to start collecting on the debauchery side...But if a change of mind--to get out of it I dont have to be able to play the guitar better than him do I....because I never got pass the comb and paper musically.


    4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Go to KKU Hospital (Srinagarind) after hours clinic and ask to meet an acharn in the surgical dept

    Thanks for you for answering Sheryl--no not over weight, but I feel that I may have contributed to it by exercising to much, not to soon I took 4 months out for the last one. The last surgeon commented that he didn't expect that I would be lifting weights etc, but it is part of my life.

    Anyway I was PM from a kind with the name Dr BoonChu in Bangkok also. I will talk with the KK Surgeon.


    Thank you again

  6. I will need to get an Hernia Operation as the 2nd one I had has failed....(split open) as did the first one.

    I do not want to do where I reside (Udon Thani) probable look for a specialist in BKK

    But would also like to get an opinion from khon kaen specialist if someone can recommend "a Specialist"

    not just a surgeon who does Hernia's

    Thanks guys



  7. 19 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    I wounder where that sum is going to affect the economy?

    To be paid off over "Many Decades" and as pointed out, if we stayed we would still be paying into the EU


    It probably wont affect Britain as much as the debt the had to pay off to America for "Helping" us with the war effort--which took us up until 2006 to pay back and which in real terms was so much much bigger than this EU debt......a 1945 21billion payback to America is  $285,583,666,666.67  two hundred and eighty five Billion before the interest (yes we had to pay that as well) in today's money.....so now we have paid "our friends" back---we can pay the EU off.

  8. 3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Screw Trump. He's an embarrassment to the human race.

    I am not saying he isn't craig...but if the shoe was on his foot. I am sure a lot of people would be screaming why doesn't he show the papers (Records) whats he got to hide...etc

    8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    She addressed this a long time ago. Just BS politics.

    How can she have addressed it when she is refusing to let Harvard release the papers. If its BS politics then Trumps is BS politics.


    Could you tell me how she did address it ?? Would like to View it


    Your situation is obviously worlds apart--if you go back you can easily show you are  a Native American, a person of colour---she can not.

    Which doesn't matter in the least---unless she claimed she was to enter Harvard.

    But the records can clear that up...... Oh that's right for some unknown reason she wont let them be released.



  9. 3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Please get your facts straight. Stop reading fake news sites like zerohedge and Breitbart!

    Did you look at the snopes Video before posting craig3365 ?

    All she has to do --as repeatedly asked in the Video, is to release her  personnel records from Harvard , she has repeatedly refused to do this, and also has not allowed Harvard to release them.

    The records show how much she earned --re how many classes she taught, and more importantly Did she claim (tick the box ) that she was a Native American, a person of color when applying to Harvard.

    Seems simple doesn't it---instead all we get in that Video is this blond blue eyed lady saying how much she loves her family....etc.


    I can not post the video here--its 3.1mb

    But do use Craig link to go and look --the Sopes video is called -- Scott Brown to Liz Warren - Release the Records!.3gp

  10. 4 minutes ago, 1happykamper said:

    Because I do not want to live for several years in these countries

    If you (your wife) do not wish to spend at least a few years in the country--you can hardly expect then to hand her citizenship 1HKamper.

    from what I have seen through friends of the USA system, it seems quite relaxed...stay a certain time, get the green card then they will give her a 10 year visa

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    am I allowed to say?   "Once a whinger always a whinger"

    yer -& maybe I am getting over sensitive about it Deerhunter--would love to see it done tongue in cheek or with at least some humour.....The Brits have some great humour....you just dont see it for some reason, when it comes to talking about Thailand


    What do you call 10 Englishmen  in a basement? ...  A whine cellar......

  12. On 11/22/2017 at 3:25 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    I think that with a Valid Drivers license from your home country and a Valid IDP you only need to: 


    1) Do a quick color blindness test 

    2) Depth of field test

    3) Emergency break test 

    4) Sit through the video (approx 40 mins)

    Like most Government departments---their just a law unto themselves & can differ anywhere in Thailand, have been here nearly 20 years went to renew License and they told me I had to do the above....I am just renewing it once again, my 20 year old Thai licence  yes you have to do this to renew-- one thing learnt is its quicker to do something than to argue....into the video room with all the ones that were to take the driving test---every person was reviewing their Mobil phone & texting --some went to the toilet for an extended time, no one watched the video....do the emergence brake/colour test etc line up for photo, get told why you do this you have licence....Bor pen yang....see you in 5 years.

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