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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. "If I stole money from you and you filed a lawsuit to get it back would you just want to write it off? --thailiketoo"



    thailiketoo, you have as much chance of getting your money back, as I have from Lehman Brothers, but I'll keep you posted on my endeavors , if you do the same..................coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  2. Bottom line -- the old policy failed. So logically was the U.S. supposed to stick with that failure for another 100 years? Get real and MOVE ON.

    Your right jingthing --its not Cuba that's been left behind with that policy, but America. I was talking to a group of Barclay's Bank UK people way back in the early 90s & they were having their annual staff meeting in Havana. Many people have been holidaying there, for some years---It's really quite silly to say things like, their a communist country & its illegal for your citizens , to visit there--then have one of your largest trading partners as China & not only welcome but actively seek their tourism.

    Yes they had---or would have had, missiles 90 miles from the USA mainland, but at that time, the USA had missiles

    just 210 "Yards", away from the soviet border --sitting in Turkey 1 they were placed there first----this, some people seem to have forgotten was what the argument was all about, the Cuba agreement was for both parties to take them away (& they both did).

    If Russia or China had stationed its troops in a country like Cuba, then that government changed more then half a century ago, but they refused to leave, (let alone open a prison camp) what would the USA be saying. ? Sadly some Americans still feel its their right to be there.

    If you want to judge Cuba's standard of living then do it against its nearest neighbor.--Haiti, which had the same sort of government that Cuba had pre the takeover, its an absolute basket case that America pores aid into, ranked the 15th most corrupt country in the world with levels of poverty regarded as among the most severe in the western hemisphere. 2

    1- http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2010_06/Kibaroglu Turkey has hosted U.S. nuclear weapons since intermediate-range Jupiter missiles were deployed there in 1961


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  3. "Australia exports very little now its all made in China---Jessi"

    Jessi, Please................... blink.png


    "The economy of Australia is one of the largest capitalist economies in the world, with a GDP of US$1 trillion as of 2013

    In 2010, Australia registered a $16.8 billion trade surplus, with goods and services exported to more than 200 countries.


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  4. not a conventional method; but a legal workaround, you can buy bitcoins with THB and sell them for USD deposited into your USD account, process can be done in ~10 minutes and will cost ~1%----cheeseKraft


    Yes its been quite an outstanding year for investing in Bitcoin....

    Maybe Russian ruble as a 2nd choice..............coffee1.gif

    Something mysterious just recently happened to one of the most prominent names in the world of Bitcoin; Mt. Gox apparently vanished in thin air like a phantom. Along with $400 million..........................http://silkroaddrugs.org/mt-gox-400-million-bitcoin-theft-scandal/


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  5. "Gee.... if the money is leaving these developing and emerging countries, where is it going?"---empireboy

    A little of it may just have ended up here----- wish I had a sister like that.......................coffee1.gif


    ....but he (Taksin) told us he’s had $1 billion of the funds seized by a succeeding government returned to him. Thaksin also said that since soon after Yingluck took power in 2011, his Thai passport was restored and he has been able to travel widely on it.

    Forbs magazine


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  6. So the Thai police are hassling everyone & people have even opened a Facebook page about it , that you can contribute to if it's also happened to you...(& it seems by the posts that its happen to a lot of people) & the Facebook address is----Don't know.... Its a secret / no ones telling / its fantasy /....... take your pick,


    .......why do so many T.V. discussions end up this way. ...................................coffee1.gif

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