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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. OK sorry Kiwoz...Just jumped to that conclusion KIW--OZ thought a Kiwi that may have lived in Oz...... OK so then you have no excuse then Kiwoz... so do tell us all how many 1,000s of KLM are you traveling to stake this claim................coffee1.gif ........(& if you don't know what wellies are you have to be a septic,,,,,wow have I opened a box of trouble)

  2. Soft head?

    I've got a soft head...???

    your the guy traveling half way round the world --to the delights of Asia.....to start a gold rush....


    Just rearrange these words Kiwoz....Kettle, Pot, calling, Black, The.........coffee1.gif


    I've just looked at your nom de plume again..your a Kiwi ....yes ?.........mate that explains so much, Sorry-- please carry on , just walk right past all the knock out ladies & get your wellie boots on ready for the dig......Kiwi's = just priceless people .....

  3. Have you heard of ....."Pussy".... I mean when there was plane loads of us coming across here 30 years ago, that's all we were wanting to prospect,


    Now it seems people are heading here for really the most strangest of things...................Just does my head in..........coffee1.gif

  4. I don't follow this game myself, but have a friend who does, I find it easy downloading the UK Football , but can not seem to locate a site to do the same for NCAA, which I would have thought had a larger following.

    . Anyone can help......??


    PS--Yes I know one should pay for it & Mr Murdoch's empire needs the money...etc ...etc ....I will remember him in my Christmas list........coffee1.gif

  5. So you think that the ownership and government of sovereign territories should not be decided by the people who live there, but by other people somewhere else? You have a problem understanding democracy, evidently, as well as international law on self-determination.--sprq

    Your interpretation of democracy sprq, seems to be viewed though British rose tinted glasses -- did it ever allow the resident peoples of it's different colonies to a vote if you want to stay British without knowing the answer..?? Oh Yes you people that live in India--South Africa etc etc....just have a vote & if you don't want us...then we are off-- Went down well with the Americans also.

    Did it ever allow a vote for the peoples of Ireland--or just do its usually trick of allowing a minority in a small British enclave to vote & saying "Well that's democracy".

    Or if you want to bring it more up to date--- The very same Prime minister, certainly didn't want to hear anyone suggest a Vote for Hong Kong 2 years after the Falkland war. You have got to pick your fights "sprq", its OK winning an election by having a war against a 3rd world country, but don't lets give the HK people a chance at saying what they want--or we may be in a fight we can't win.


    "Let only the People of the Falklands decide what should be" -- don't let any of the family's of the 907 kids who died-& will die defending a piece of rock of the coast of Argentina have any say in its destiny. It sounds really great & democratic, but with those rights comes some responsibilities to fight for your own lands, the amount of Falkland land owners who took up arms to help fight against "The Invaders" that would be none then. The amount of Falkland land owners who died in that conflict--- that would also be none then.

    (3 women, were killed by British "Friendly" fire.)


    The Falkland land owners can vote to be what ever they want---Vote to be Latvians for all I care (that country would also have as much claim to that lump of rock as Britain) .....does that also give them a blank chq to say -- we are not going to give up our farms & life style here, but please do send your kids to come & die for us if needed.

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  6. Didn't the people of the Islands have a referendum or vote on this issue at one point in time?

    Yes & wasn't that a fair & balanced out come--- ask just the British land owners on there .... Do you want things to remain as they are.

    Yes mate was the surprised answer, in March 2013 by 99.8% (there still looking to hang the 1 guy that voted no).

    Much the same vote was recorded in Gibraltar, a lump of rock that is actually join to Spain by a road, --this is part of England also, because just the people on the rock say so.


    Something akin to asking the republican party only---who should be the next president.....fair & balanced.

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