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Everything posted by gomangosteen

  1. if that's a 'friendly scorpion', I'll rate the local ones as 'unfriendly' I'm no bug fan right now, stung by a hornet Saturday morning, a decidedly unfriendly one.
  2. Several years back I bought a new Nikon (brand loyalty - I'd had one stolen, dropped one, this one simply 'stopped for no obvious reason) when I was in KL, complete with a 'global warranty'. Encountered problems while still under warranty when back home in Thailand, and was informed 'yes' under warranty but 'no' for any service or repair here in Thailand as had to be returned to country of purchase, Malaysia. Guess that may have been mentioned in the very very small fine print, but rather defeats the purpose of a global warranty.
  3. I'm unsure just what level of supervision you expect for 10-12 year olds? At that age, I don't recall having parents with me every moment of the day. Neither have our two daughters here, now 22 & 17, been watched over every minute.
  4. NZ via Sydney to Bangkok (Qantas) Monday 29 August - had to produce proof of vaccination status at Wellington airport. Qantas had advised this was required and had a reminder text a week before flying., NZ has an online system for domestic or international proof of vaccinations/boosters, free, and it really did take, as per their website, 'one to two minutes' to arrive by email
  5. I guess that's relevant if you're retired/living off savings and pension. I'm far off retirement; my most recent NZ contract, 32hr/wk @ NZ$80/hr has been more than 'scraping by' or poverty; going back January for more. And women's weight? What, do you have to pay by the kilogram?
  6. Lat Krabang, Paseo Mall, 29 August 2022. Visited twice this week, didn't see any mask-less shoppers or staff. Seems clear enough.
  7. Just a pleasant departure from the depressing posts here. Should i feel bad for having enjoyed myself in NZ and having a positive outlook? If others are unable to, well 'up to them'. Maybe it's an age thing - hope I am never so old and miserable as to no longer enjoy life.
  8. Where were you in NZ? Two weeks ago I finished twelve months contracting here, go home to Chanthaburi on Monday via Sydney and Bangkok. Been based in Wellington, had five hiking trips to central Otago - mountains out of Queenstown/Arrowtown, two to Auckland, Christchurch and New Plymouth. Been a whirlwind and generally enjoyable year - 3 contracts with breaks between - after a long time in Thailand and Malaysia, though I'm pleased to be heading home as initially was to be here for six months. Only one family member here now, Mission Bay in Auckland but been good re-connecting with old friends scattered across the country. I'll come back sometime next year for a similar 6-12mths but south island next time, Christchurch-based most likely. Guess that, as with anywhere, the right $ and the right friends can make any place good to live. No great interest in local politics though I worked at parliament and local authority employers, kept my opinions to myself on that topic. Get out more! From summit of Mt Beetham on the way back to Arrowtown
  9. I had a cycling accident (hit by a motorbike sidecar) as well as grazes i had jaw injuries and lost the tops of five teeth; had accident/medical insurance through Kasikorn - they paid the hospital fees direct - including the pharmacy fees, for ongoing dental i had to submit the receipt after each dentist visit and the money was into my account on the third business day after putting in the claim. Not a huge amount involved in western terms but at the time the premium was so low as we'd invested at the time and there was a deal on this insurance. I found the Kasikorn staff and service excellent, as was the medical and dental care.
  10. We have Thai Watsadu and Global about 300m apart on Sukhumvit just out of Chanthaburi city, and I'll alternate between the two. Locally, find TW better for tools, electrical, and Global has a better selection for gardening and landscaping materials.
  11. Location identified as Tha Nam beach, Koh Chang. Thairath reports the body of Anna Carreras, 21, (Spanish) was located 300m away and the search continues for the French male; they were part of a group of six who went into the water. Pic from Matichon news.
  12. To put it simply enough for you, because he has NO convictions, as the article states: "There were reports Ward went to Thailand after learning of an Australian Federal Police investigation into his activities."
  13. Just another local romance story . . . Lt. Col. Pichit Manakit, a member of the 536th Marine Corps Ranger Battalion, surrendered at 9.00pm last night at the Mai Rot Police Station, Trat Province. Mr. Pichit said he shot her because of his lack of patience, as she does not help work to make money. She also took the car that belonged to his grandfather and pawned it, and later her sister took the car and sold it. Source
  14. Noppadol Sringam. Pic: NYPost Also: In 2018, 22-year-old Thai navy cadet Kriangsak Pengpanich was killed after getting speared during a training exercise. Have seen them while snorkeling but not considered them as potentially dangerous (till now)
  15. Statistics, apparently not your strong point. USA deaths per million : 2930.3 NZ deaths per million : 31.2 yes, that's right, five million people, 156 deaths as at today's 18 March 2022. The USA death rate is close to one hundred times higher.
  16. Opening date advertised as 26 May 2022, and interviewing for retail staff getting underway next week.
  17. Bought a Yamaha Fino in 2008, about 35,000 baht from memory; sold 2014 with 54,000km to a colleague of my partner and it's still running, over 100,000km now. Bought its replacement, think closer to 50,000 baht, now has 60,000km - well-maintained, all services on time; tyres, a couple of batteries, a few bulbs otherwise trouble-free. Add here my longest trip on a Fino was 2010, from Sa Kaeo-Chanthaburi-Rayong in a day. Not in a hurry to repeat that, but did do several Chanthaburi-Sa Kaeo journeys about 200km soon after we moved to Chanthaburi, I'm not in a hurry (fortunately) and due especially due to the volume of traffic on Highway 317, keep up with the flow much of the time. Don't expect much difference with a Scoopy, maintenance and driver care the key to both surviving.
  18. My marriage in NZ lasted less than 4 years int he 90s, no faults or great bitterness, just not right the right match, too young. Should have listened to my father who when I told him said 'are you sure?' - the wisdom of age. Here, oldest daughter is now in her final semester at university, daughter two (though she insists she is '1') in high school. I haven't been to either Pattaya or Isaan (apart from on a holiday to Vientiane we drove through). Don't know that I've missed much from those locations; we're both very much working age, Ms O'Steen is an office manager/accountant, suppose we're just a normal couple, no dramas. Live about 200km from nearest family member and have seen little of them in last two years due to Covid and travel restrictions, but regularly in touch, never a problem there. Better? well i haven't spent 20 years with anyone else, so how to compare? Happy? Yes, no regrets.
  19. Oil slick comes ashore on Thailand’s Mae Ram Phueng beach Saturday January 29 2022 Rayong’s provincial governor is expected to declare Mae Ram Phueng beach a disaster zone today after oil from a recent spill washed ashore, polluting the shoreline for a distance of over two kilometres. Pollution Control Department head Attapol Charoenchansa said today (Saturday) that the slick breached the offshore boom, adding that the oil already washed ashore is just a fraction, as a larger slick is still heading for the beach.
  20. Conservation group ReReef published photos at 1pm today showing Mae Ramphueng beach. Receding tide leaving the sand from high water mark black, covered with oil, sea cloudy black. It has arrived.
  21. Care to explain? I'm contracting there now till 4 Feb [Wellington]. The only restrictions applying are wearing a facemask, using their scan app when going to restaurants, cinemas etc. Sports events, concerts all going ahead. 47 COVID-19 deaths since April 2020. Over 90% double vaccinated [Pfizer]. I had my booster last month. I won't mention the weather, a wet summer to date but won't blame JA for that. I'll be happy to return to family in Thailand, however there's plenty of worse places to be in the world than NZ right now.
  22. Chanthaburi police facing criticism for the use of firearms in a busy market, resulting in a minor injury to a member of the public, and an investigation committee is to review their actions. The man who suffered an injury from a ricochet has been awarded compensation of 35,000 baht. ManagerOnline
  23. A little less dramatic, shots fired, one bystander injured (leg wound). A 27-year-old man driving a pickup truck failed to stop at a police checkpoint. Police tried to shoot the vehicle's tyres, a ricochet bullet hit the bystander, a middle-aged man. The pickup driver has since been arrested. Police found eight methamphetamine pills hidden in the driver's seat. Police have detained him at Muang Chanthaburi Police Station. Channel 7 News
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