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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. From Thai custom website: http://www.customs.go.th/Customs-Eng/Trave...?menuNme=Travel

    2. Prohibited items

    They are goods for which either the import into or export out of the Kingdom is prohibited, e.g.,


    Obscene items, and publications

    Counterfeit goods and pirated items

    Counterfeit notes and coins

    Protected wild lives

    Violators of laws related to illicit drugs, .e.g., having and holding for use, or being a producer, seller, or transporter are subject to the death sentence.

    Is a vibrator an "obscene item"?

  2. ^^^^^^^




    My wife told me that they only asked her a few questions--a couple about our marriage ( where did we meet, how long have we been married?), and what was the purpose of the trip.

    BTW, from what she told me, they were most interested in the letter from her employer. In fact, she was a little upset that they didn't even look at all of the documentation that she had spent so much time collecting (bank books, hotel and plane reservations, marriage certificate, etc...)

    But she got over that quickly when her passport and visa showed up in the mail. :)

  3. I've been to Pai a couple of times, most recently in 2007.

    I stayed at a 'resort' just outside of town with it's own hot springs. For the life of me I can't remember the name, but it should be easily found via a search engine.

    Very good advice above about not bringing illegal substances out of Pai.

    Don't do it.

  4. You are required to file an income tax form if your income is more than 9,500 a year, even if you don't owe any taxes. If less, you are not required. If you don't file and your income is more they can penalize you for not filing. A recent IRS bulletin said that the IRS now estimates that there is something like 60 Billion dollars in uncollected taxes from American expats (all countries). I also heard that the IRS is going to open an office at the embassy in Bangkok and go after expats more vigoriously

    I know a couple of teachers who haven't filed in nearly a decade. Eventually it's going to catch up with them, but their response is that they don't make enough in dollars to be taxed, so any fines would be minimal.

    I guess that might be true, but it still seems a bit risky.

  5. OP did your wife get her Visa?

    Sorry for the late reply. Yes, she did get the visa.

    Actually, I have a few questions about the type of visa she received.

    On the visa is states

    Type of Visa: R B1/B2

    Entries: Multiple

    Expiration Date 15 March 2020

    Does this mean she was given a ten year multiple entry visa? And can she now travel to the US for the next ten years without applying for another visa?

    If so, what will happen when her passport expires about 2 years from now?

  6. ^you actually believe this will save you lot dosh? :) (all of your entitlement programs are broke, such as social security, medicare, medicaid) Gullible yanks come to mind. :D

    I'm neither an accountant or a legislator. I will, however, take the word of the Congressional Budget Office.

    Car insurance analogy is faulty - driving is a priviledge. :D

    Driving is a privilege, but having insurance is the law. :D

    And by the way, if you read my post, you'll see that I never claimed that it was a legitimate comparison.

    Unconstitutional from what I read... medical insurance is not commerce related. (maybe if you could buy insurance across state lines then that would be the case, but as is I think it doesnt pass the test)

    Of course this legislation is related to the budget. Health care costs are bankrupting the country.

    But you posted the Republicans will have a 2/3 majority in the House and the Senate so that they can override a veto, so it's a moot point. :D

    Dr's turning it down? Yes - from what I read they already do this with medicare/medicaid, since reimbursement doesnt match their actual costs.

    Their actual costs or their desired profit margins?

  7. Nah think it will be reversed after Nov elections or like I said the Supreme Ct will just rule its Unconstitutional and keep it going into affect. (btw no conservatives are retiring anytime soon)

    On what grounds could this legislation be considered unconstitutional? If your opinion is based on the fact that citizens are required to buy it, then car insurance would also be 'unconstitutional'.

    Especially when yank people find out - how much this is really going to cost then. There will be an all out revolt.

    The non partisan Congressional Budget office states that it's going to save 140 Billion in the next ten years, and nearly a trillion in the following ten.

    Besides remember Dr(s) can turn away anyone in this govt pool and just state they do not accept the insurance. :)

    I've never heard or read this. Not saying it isn't true, but it's the first time I've come across it.

  8. Right Up_c, plus there are practical problems reversing certain changes which would already be in effect.

    It seems most doesnt go in affect until 2014, so it would be quite easy.

    Procedurally and politically, it would be quite difficult.

    After becoming law, the following will immediately go into effect:

    *The Medicare "doughnut hole" will be closed for senior citizens. In other words, they'll be paying less for their medications.

    *Children will not be denied health insurance because of preexisting conditions.

    *Parents will be able to keep their college aged children on their insurance policies until they are 26 years old.

    *A massive tax credit for small businesses to supply health insurance to their employees.

    If Republicans decide to campaign on the theme of repealing this legislation, they'll be following down the path of Alf Landon.

  9. ^not impossible all the Repubs need is to win majority of both houses and override a veto. From consensus - Dems will be slaughtered with elections in the fall.


    To override a veto, the Republicans would need 2/3 of the votes in the house and the senate.

    Sure some are predicting that the Republicans might take back the House of Representatives, but do you really think they are going to win enough seats to have a 2/3 majority?

    I don't think anyone reputable is predicting that the republicans will reclaim majority of the senate--much less take 67 seats.

  10. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday questioned fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra's self-proclaimed role as leader of the "lowly peasants" in the red shirts' class war.

    The yellows should have been making this point from the very beginning.

    Thaksin is a billionaire. With a "b".

    Scratch that. That's billionaire with a capital "B".

    It's ridiculous that he is trying to come off as the defender of the poor and downtrodden. If he cared so much about the poor in Thailand, why didn't he donate a significant portion of his vast fortune when he first entered office?

    A few billion of his own money for schools in Isaan. Another few billion for hospitals. A few billion more for taking care of senior citizens and infants. And how about a bit of job training for those in their 20s and 30s.

    If he'd done these things then maybe he'd come off as more credible in this role he's trying to play. And by the way, he'd still be a billionaire.

  11. "No disrespect to the OP, but perhaps he should have thought a bit longer and harder before marrying the thai girl he married."

    My God upcountry_sinc, shoulda shoulda shoulda. Don't we all have lives full of "should ofs"? I know I do.

    Maybe the is the LOS ("Land of Shouldas").

    I was making reference to the title of the thread.

  12. No disrespect to the OP, but perhaps he should have thought a bit longer and harder before marrying the thai girl he married.

    I don't know how many tens of millions of thai women there are, and such broad generalizations do not make sense to me.

    From what I read in your post, your relationship appears to be beyond repair at this point. Good luck moving forward.

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