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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. I haven't the slightest idea as to whether the numbers are currently down, and wouldn't be surprised if the government wasn't being entirely forthright with their figures.

    However, what I think the government and those in the tourism industry should be concerned about is the upcoming high season. Travel agents and potential vacationers are going to remember the chaos when they begin to contemplate booking their Dec. - Feb. holidays.

    The next few high season might not be so high at all.

  2. I suspect it's going to be a text-only webmeeting;

    If true, wouldn't that solve this potential problem you raised earlier?

    I was thinking more along the lines of "untraceable disrupters/saboteurs", and that after the BOATLOAD of bizzaro questions/rantings at the last meeting (delivered live at mics positioned around the room), I can't begin to fathom how bad it's going to be with the added ingredient of keyboard anonymity

    Perhaps the embassy staff will be filtering the questions so that "disrupters/saboteurs" will not ruin the meeting.

  3. As I mentioned in a previous post, I wear a helmet 99% of the time (on very short trips I sometimes don't put it on), but my wife recently pointed out to me the other day that I often don't use the clasp which secures the helmet on my head.

    She's right of course. I hope I'll be smart enough to do that 99% of the time too.

  4. You're in quite a fix. I really hope you get your passport back soon.

    If/when you do, scan the page of your passport with the most recent stamp so some of the long time posters can give an opinion on whether or not it is genuine.

    In the meantime, if I were you, I wouldn't even leave my house/apartment so I don't encounter any situation where I might be asked for my passport.

    Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

  5. One comment, and one question:

    If you don't like the Thai commentary, wouldn't it be possible to stream an English broadcast off the internet?

    Why is UBC the only game in town--do they have some sort of backroom deal with the government?

  6. I had the good fortune to meet Frank through another internet message board, and found him to be a kind and insightful man.

    My thoughts are with him, and like many here I'm hoping for his speedy recovery.

  7. Having read most of your posts, I'd say she's ditched you

    Thai girls with budget travellers, now that's an oxymoron :)

    Thai girls with budget travellers may be many things, but an oxymoron is not one of them.

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