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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. It seems as if nearly everyone on this thread is tipping their barber.

    I don't consider myself to be cheap, but I don't even think about tipping the barber here, because my understanding is that it's not the custom.

    Maybe I need to reconsider.

  2. See it yourself before buying expensive aircards.

    You can do this by using your mobile phone as modem (read mobile phone as aircard). Just connect via your mobile phone using DTAC sim card and see if the speed is enough for you.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I'm sorry but I have to admit that I don't know how to use my mobile phone as a modem. I know that my phone is EDGE capable, but how can I use it as a modem? I'm not computer savvy, so basic instructions are needed.

    Thanks again.


  3. Basically it boils down to :- relationships in the West, both parties share household expenses when they get involved. In Thailand, the woman expects the man to pay EVERYTHING.

    Maybe that's true with the Thai women you consort with, but nearly every Thai woman I know works and helps with expenses.

    Basically it boils down to:- you really shouldn't make such broad generalizations.

  4. I live in the fabled, "middle of nowhere", and am wondering what my download speed would be with a DTAC EDGE aircard like the OP mentioned. By the way, it's not really the "middle of nowhere", because there is a mobile phone tower about 2 kilometers from my house. :)

    Before I buy an an aircard, could someone give me an idea of what the approximate DL speed would be?

  5. Sinclair, there have been quite a few previous threads on thai stockbrokers. worth using the thaivisa search facility to find them as there was some good info there. Try using search words like "choosing thai stockbroker" (stipulate the business forum & select "search thread titles only" to cut down on the amount of chaff you'll get)

    I appreciate you taking the time to reply, but a search done of the banking section with "broker" in the title turns up about 5 relevant posts since the end of 2007.

    And considering what happened with world markets and financial firms in the last few years, I'm looking for more current recommendations.

    I will, however, keep an eye out for the book you mentioned.

  6. My wife has expressed interest in investing some of her savings in the Thai stock market. Generally speaking, I support the idea, but since she's not particularly well versed or experienced in investing, I want to make sure that she connects with a reputable firm. Besides that, I plan to stay out of it.

    I would be most appreciative if someone here could recommend a reputable, low cost broker. By the way, she has a bank account and credit card with Krung Thai bank; would anyone recommend their investment services?

    I realize that novices really shouldn't be investing (a fool and his/her money are quickly parted), but she would only be investing a relatively small amount (50,000 Baht?) into a couple of index and/or dividend funds.


  7. If I had to guess, I would say that the employee who made the sandwich enjoyed the tuna that was meant for you. Of course the company selling the sandwich is responsible, but I doubt very much that they were aware that this is what you were sold.


    Oops. I made the above post immediately after looking at the photo. I've since read the second page of this thread.

  8. Update:

    I went to immigration this morning, and was told that my Non-O was still valid and I correctly received 90 days on my last entry. I have until the 89th day to apply for a 12 month extension. The cost will be 1900 baht--but the good news for me is that my admin is going to pick up the cost.

    Also, after talking with the work permit office, I found out that my failure to notify immigration that I was leaving the country did not effect my work permit whatsoever.

  9. Chemo didn't cure my father's lung cancer; in fact, it probably killed him quicker. But he was already stage 3 when diagnosed.

    However, chemo seems to have conquered my FIL's lymphoma. It was caught relatively early.

    So, as mentioned above, it depends on many variables: type of cancer, when it is detected, etc...

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