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Everything posted by Digitalbanana

  1. Whenever I use Wise I always compared their exchange rate with the latest rates on other sites real time (I use Investing.com but there are numerous to choose) and found the Wise rate to be exactly the same, fluctuating up and down every minute by the same amount. I soon got bored with that and now take the Wise rates as pretty much gospel and not worth worrying about.
  2. Perhaps the news reporter was watching Sully at the time and couldn't be bothered looking for any other graphic.
  3. I take it from your example you use CW. Glad it worked on third attempt, but does the mobile app say you are on x days visa overstay in error like rest of us?
  4. About 2-3 years back my mate did this in Line chat groups you had to join?
  5. In the past, when Amazon US didn't send computers to Thailand, I opened an account with Shipito as I didn't have any other address in the US. I then chose Fedex as they were always easiest, no hold ups and just pay 7% on top (7% of your declared cost) to have the computer delivered to door in Thailand, took about 5 days shopping for it online to arriving in Thailand. Fedex costs were around 120USD so need to be a high end computer to make it worth while. Did it several times. Last purchase I tried sending by Amazon from US direct to Thailand but that meant added sales tax and the Amazon shipping agent costs which was non negotiable (UPS). UPS also made things difficult in Thailand if you first import, by needing to see you and passport at BKK airport before releasing product, and overall the delivery cost was an extra 100USD that I might have paid before. If there was a next time I would go back to Shipto/Fedex route.
  6. Why have a card for an account used for retirement extensions with a balance so close to limit? Just open a second account for immigration only with no card so no annual fees or unexpected deductions all year long?
  7. I got a KBank credit card. Stick money in a fixed dep account as collateral, and can get credit up to that amount.
  8. If CW takes 7 days, does the new system also alert you instantly say if applying 14 days beforehand at start of time window if it won't work like the old system did - with a message to visit immigration? In past I always relied on this to immediately post the TM47 if online was rejected for no valid reason. However if there's a 7 day wait for rejection under the new system that would be too late for the postal method?
  9. You can. Just need to register a new permanent Thai address with the TM30 with 24 hours of arrival officially. That's what they told me anyway a few years ago. Then later if you go back to original province repeat there.
  10. OK, I was going to try all of your points, but as soon as I put the Broadcom wifi card back in it started working again without doing anything, the keyboard function key to turn it on/off was working again, and a reboot of the laptop has it working again. I will see how long it lasts before following up with your driver rebuilding idea if needed. Thanks to both @userabcd and @fdsa for your helpful replies guys.
  11. Yes, tried the ideas listed in posts above and rfkill gave no response. I couldn't seem to get the Intel wifi card card recognised. So then I put the original Broadcom card that stopped working back in and .... see next post below..
  12. Spoke too soon, it worked after first install and then it didn't get recognized by Linux on subsequent reboots. So Broadcom and Intel don't work with Linux and Atheros not accepted by BIOS! Back to USB.
  13. And then I found another spare Wifi card lying around made by Intel, popped that in, the BIOS accepted it and Linux works as well.
  14. Just out of interest I tried your idea of getting a Atheros card. I already had a spare Atheros AR5B195 card from a similar HP Pavilion g4 series laptop (AMD CPU and Atheros Wifi) that was spare and on which Linux wifi ran OK. So swapping the Atheros card into the troublesome laptop (Also a HP Pavilion g4 series but with an Intel CPU and Broadcom Wifi original) I found that the laptop would not boot past the BIOS saying the Atheros card Fix Wireless Module not Supported WWAN Module ID 703. It's my understanding there is a Whitelist of acceptable Wifi cards hard coded by HP - the BIOS says to visit the HP web site to get the list, but when I tried HP site it said this laptop series was not on its database. So looks like USB wifi is the only way as I cannot blindly buy new cards without knowing if they will work or not.
  15. I think they want answer whether I will take Moderna paying the extra 450THB on top of deposit and pick a vax date within next month, or do nothing. I have elected to do nothing as too early for me, just had a booster last month. Not sure where the transfer option comes into it, didn't see that.
  16. Since my post from today's Nation: https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40009956 “If you have already registered for the fourth jab with a private vaccine importer, it is advisable to postpone it for now and wait at least six months after your third jab,” the expert said. “We don’t know what will happen in the future. There could be a new variant of the virus or a new type of vaccine may become available.”
  17. I just got a THG message all in Thai on LINE saying my MODERNA queue number 340,000 is now ready that I paid for in July and they need an answer in 2 days having waited 6 months!? I have already had an AZ booster last month having given up waiting for THG, what to do about Moderna?
  18. I just keep the PDF on my phone when the online works. Save the trees and all that. Come annual extension need a print out of course as they love the paperwork.
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