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Posts posted by monk213

  1. You don't really need to worry about getting your visa since your application was already accepted and the fee paid.

    Your can extend both your 60 day entries for 30 days at an immigration office.

    When did you try to a crossing at Kanchanaburi, Since the 7th or 8th of this month they should allow a out/in for a visa exempt entry.

    The weird thing is I went to Kanchanaburi with my Thai GF on the 15th of this month and before I even showed them my passport she was denied as she had no Myanmar visa... and she is Thai! and then I was denied... That seemed strange to me. But if I am cool for this double entry here then I am ok for now. is that visa coming into effect starting November for 6 months, I know the Thai IM say a lot but very rarely act.

  2. I assume you got a 30 day visa on entry to Laos so you're good to stay until that expires. No idea how to extend a Laos visa or get a new one but I believe it's easy.

    Kanchanaburi don't allow visa exempt entry. If you get a double entry tourist visa you will be able to use kanchanaburi to activate your second entry.

    What I would ideally like to do is get this Thai double entry visa which I applied for, and as far as people here (thanks in advance already guys) have said, I am almost certain to get that. It is 60 days x2, so does that mean I have 60 days plus a 30 day extension and then repeat? I want nothin to do with kanchanaburi, my school which I just officially closed my last ED visa with advised I went there for a one month stamp back to Thai, but that failed. I have fallen in love with Laos though after coming here for the 2nd time lol laugh.png biggrin.png So yeah for now a double entry tourist visa to Thai will be fine and maybe later will look into staying in laos. it is so much more laid back, friendly and less concerning about money as Thais seem to be on the whole.

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  3. It's very unlikely that you'll be declined if they accepted the application.

    Lets just say that it does get declined, how long can I stay in Laos? I tried to go to Myanmar a few days ago at Khanjanaburi but they said I needed a visa, I just wanted a tourist visa for Thai. Anyway I am denied I can either stay in Laos or go back to England I guess, but would very much prefer to stay in Laos, and of course Thailand is my priority as of now

  4. Yes if they take your money, you're good in Laos.

    How many TR visa in your passport?

    How many from Laos?

    I have one visa from Laos but that is an ED visa I got in Vientiane last year. I think I had an entry stamp to get into Laos that time, before that I have a few tourist visas to Burma way back in 2010-2011. I mainly have 90 day reporting for studying Thai

    (PS my passport is at the Thai consulate so not sure, but yea mainly 90 day reporting for studying Thai)

  5. You will be fine. One of the great things about the Vientiane/Savannakhet consulates is that they refuse you before taking your money if at all. Worst case they will tell you this is your last tourist visa from them and stamp your passport accordingly.

    oh wow thanks a bunch. I went to Vientiane for my last visa which was an ED and that was hell in the sense of waiting, weather, ques etc. It is a much better decision to come here I think. Even though there is little to do. I am now sitting on the Mekong with some beer Lao and enjoying life, so yeah thanks for the piece of mind. This is my first tourist visa in years so that may benefit me I guess..

  6. Hey there expats and humanoids.

    I have been living in and around SE Asia for 5 and a bit years, late 20s. I have been on tourist visas and also studied Thai for a couple of years which I am almost fluent in speaking and struggle with reading and writing.

    Anyway I am in Savannakhet now and today went to go and apply for a double entry tourist visa for Thailand at the consulate. I paid the 2k baht and that was fine. I need to go pick it up tomorrow. My questions is this; if there are any issues will they already have arisen? My passport is nearly full and I need to renew it due to it being full next month (I have 4 years left on it but it is just full). I would hate to go back tomorrow to be denied a visa, but I have already paid. What is the verdict people?


  7. well well well, I am going to fall off of my damn chair, I am in shock!! I remember when the coop went down and all the people on TV saying how amazing this is and how he will turn Thailand around and let a democracy swoop in in no time.. Some of you have changed your opinions over time I have noticed. Anyway those travel plans to Laos are looking a lot more appealing with each passing week (and now IDGAF what you think or say) - 'bye bye we won't miss you' I know, I know wink.png

  8. It's a difference whether you live *with* drugs or *for* drugs, the danger is that you might become a junkie if you make it a habit.

    Anyway, the difference between soft drugs and hard drugs is well-noticed in Western countries by now. Valium and benzodiapines are surely hard drugs, you suffer physical and/or mental withdrawal signs if you stop taking them. Alcohol and nicotine remain a problem, especially when nicotine comes in cigarettes with all the additives that some Tobacco companies love so much.

    Yep everything is upside down in the substance classification table, well for the most part anyway. If you go by ratio per 1,000 people, the danger to that amount of people legal substances like tobacco, alcohol and prescription medications are right up there as being the most harmful. If you look at what is regarded as highly illegal such as LSD, DMT, MDMA, mushrooms, basically all entheogens, they are pretty harmless and only in rare cases they are. I don't know how this happened in our society that these types of drugs are looked down upon as bad things, they can enrich someone's life and there is proof that they can help certain mental illnesses and disorders. But sure, lets just keep the highly poisonous things nice and legal for everyone to consume.

  9. Stop doing drugs , any kind is bad for you. Start living a healthy life, get up in the morning, drink carrot juice, lots of veggies, staart doing excercises and soon you will not miss your old miserable life. Say no to drugs and I mean any drugs, even some of the pills that doctors prescribe.

    If I took your advice I probably would be dead or at least in hospital, you don't just stop certain drugs because you can have seizures or worse, die. Every part of my life is healthy pretty much, wholesome food, don't smoke, exercise and I am content. I just have an anxiety disorder which is partly genetic as my mother has something similar, so unless you can find some sort of gene changing device that will have to remain. Thanks for the advice though whistling.gif

    There are people who do not develop a tolerance for who the beneficial effects remain and it may be the best choice for them in the medium term but you should never take benzodiazepines long term. Long term use was never officially studied in the UK despite the recommendation to do so. In 1980, they issued guidance restricting the use of benzodiazepines to short-term use and denied the necessity to complete a long term use study. Presumably they knew it was not going to be good news.

    I am currently on a taper, and as far as I can gather from the research I have done (mainly under Dr Ashton) the effects of benzodiazepines are not permanent, ie the memory loss and fuzzy thinking. I have felt this before when I stopped for 3 months, it felt as if a fog had cleared and everything was clear again, however I had crippling anxiety so I relapsed.

    Aside from that there are some speculation that it lowers your immune system, but we do know that it is a very nasty addiction to come off of, I know this first hand and I would go as far to say it is worse than getting of off heroin (if you suffer from an anxiety disorder that is) due to rebound anxiety and the physical WD symptoms can last weeks and not just days as with most opiates.

  10. Stop doing drugs , any kind is bad for you. Start living a healthy life, get up in the morning, drink carrot juice, lots of veggies, staart doing excercises and soon you will not miss your old miserable life. Say no to drugs and I mean any drugs, even some of the pills that doctors prescribe.

    If I took your advice I probably would be dead or at least in hospital, you don't just stop certain drugs because you can have seizures or worse, die. Every part of my life is healthy pretty much, wholesome food, don't smoke, exercise and I am content. I just have an anxiety disorder which is partly genetic as my mother has something similar, so unless you can find some sort of gene changing device that will have to remain. Thanks for the advice though whistling.gif

  11. Monk213

    Your post answers everything about yourself and the type you associate with. No, I have no experience in taking this recipe, nor would I, I have a life, which it appears you do not. Maybe suffering from depression? My experience however, comes from being in law enforcement for about 30 years, where I was required to investigate many drug related matters, which, in the end, was determined to have involved this concoction, and other illicit drugs such as heroin and ecstasy.

    I was required to investigate and then prepare and submit reports to the coroner and subsequently attend numerous coronial inquests. It was not up to me to determine how or what caused the demise of the deceased , only to gather the evidence and present it to the coroner, and that, combined with Toxicology reports, allowed the coroner to make his findings This is how one gains knowledge about these drugs and what they can do but then you would know all about this wouldn't you? I think not

    So you tell me in your post, given your statistics, and based on averages, over 5 years, you could take this concoction about 200 times a year. What does this say about you? By your own admission you are dicing with many possible repercussions, one being death; maybe you're addicted but that is something you would take to your grave, denying. You then go on to ask if, as you put it, have I taken "my Shit" from the net or textbooks because you apparently deem yourself to be the expert and cannot accept that someone else has an opposing opinion, based on fact, not fabrications.

    You amaze me, every time you avoid what has been asked and just go on how much of an expert you are and despite knowing 100's of takers, you have never heard of any one you know or vaguely know, dying form this combination. So if one of these alleged associates passed away from an O/D of this combination, then some of the others would contact you? Please, don't think I am one of your ilk and would believe this piece of fiction. I get the impression, from your posts, that you are a one eyed, self opinionated exaggerator who has to overstate everything in an attempt to sustain what he writes. Nothing factual, just a lot of non intellectual and unintelligible fiction.

    I am prescribed diazepam for an anxiety disorder which was diagnosed at the age of 12. My own personal experience with this combination is 5 years yes, but I have been around others who have experimented with it for a lot longer. I do not suffer from depression no, but just like every other person in this world there are good days and there are bad days.

    Your line of work lead you to all of the horror stories, which is akin to reading all of the negative reviews of a movie or book and ignoring all of the positive reviews, thus you have a long and one sided view on the situation. I have had bad and good times with this combination, crashes, withdrawals, accidents and such, but at least I have the knowledge of both sides, direct knowledge at that.

    I do deem myself an expert quite rightly so, if somebody practices a sport for 5 years every day, then they will become pretty damn good at it. So I do have an extensive knowledge and experience with these types of things combined with somewhat of a semi advanced scientific background. Just to let you know I did the math wrong, 500 times I would guess, I had just woken up and managed to double my calculations somehow.

    I do not associate with anybody these days really, apart from people who go to my school, the staff there and locals really. I was once out of control and have seen quite a lot of things, but again I have also had some amazing times, there are 2 sides to every coin, Thea

  12. Smedly and Monk213

    You are both right but tell me what has this to do with the original story and what I posted, which relates to alcohol and Valium and my not mentioning tramadol? The preliminary report only relates to what I discussed, not what you have brought to the forum The only relevant point I can see is the quantity aspect mentioned by Smedly. May I ask you both, if there is any other relevancy, would you please enlighten me?

    so you don't think quantity is relevant - I can assure you it is very very relevant

    as already mentioned on this thread many things can become toxic to our bodies if taken in large quantities - I gave the example of water because it is not something that a lot of people would be aware of, and we are not talking about drowning we are talking about drinking

    Hey don't worry, some people are so stuck in their ways and opinionated there is absolutely no way to get through to them. We were discussing the diazepam and alcohol combination, I clearly stated you could combine the 2 for your first time with zero tolerance and be fine, in fact this will most likely happen, you may have no memory of what took place or have a slight injury or something, but the vast majority of people will be fine. You could do this 1,000 times and be fine, but there are some people (due to biochemistry and other exterior factors) that would die on their first time combining the 2. It would most likely take a lot of at least 1 of the 2 though.

    So I wasn't? Pray tell then, what was I discussing? Why don't you read what was written? Or do you, like many others, deliberately change things around to suit your own agenda? So, if one bases a statement on facts, they are stuck in one's ways, opinionated and there is no way some can get through to them? I'll back my knowledge of how lethal a combination of these two drugs can be any day against the dangerous material you are posting. As for your statement on consumption, is that from experience or just some made up rubbish that you are trying to promulgate. If it's the former than I can understand why you are posting what you do.

    You should note that it’s never safe to drink while on Valium. The combination of alcohol and diazepam in the body enhances the most dangerous effects of both drugs and that's a medical fact. No, not every one reacts the same to this concoction but for you to state that the majority of people will be fine, you have no idea what you are talking about. Just for your information this is what can occur when mixing the two, and yes it does depend on quantity but this varies from person to person.

    1. Alcohol poisoning

    2. Drowsiness

    3. Dizziness

    4. Loss of consciousness

    5. Shallow breathing

    6. Problems with memory

    7. Overdose

    Your risk of overdose on Valium directly increases when Valium (diazepam) is taken with alcohol. Doctors never recommend mixing the two. Not even if you’re only having one or two drinks, or if you’re taking a normal therapeutic dose of Valium. So really, what you have written is misleading and very irresponsible.

    So like, for the past 5 years whenever I have had a drink which has probably been I would guess around 1,000 times (with diazepam), I have been dicing with death have I? I KNOW and HAVE SAID it is a potentially lethal combination, but the risk is very low. The amount of people I know online and IRL who mix the 2 runs into the hundreds and I have never heard of anybody I personally know or vaguely know to die from the combination. How much experience do you have with the combination or are you just pulling your shit from the internet or textbooks?

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  13. 9 years is not enough.....He's got away with murder....literally!!

    Do you think that being in a Thai prison for 9 years is going to be fun? Someone who stole a moped was killed in one who was serving something like 6 months (farang), so see how far this guy gets ...

    He's already survived 3 years in there,so another 6 probably will survive.....i really thought/hoped that he would have been dispensed some good old jail justice by now to be honest...Hes a pig of a man!

    I didn't clock that he had already served 3 years! That is a 3rd of his sentence there, damn. Well I think he has money so he can pay off a lot of people and things of that nature. The only real danger then would be illness as everyone is in close proximity etc. Lets hope a heroin addict with HIV decides to jab the guy with a used needle

  14. Smedly and Monk213

    You are both right but tell me what has this to do with the original story and what I posted, which relates to alcohol and Valium and my not mentioning tramadol? The preliminary report only relates to what I discussed, not what you have brought to the forum The only relevant point I can see is the quantity aspect mentioned by Smedly. May I ask you both, if there is any other relevancy, would you please enlighten me?

    so you don't think quantity is relevant - I can assure you it is very very relevant

    as already mentioned on this thread many things can become toxic to our bodies if taken in large quantities - I gave the example of water because it is not something that a lot of people would be aware of, and we are not talking about drowning we are talking about drinking

    Hey don't worry, some people are so stuck in their ways and opinionated there is absolutely no way to get through to them. We were discussing the diazepam and alcohol combination, I clearly stated you could combine the 2 for your first time with zero tolerance and be fine, in fact this will most likely happen, you may have no memory of what took place or have a slight injury or something, but the vast majority of people will be fine. You could do this 1,000 times and be fine, but there are some people (due to biochemistry and other exterior factors) that would die on their first time combining the 2. It would most likely take a lot of at least 1 of the 2 though.

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  15. Monk you owe me an apology. Both valium and codeine are illegal in Thailand without a prescription. Please keep your cantankerous ignorance to yourself.

    <deleted> are you even talking about? I clearly said that without a script valium will land you jail time and or a hefty fine if you cannot bribe yourself out of it. So I think you owe me the apology, sir. Read back through again, slowly...

  16. The judicial system in Australia is just as bad, life for murder in Australia is suppose to be 25 years, but unless you're a serial murderer you're out in 12 years or even less.and you don't have to pay compensation to families

    Same in the UK, I know of a landlord of a pub who got ran over by someone on purpose and was killed, the guy who did it was 19 I think and he got 7 years and you can be assured that will be halved with good behavior. I by no means support the death penalty, but some people should be kept out of society, not put down but kept away.

    The death penalty is no real justice imo, it doesn't prevent murders, the US has one of if not the height murder rate of any fully developed country and yet the rest of the EU and Aus have abolished it. Killing these people is giving them a way out anyways and it won't bring back who they have killed, so keep them away from normal society for the rest of their lives, plus mistakes can be made and people have been innocently killed in the US because of it. This is my view anyway.

  17. I will give you that yeah it is a really light sentence, I really do not understand this country sometimes. The guy who chopped up his wife was released within some years.. But someone slinging ecstasy will get a nice hefty sentence.

    So the moral of the story is....Don't deal drugs be a psychopath serial killer instead!! lol

    Well both outcomes serve jail time but if you want the easy way in life I guess yeah, go cut up your other half and then get a pardon and get released. Wait, where am I again, is this Sesame Street?

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