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Posts posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. Most people have security cameras in the uk, and how do you even know any of the stuff she told you is true....If things are so bad why does she not just leave and go back to thailand. Sounds to me like she is starting to fabricate a story so she has grounds for divorce, take most of his money and stay in england and find a younger man, Hopefully he finds out while in thailand and begins divorce preceedings in thailand!!

    I think you are a highly prejudiced man, who given the chance would act in a similar way to a Thai lady!

    I am a highly intelligent young man that has heard and seen it all and very rarely does the truth represent what these women say...There is a reason that every bar girl wants to find an Australian or British man and it is not love!!!

  2. Most people have security cameras in the uk, and how do you even know any of the stuff she told you is true....If things are so bad why does she not just leave and go back to thailand. Sounds to me like she is starting to fabricate a story so she has grounds for divorce, take most of his money and stay in england and find a younger man, Hopefully he finds out while in thailand and begins divorce preceedings in thailand!!

  3. love you long time, same same but different, now stop the bullshit, hand over the money....i have three sick buffallos at home, that needs new tv, car and a house

    and my mum is ill I need hospital money

    and my scooter been stolen I need money for new one

    and mafia at home will steal my family land if we don't pay back money we owe

    and on and on and on....... until the ATM is empty

    when she started demanding too much he should have just traded her in for a new one!!

  4. i'm ok with the surcharge as the starting fares are already very cheap as compared to taxis in my country.

    This is the problem though, If you are going to pay the same price as a western country...Then why bother coming to Thailand!! 99.99% of tourists come to Thailand because it is cheap, If they are going to charge western prices then Tourists will go to a western country instead for their holidays!!

  5. ....

    The thing I do not get is that on one hand you say that you want to decide about "invest in Thailand for a lifetime" but on the other hand you are not interested in any Visa (i.e. Thai Elite, Investor Visa) that would enable you to do that without the hassle and risk of obtaining multiple back-to-back tourist Visa...

    I meant invest as in invest my time learning Thai and integrating with Thai culture. I have already visited Thailand many times for shorter stays, so I know it pretty well. I don't just go to a country, I go there and start learning the language and put a lot of effort and time into it.

    I do online work, so employment in Thailand or making a company really isn't something I'm looking to do. Unfortunately I'm not rich either to get the elite visa. It's a shame that Thailand, while being the world's biggest "prostitute" to foreign tourists, seems to want to get rid of many foreigners who are there just wanting to live normal lives, learn their language, etc.

    Thanks for the replies.

    I am a bit younger then you and in a similar boat, After being here for nearly 2 years I can pretty much tell you DO NOT invest here, definitely not straight away. Live here for a year and see how you like it, Very few young people decide to make this place home as you will find no matter how long you stay you can never really call the place home.

    While not many people get denied entry do you really wanna spend money and invest in expensive appliances when every 3 months you are taking the gamble of being allowed back in or not and things could change at any time. Also keep in mind that most university degrees here are not accepted overseas so if you do decide to move odds are she will not be able to find a good job!

  6. never pay...never .....never...never....even less if it is policeman or government staff where ever.

    people paying are increasing the coruption it is a big big mistake.

    myself since i live in thailand i always refuse to pay any kind of payment under the table or tip .i never had any problem with that.

    the only thing that can happen is that they are going to call you perhaps tightwad or skinflint (in thai: คนขี้ตืด-kiniao)

    good day and good night


    Thanks for the Thai lesson, dude. Honestly, you seem to suffer of a huge identify problem. Never pay, even less for cops, or government staff?

    So you never give a tip, interesting. You must live a freaking boring life and I'd assume that you wouldn't buy me a beer after I'd bought you ten boxes,..

    I'm just wondering what Thai citizens think, when reading your "unprofessional and questionable post".

    Some "problems" are only to fix with money,tips are even a must in other countries as a sign of appreciation.

    I always give a tip to in my favorite restaurant, always a tip when I get my car fixed, always give some change to people who're suffering.

    And you know what? I always get a good service and the money doesn't hurt me. People respect me for who/what I am.

    You never had a problem not giving a tip, or something similar, as Thais wouldn't tell you that you're a foreigner, who shouldn't be in this country. -wai2.gif

    Only fools tip all the time and only fools would pay for a girl to leave!! Plain and simple. If she tried to charge you for every time she slept with you turn it back on her as western gigolo's earn much more then thai women ;)

  7. I have always found it funny how so many people lose all their money here, I would never agree to any Sin Sod...If she really loved you then she would be fine with it.....Then again I am pretty sure most people here especially the >50 crowd would not want to really know the answer to that question :)

    • Like 1
  8. Only people I see complaining here are the fools that bought the elite visa, Yes this would be great for Thailand, I know so many people that would come here if they could get a 1 year visa and rent a place for 1 year without having to worry about getting denied at immigration. Most people want to come to Thailand for 1 year not 5 year and who in their right mind would pay $20k for a 5 year PE visa when you only want to come for a year, This would be great for everyone, Tourists get to stay for a year and it puts lots of extra money into local businesses!!

    • Like 1
  9. "They were tired" is often an excuse for bad behavior. They are punks is more to the point.

    Yes, agree with you.......

    They are punks because they are trying to prevent other people from drowning.

    They are punks because they risk their lives to save other peoples lives.

    I hope when you are in danger, one of those punks is near you to save your life.

    If only all western lifeguards could act like this and rough up anyone they want when they are tired, start fights with whoever they want....Right Costas!!!!

  10. If u dont tip and help Thai's earn a better living wage you are scum and only here to take advantage of thai people.

    ^^ Obviously American, Rest of the world don't tip normally!! Sometimes I will give them my shrapnel just because I don't want to carry it around but have yet to find a place that offers Excellent not trying to rip me off service even worthy of contemplating a tip!!

  11. Yes luckily for me I was just in penang and got denied but when I got my refund from the school he told me the new rules from immigration are that you MUST study 5 days a week for 2 hours a day AND when you go for your extenstion they will charge you 1900 baht and ONLY extend for 1 month to begin with, After that month you go back again and pay another 1900 baht and may be given 1,3 or 12 months....So you may have to go every month to immigration and pay 1900 month to extend...making language schools extremely expensive now!

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  12. why would you even ask here in this forum....It's against the rules to post anything negative about Thailand here so you are only going to get positive comments. From my own personal experiences and friends I have met here, no one has stayed more then 2 years, keep in mind I am 30's and most of my friends are < 40.

    I agree with the others rent and buy a place somewhere else where you can gain citizenship!

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  13. It seems you school can no longer get approval from the MOE for a course of study of less than 8 hours week.

    Is this for all language schools, eg. Language Express in BKK?

    Is for all language schools everywhere, I signed up in phuket and had all the paperwork signed and stamped from the MOE approved for 2 days (4hours) week and then got denied in penang telling me that i needed to be studying 4 days a week for a min 8 hours


  14. The first time in my life I heard about digital Nomads was about a month ago when the thread appeared on TVF.

    From what I understood from that thread is that digital nomads are mainly young people that have an idea of how to use a computer and try to convince themselves that they have a job.

    The don't offer any benefits to anybody, no taxes paid no social security just instead of trying to find a proper job they are pissing around the globe pretending they offer something to society.

    From what I understood also they are earning a pittance of money.

    I would call them lazy bums and I would advise them to go and get a job.

    sounds like a grumpy old man lol

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