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Posts posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. 3 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    Maybe if the Farangs had the Thai licences they wouldn't have lost 500 Bt....But of course as usual...it's the naughty police that were in the wrong.

    Back in your country, do police not care if you have a valid licence or not?

    Back in my country police pull everyone over with no special treatment for anyone especially the locals.....If the police did the same here people would not mind as much!!

  2. 6 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Feel sorry for the girl over the broken neck, and possible paralysis for life, but seriously people, she didn't have enough sense not to dive head first into the SHALLOW end of the pool?  

    Are you really surprised, her first time in asia. Everywhere else in the world pools are fairly deep and you can dive in the shallow end no problem. Thais and asians are just so small that the shallow end is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY way way way more shallow then the rest of the world. Saw other people diving into the pool and didn't think anything of it, an easy mistake for a first timer here!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Stradavarius37 said:

    What exactly does rounding up illegals have to do with you and your feelings?  Keep your documents legal, and stop feeling hurt that the people responsible for their country's security are doing their jobs. Did you see where is press conference was?  Nana.  Lots of scumbags walking around there that deserve to have their bonafides checked.  If you are not one of them, then what are you whinging about?

    The problem is many people that used to come here a lot are no longer coming even though they have never been denied or had trouble from immigration the constant crackdowns and hearing of other foreigners being denied entry has made many western frequent tourists choose better countries to spend their time and money in with no fear of being denied entry.

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  4. This is not the west, Any money you have paid are normally deemed theirs as soon as they are received. Does not matter what happened if you decide not to come or to leave early then you forfeit any money you paid, this is normal for Thailand especially in the Fitness industry. All you can do is keep asking and hope they give it to you, If they choose not to not really much you can do sorry. Never EVER pay in full unless you are 100% sure you are going to able to complete the services offered here in thailand.

    • Like 1
  5. Unless everyone here starts driving cars which let's face it are FAR worse for the environment then plastic bags here there is no point removing plastic bags. Thai's wont bring bags or pay for bags and then will try and hold onto their items while riding home raising the risk of accidents even higher here. But I suppose the higher loss of life wouldn't matter to some here as long as plastic bags are banned at any cost.

    While on the topic of plastic, I go through 8 x 600 ml plastic bottles a day sometimes 10 which is far more plastic then the 1 plastic bag i get daily from shopping. Let's face it banning plastic bags is going to do little to nothing to reduce plastic use while being a major inconvenience to most!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Sumarianson said:

    Mother's in law always want money....plain and simple. Send with love. 

    remove mother's in law and replace with Thai women. I find most if you do not spend money on them they think you don't love them and if you do they think you love them. There is a very close relationship to money and love here in Thailand. This applies no matter what their job or how much they make a month.

    • Like 1
  7. I know many that have left, Thailand is no longer the cheap place with easy visas that it once was and there are MANY great alternatives, Especially for us <40 crowd. The thing is most people that leave don't complain and whine and threaten to leave they just leave. The ones on here that are always complaining that they may need to leave rarely actually leave from my experience.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, ericnoodeeka said:

    and while you're at it, 7 wont miss u dude, hop along now with ur plastic rubbish.


    oh you think you are reducing plastic...WRONG, when I have no 711 or family mart bags i throw out a big garbage bag every night filled with a few items, my friends do the same. So instead of us throwing out a small 711 bag filled with garbage we are now throwing out a bag 5x the size and thicker with rubbish every night so in fact we are using even more plastic ????

  9. 14 hours ago, PAWNEESE said:

    Are you a troll ?  He was being followed and eventually arrested very professionally (bearing in mind he was acting crazy) BECAUSE HE HAD DAMAGED POLICE VEHICLES in a Police carpark AND A LIGHT FITTING which he kicked down the road.. Plus acting crazy in the street. Or is that accepted in your country ?


    Toothpicks not the issue other than more proof he acting deranged. They only showed the toothpicks but he was pushing lots of things onto the floor and no doubt acting up before the camera got on him. 

    lol are you trolling me??

    The article clearly says "He then moved into the convenience store and started trashing things there." The fact that the writer considers a few toothpics on the floor "Trashing things" one can  only imagine what "kicked and smashed police vehicles" was.....did his foot touch the wheel and he put his hands on the bonnet ????????????

  10. Yes you can drop off in the afternoon and collect the next day. Keep in mind if you are applying for a non b to study thai and have been studying for a year they will try and speak thai to you and if you cannot speak thai you will be denied. She thought I had been studying already as my course said beginner and was not impressed that I did not understand her but after I explained that beginner means just starting she smiled and all was good.

    Another note is that all fees in vietnam are to be paid in USD not THB or VND. 

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