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Posts posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. 3 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "I have lost count of the amount of girls that have been messaging and even video chatting with guys overseas while lying next to me in bed. Unless you are PHYSICALLY here most do not consider themselves in a relationship or consider it cheating at all. "

    Text after sext.?

    inbetween sessions lol.

    • Haha 1
  2. 17 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I can see their point, there have been loads of white foreign bogus volunteers in CM getting VISAs.

    You pay an agent, they set you up with a charity, you get a 1 year VISA for turning up for 1 or 2 days.

    I've known at least two guys in the past who did this (both under 50s).

    so these guys pay a good amount of money to get a 1 year visa, They are not working in thailand and they contribute to the thai economy while costing thailand nothing. Why would you or any government have a problem with this, You are boosting your economy without having to give anything. 

  3. So why would they bother coming to thailand and dealing with all the red tape and having everything controlled by another group. They will film it in another country with hollywood actors and just say it is loosly based on the mu pa teams story while holding 100% control of the movie and the direction of the movie as well as 100% of the profits lol.

  4. difference is some people do not like shots, I was told the gel was much much more expensive then the shots, The shots are dirt cheap and any clinic will do for you if you do not like to do it yourself.

  5. but there is a work permit for teaching and if he is teaching overseas then he most likely will not have to pay tax. Like I said go see a good immigration lawyer and explain your situation. I know of a few people who work online here and have work permits from immigration lawyers so better to go see them and discuss your situation.

  6. Yes that is easily achievable, I live rawai and pay 6k month for that in a spacious apartment. 16k will get you a nice condo in a nice building with gym and pool nearer to chalong but then you need to deal with all the roadwork mess.


    I would recommend getting a scooter to get around though as taxis can get expensive.

    • Like 1
  7. You have to love the comments from most posters blaming the tourists.....Reverse the roles if this was two foreigner who did this to 2 thai women they would all be up in arms about the low quality of tourists and how could it happen. Seems too many thai visa memebers have been living in thailand too long and view foreigners not as human beings anymore but as walking ATM's. I have little doubt they will never even catch the women or if they do the fine will be < 1000 baht, It's stories like this that keep most people from visiting thailand!!

  8. quite often had problems with them I live a bit outside BKK, but here they are ok. But once in the center of BKK its a totally different story. Plenty of problems there mainly not wanting to go to the destination or when out in the tourist area's not wanting to turn on their meters. Good reason to have my own transportation. I was that fed up with it.

    Which destinations, and which tourist areas, though?

    EVERY TOURIST AREA. Been to bangkok 4 times in the last 2 years and only taxi that turns on the meter are the ones from the airport NO TAXI anywhere else will turn on their meter, Have had over 50 friends all visit bangkok and not one of them found a taxi who would switch on their meter they also charge absurd rates and if you refuse then they refuse to take you!! I do not know one person that has anything good to say about taxis in bangkok!!

  9. theonetrueaussie

    "I am only 32 so probably half the age of most people on this forum but I hated dating in thai, Same with all my friends. Relationships had virtually no chance of succeeding unless you are willing to take care for entire family forever limiting your own options. I also love the line about thai wives being incredibly faithful from some of the previous posters here, The amount of times myself and other friends were propositioned by these apparently faithful wives even out at restaurants when their partners left for the loo for a few minutes.....

    If you want a simple life and someone who will take care of you as long as you have money then thai girls are fine. If you want are looking for someone who you can work hard with and make a great life together then it is insanely hard to find someone seeing as thai qualifications are worthless anywhere outside thailand, Getting her a visa for many western countries in a long tedius process and basically the having to take care of her entire family financialy leaves you less well off. For younger blokes thailand is probably the worst place to look for a relationship!!"

    I really can see where you are coming from and also that there is some financial motivation in your thought processes. If you are not very, very careful with your choices in the West (whilst it may be OK for a few years) there is statistically a high probability that it will go horribly wrong. Only then will you discover the true cost of a Western relationship.

    oh I agree I doubt I would ever get married in a western country but Korea, Japan etc they still love westerners but you get an educated woman with a good job who earns good money.

    For those that always assume westerners have problems because they only date bar girls or poor girls when I lived in thailand I dated 3 different girls all educated and all earning 30k-100k month, While western women may have some baggage thai girls came with an enormous amount, They have massive trust issues and get extremely jealous of any other female you hang around with. Even though they earnt a lot of money when I met their family's it was like you could see the $$ signs in their eyes when they met me and it never took long before the "help me please" started coming from them lol.

    It really depends on what you are looking for in a relationship, Love in thailand means money and security and alot of my female thai friends are not even attracted to their partner in the slightest but they are taken care of and that is all they want.

  10. I am only 32 so probably half the age of most people on this forum but I hated dating in thai, Same with all my friends. Relationships had virtually no chance of succeeding unless you are willing to take care for entire family forever limiting your own options. I also love the line about thai wives being incredibly faithful from some of the previous posters here, The amount of times myself and other friends were propositioned by these apparently faithful wives even out at restaurants when their partners left for the loo for a few minutes.....

    If you want a simple life and someone who will take care of you as long as you have money then thai girls are fine. If you want are looking for someone who you can work hard with and make a great life together then it is insanely hard to find someone seeing as thai qualifications are worthless anywhere outside thailand, Getting her a visa for many western countries in a long tedius process and basically the having to take care of her entire family financialy leaves you less well off. For younger blokes thailand is probably the worst place to look for a relationship!!

  11. End of the day it won't really make a difference. Between all the corruption in thailand and the beatings of tourists that go unpunished most people I know are staying the hell away from thailand. Thailand has well and truley earned it's 3rd world status and most people i know never want to return as you are treated like a walking atm in most tourist destinations with very little recourse if anything were to happen to you!!

  12. In the circumstances this Guy has been a real Gentleman and i admire his calm and graceful attitude considering what he's lost and been through.

    Whilst such cases almost always hit the headlines at some stage and show all the very deep and disturbing tendencies of Thai society, it would be interesting to know what percentage of Expat's suffer in this way in comparison to those that experience good marriage's until their life expiry date comes around. Overall; i would expect such percentage to be on a par with what happens to many Men in their own country's, where whilst the laws are much stronger and Lawyer's much more honest, Men normally end up a lot worse off than their spouse's when things go wrong in the marriage. The difference is that the Wife has the blessing of the Western Courts when she walks away with the stash and there has been no corruption involved at any level.

    Most of the marriages in the west are like with like.

    Most of the foreigner marriages here are old, fat and bald (ing) with young and slim.

    So I'm thinking almost all the old/young marriages are going to fail, unless she's patient enough to wait for him to die.

    .+unless she's patient enough to wait for him to die.+...strongs words, but true.

    "wait for him to die"...seems like a lot of foreigner men falling from balconies....

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