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Posts posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. I think we all know how loud thais can be and how loud they play there music. While the foreigners went about it the wrong way the fact that they had to drive there to complain sorta tells you how loud the thais were most likely. 

    The other fact is that the owner had to call the police not because he was afraid of the foreigners but he was afraid the thais would kill them....and people are praising them for not beating up or killing the foreigners for complaining about loud music. Just when I think the human species cannot fall any lower...

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  2. I too had depression and extreme anxiety for the last 4-5 years and found it very hard to get rid of, I recently this year got a full blood panel done and found out my hormones were low. What many people do not realize is that your estrogen levels actually control how you feel. By getting mine in the sweet spot my depression has completely gone, A simple blood test can let you know what your estrogen level is and then if that is your problem you can raise it or lower it with diet, exercise and nutritional supplements.  

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  3. As someone who had low T and who's life has been completely turned around by HRT, I can tell you that it is not overrated and anyone that says taking Viagra is better then HRT when you truly do have low T has no idea.

    It is worth fixing your body so it runs properly that may require HRT it may require vitamins. 

  4. Yeah 600 is really good, You have the same values as some of my friends who are late 20's. You definitely do not need testosterone injections. Saying that I would still have your estrogen checked you want to be in the 20-30 range and it is actually estrogen that determines how well you feel and energy levels, libido etc.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Horace said:


    Musk is baiting Vernon.  He's quoted as saying that because he hasn't been sued, his original claim must be right.  Musk is even attacking the press because it has not investigated his claims.  From the Guardian:


    Musk’s email to BuzzFeed, which was a response to Unsworth’s latest legal threats, said: “I suggest that you call people you know in Thailand, find out what’s actually going on and stop defending child rapists, you <deleted> <deleted> … As for this alleged threat of a lawsuit, which magically appeared when I raised the issue (nothing was sent or raised beforehand), I <deleted> hope he sues me.”


    Musk sounds unhinged.  He's offered no proof to back up his claims.  Instead, he wants the press to "call people you know in Thailand".  What does is that supposed to mean?  Randomly start calling up people in Thailand?  Invest time and resources to investigate a claim Musk made simply because Musk is an "important person" and the press should follow-up on everything he claims, even though he doesn't provide a scintilla of evidence to back up his claims?


    Musk is a billionaire, and could easily hire an investigator to find support for his claims if there was some.  But he hasn't done that.  Why?  The burden should be on Musk to provide evidence for such an outrageous claim.  Not the other way around.


    But Musk is trying to make it work the other way around by putting the burden on Vernon (to, if the claims are false, disprove a negative), and, to some extent, he might succeed given the nature of the serious claims he is making.  Its a nasty and unfair ploy.  He's trying to set the rules of this dispute by claiming that if Vernon cannot prove he is not a sexual predator, he must be a sexual predator.  And if the press cannot find evidence that Vernon is a sexual predator, the press is not calling the right people to do their job. 


    Sounds like Trump.


    Musk has set this up where Vernon has little choice but to sue an unscrupulous and unstable billionaire.  Yes, he will be represented on a contingency fee basis.  But we have no reason at all to believe Musk's claims are true, and if Vernon was hoping to live a quiet life in northern Thailand, he's lost that now.  




    That may be true or it may be that Musk is extremely smart, has the evidence and is letting you, the media and everyone else dig their own holes. Let it go to court and then provide evidence and make it seem like all his enemies supported a pedofile. As I said before only time will tell on this case. 

  6. Yes at the start they may have been but to double down and dare the guy to sue him. Someone that wealthy with a lot to lose would most definitely have sought legal advice before doing that and most probably have some sort of evidence to back up their claims. If not then he truly is an idiot but like I said you don't become that wealthy by being an idiot so will be interesting to see.

  7. Pretty strong claims by musk but you have to wonder if someone at the cave rescue told him about that guy. You also have to wonder when Musk doubled down on his claims if he had already hired private investigators to investigate the claims and is now waiting for the court date to release all his evidence. Either way going to be interesting to see the outcome of this one. I don't like Musk but he never came across as stupid....

  8. I couldn't edit my other post but you may not even need Trt. You may just be deficient in iodine and B12. Your thyroid tests will show that, If you do decide to go on trt then there is definitely a list of tests that you SHOULD get done before starting so you have a baseline to compare with further down the road.

    You can also try some natural testosterone boosters which cost about 1600 baht for a months supply and they can also help with thyroid problems and see if that can boost you naturally. I tried them and they seemed to work well for me but they only boosted my test to 303, My natural levels were well below 200 without them.

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  9. there are 2 forums t-nation and excelmale, Both are pretty good, Once you are on TRT you do not cycle off. It is also best to do HCG 250IU 2x week as well. I am only 35 and been on TRT for 5 months now, I have never felt better in my life nearly every problem with my body was fixed by going on TRT. I will probably attempt a restart in 2-3 years time but for now I am going to enjoy having a healthy functional body lol.

  10. You can do that BUT are you going to go low carb no sugar for the rest of your life?, Are you going to give up caffeine for the rest of your life?

    If I was you I would pop over to vietnam and get a full blood panel done. I say vietnam because for about $100-150USD you can get absolutely everything tested, Cortisol, Dhea, Thyroid, Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Estrogen, Dhea, Prolactin, Progesterone, Vitamin D,B,E, HDL, LDL etc etc 

    With all those results you will get a much much better picture of your body and what is going on, there are many forums that you could upload those results and get feedback as well as google research them yourself. That way when you go to the doctors you will have some idea of what everything means and suitable questions for the doctor. 

  11. most people go for between 800-1200 but the TOTAL testosterone is not the one that matters as this includes both free testosterone that your body uses and bound testosterone. The free testosterone is the value that you will want to base your dosage on as well as using common sense and seeing how you feel, you may feel alot better at 1200 or maybe 800 is where you want to be. For comparison most bodybuilders are around 4000-5000 when starting out and go up to 21,000+. 

    Finding a doctor here that knows what they are doing is not easy, There are some very large forums which also have some leading TRT doctors that can help guide you or you can even get skype consultations with them and give them all your blood tests done here but it is expensive i think around $375USD a consult. Once you really research it and know more about it, it really becomes very easy to monitor and do.

    • Like 1
  12. 12 hours ago, chiangrai said:

     Thanks a lot..........that's great news.It's a load off my mind to know I can afford it.


    I am going for Thyroid tests tomorrow and may get cortisol,DHEA and testoserone

    done as well.

    I've just been recommended a place that does all this at Thai prices.


    When I get the results do I need to see a doctor and get advice and a prescription or can I figure it out online.


    I have a book that I want to follow.It says do every hormone in a certain order.

    Insulin first so I went on a low carb,no sugar died.

    Then Cortisol then Thyroid and Testosterone.

    Can that amount of Test(100mg per week) be taken with out a break every so often.


    Make sure to get your LH and FSH checked also, If these are low it is the reason your test is also low. You can try a restart first which would include clomid and maybe even hcg for 3-4 weeks and see if that gets everything working normally again. How much test you need to take a week depends on person to person, some people need 80mg some need 200mg, you normally want your testosterone around 800-1000 but also highly depends on your free testosterone levels.

    I would definitely go see a doctor first and as Eezer said depending on your levels there may be other options to try first but it really does depend on your side effects. Also keep in mind being on the low end of the scale does mean up to 400% greater chance of heart problems and diabetes is pretty much guaranteed, something to talk to your doctor about also.

  13. In Thailand it is extremely Affordable. If you end up going on trt you will be looking at prob 100-120mg a week. For 20 vials(about 40 weeks) of medication it costs around 3800 baht. Then you have the needles which cost 10 baht each.

    As Jas21 pointed out you can feel tired on trt which means you need to take HCG as well this normally costs around 800 baht for 2 months supply. You will also want to get your thyroid tested and maybe look at taking some iodine tablets and maybe some B12 injections bi weekly. ALL up if you are taking everything I described you are looking at probably 2500-3000 baht every 2 months.

    Once you have your injection protocol down and you know how your injections affect your testosterone and estrogen you can get away with only needing blood tests every 6-12 months.

    Of course these prices mean you inject yourself instead of getting a doctor to do it, but you just inject subq twice a week into the belly fat, daunting at first but once you have done it a few times it is really very simple. 

    • Like 1
  14. I hate to say it but your doctor has no idea. I too thought I had depression and anxiety and thought nothing of it, stupid me. Finally went and got a full blood work done and found out I had low Test and Low Estrogen, still in range and would be condsidered normal values if I was 80. Went and saw a Endo and he told me it was the depression and I needed to see a psychologist or take anti depressants. Joined a big Testosterone Replacement Forum and found out that not 1 person had cured themselves by seeing a psychologist and anti depressants will make you feel better but will LOWER your testosterone even more, so if that is your problem then you will have far greater problems in the future.

    Go Into a local clinic that does blood tests and pay for the tests yourself, I have been on Testosterone Replacement for 6 months now and It takes a while to get your hormones balanced but once you do you will feel amazing and like a new man. My depression is completely gone along with my anxiety and my confidence is back and I feel amazing. Go get the blood tests done that I told you about earlier and I can let you know if there is something you should get looked at. From dealing with doctors I can tell you many have no idea when it comes to low testosterone and Thyroid, I get all my information from doctors in America that specialize in Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

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  15. If your testosterone is low then you will need further bloodwork before starting TRT as well, including liver panels and prostate to make sure you don't have any type of prostate cancer as TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) can make it grow faster and make it worse.

    Estradiol Sensitive (not regular!) is only available in America, not anywhere else in the world!

    • Like 1
  16. This is what you should do if you feel you have low testosterone.

    You need to get a blood check done immediately, local clinics are best as they will do the tests no need for doctor to order

    Free Testosterone

    Free T3
    Free T4

    Your Tsh wants to be under 2 but around 1 is best, free t3 and t4 want to be in the top 1/3 of the range. Your testosterone wants to be around 500-600 and estrogen around 20-30. If your Testosterone is only 300 you will be in range and some doctors will tell you that is normal and they would be correct if you are 70+.

    Your main checks are your hormones and your thyroid, If your tsh is high it means your thyroid is working overtime and you can begin supplementing with b12, iodine and selenium and see how that goes first.

    • Like 1
  17. Bahaha you guys have it easy, I live in phuket and you are looking at 5000 baht JUST for green fees then 1000 baht to rent clubs and 1000 baht caddy fee + taxi there and back normally and you get a little change out of 8000 baht for the day......Lets just say I don't bother playing here anymore.

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  18. On 8/6/2018 at 7:17 AM, greenchair said:

    I have to say, I well agree with number 5. 

    When I come to thailand, I will stand in the 2 hour cue for a male officer over the half hour cue with a female. 

    I find that whenever I have any official problem in Thailand,  the males are much easier to con. 

    I find the opposite the females are always much much easier when I am coming in compared with the males.

    • Like 1
  19. Of course you can have relationships here just be smart about it. If you want to buy anything buy a condo put everything in your name. Don't give them access to your bank accounts and the big one is never let them know how much you are truly worth. As far as marriage goes it is basically the same as the west and you must marry a thai that is of equal networth and income to yourself But good luck finding one that is single. If you do marry then once again don't be silly and put stuff in their name you are just asking for trouble.

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