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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. The bad living conditions is to be expected. But I didn't know that physical abuse was part of it.
  2. Is this real ? God. You hire desperate stragglers and then treat them like slaves ? What did this good ol Iranian man expect ? He evidently got away with it for a long time.
  3. Looks like he was trying to get a free ride and stepped off hoping the driver wouldn't notice. That part of it , he was successful
  4. The driver wasn't going fast. And didn't notice that a passenger fell out obviously. I wonder how drunk the victim was
  5. This is great. And what make se Asia special
  6. That letter is the most American Chinese thing I have ever read. Cringe. She really thought she was a bigshot. And after that money was gone , her ego couldn't take it. Its amazing how far some ppl get in life , without reckoning with their ego.
  7. Hes trying to show how smart he is for using a translation feature
  8. Anyone who's involved in the field of security cannot believe it was just simple negligence. It is a cartoonish level narrative to these ppl.
  9. The Heritage foundation is a mainstream conservative Republican arm and has been involved in picking presidents for decades. And you think they just make up complete lies and fabrications out of whole cloth BUT at the same time , you believe the govt never lies about anything and you believe literally every official story and narrative from the govt. Oh the irony. Nord stream 2 was bombed by 4 men and 2 women on a pleasure cruise. A loner with a gun and a ladder got a 1/4 inch away from assassinating Trump AND we have yet to find a motive....hmmmm
  10. There's some interesting info in this guy's opening statements.
  11. So what do u reckon happened ? A fumigation company owned by a group of Thai police officers accidentally fogged an occupied room ?
  12. I've seen that too. The nose matches , but other features don't. Then again , she's wearing a hat and glasses. Its possible that it is her , but not conclusive
  13. It appears that someone was on the top of the water tower. At the very top
  14. There was one suicide. The rest were murder
  15. Oh dear. 3 police snipers were inside the building that the shooter was on top of. https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2024/07/16/trump-assassination-attempt-three-police-snipers-were-reportedly-inside-building-where-gunman-fired-from/
  16. She seems fidgety and anxious just before the shooting starts. Then when the shooting starts, she calms down.
  17. Not sure what to think of this
  18. Unlike the JFK case , it appears thay they either had no backup 2nd shooter or it became untenable to activate the backup shooter. They probably use some judgment as the situation evolves. The crowd was onto the shooter right away, filming him on the roof for goodness sake.
  19. I am not an American nor am I into retail level politics at all. I am also not saying Biden dun it. I am talking about the covert agencies.
  20. First off, I am not a Trump supporter. I cannot stand the guy. They tried to impeach, indict and arrest Trump multiple times. If a permanent solution to the Trump problem is as simple as showing up with a ladder and a gun at a Trump rally, then why wouldn't the agency do this ? The majority of everyday people will believe the official account of the story anyway, like they are right now. This is exactly what they did with Nord Stream 2. Every legal means of stopping it was exhausted. Then they blew it up. A half dozen Ukrainians on a pleasure yacht. Yeah right. This was actually way easier and way more deniable than Nord stream 2. And the stakes were higher in this case. Trump is unacceptable to be president. They warned him. They gave him some outs. And he didn't take them. I am 99% sure it was an inside job. But that's just me. I am also rather confident that they will do it again. So to the people who actually think this wasn't an inside job, can you explain to me why they wouldn't do this ? Is it altruism ?
  21. Your attempts to dress this up as Thai police stupidity are getting quite tiresome.
  22. It was a murder suicide. I rather successful one. She wasn't trying to get away with anything.
  23. 280k is a quarter million. That in the third world is like 2 million in the 1st
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