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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. I am happy to see that at least your making an effort to learn the language unlike the majority of foreigners that have lived here for years and can not even count to five in Thai. I would agree that learning to read and write is a far better way to learn. Not that it is wrong to at least making an effort to speak. The majority of foreigners living here make any effort to learn depending solely on their so called bar girl girlfriends or wife to care for them in every way. We all should know the outcome of that far to common horror story. My best advise is do not be afraid to learn and what ever process works best for you try it. No two people learn the same way. Having said that i am tired of foreigners bitching about how old they are and a hundred other excuses as to why they are unwilling to learn. As one dumb newbie drunk with bar girl said to me the other day when i asked why he was unwilling to learn. "I have her to take care of everything" Less than two weeks after meeting her in a bar in Pattaya the old used up hag that was living in a shed was covered in gold. The moral of the story is ,if you plan to live here and want far fewer problems learn to speak Thai.

  2. Everything is cheaper here as long as you don,t spend your life in bars, KFC, Burger King and buying foreign food in Lotus like the majority of the moaners that hate it here do. I have had some beautiful homes here for less than 3000 baht a month. Where ? I am not stupid enough to give up that information. Why? Once the foreigners flood in kiss paradise goodbye. I repeat i did not move half way around the world to hang with a bunch of foreigners. I came here to live with the Thais. If your too stupid not to be able to live here cheaply and very well start your learning process by putting the bottle down.

    I pay 2200 THB a month for a 3 bedroom brick and tile, fully furnished home in Thailand.

    That is 7.5% of my salary.

    Where in the west will I do that. Tell me and I will go there.


    I've been in a number of 2200 baht a month places in Thailand, which makes you Stevie Wonder.

    How about posting some photos?

    But here we go with the "rent is cheaper here, so everything must be."

    Ok, here's one.


  3. Euros are more friendly ? How is that possible when the majority i have seen after all these years have a constant scowl like they have a huge broom stick rammed up their butts. My Thais friends always mention one country right off that they consider rude and unfriendly and i have to agree they are also at the top of my list to avoid. Agree the Thais if you really get to know them are very kind . But if you spend the majority of your life in foreign bars bitching and moaning what scam artists the Thais are my hunch is what Thai you learned if any came out of a bottle. It is no wonder you never did well here. Guess what ? The Thais don,t think highly of you either. This is Thailand not Germland.

    problem in the USA it s very hard to make any friend. here it s much easier. European and Thai are much more friendly than the USA guys. In USA you get a "hi" and nothing else.
    the guys who set the Boston bomb said they have no US friends.

  4. because you enjoy living in your little western bubble sounds like fun.

    Life is certainly cheaper here, unless you insist on trying to live a western lifestyle.

    But if you want to live a western lifestyle, why the hell move here in the first place?

    So I can have the best of both worlds. What is so hard to understand about that?

  5. most of my friends are Thai. How did i get them? I learned to speak Thai and i don,t tend to hang with foreigners. If i do they think much like myself and avoid the majority of other foreigners. The easiest way to adapt is living with them. If i wanted to live with foreigners i would just stay home. I did not move to Thailand to live with foreigners. I think it is called Thailand for a reason.

    No plans to return to my homeland ever. Why ? Police state, nasty women, shallow, crap food, expensive rent, Obamacare ,what a joke, work until you drop dead for what. Never understood foreigners that move here bitch and moan about the Thais, never learn to speak Thai, eat expensive foreign food, have bar girls for girlfriends or a wife, drink non stop , hang with other foreigners in bars, never bother to learn about the Thai culture Do's and Don;ts and overall treat the Thais like crap and wonder why they have non stop problems. Ban Huay Yang in southern Thailand is a fine example of foreigners that live in a fortress with high walls to keep out the evil Thais, walk around with a scowl non stop like they have a stick up their butts and are some of the most unhappy looking foreigners i have seen in all my travels. If you hate it here so much LEAVE ! More room for myself and wife. Never had much of any problems with the Thais OUTSIDE of the tourists slums. I love it here, enjoy the Thais, Thai food and basically everything. So why leave.

    I agree with pretty much everything except the 'thais' part.

    Where do you get them coz I haven't had any permanent 'friends' here and I tried..

    I keep myself to myself these days and a handful of farang friends.

    Overall, you can live pretty cheap here but you have to be determined and not whine...I grew up in a farm so no hardship for me here.

    For people who are spending more than 1000$ here ...I would prefer some place else if I had an income like that.

    Private schools????

    What are you people smoking?

    If my kids cannot hack it in govt schools....goodmorning plumbing.

    End of story

  6. don,t want to make a mistake ? Don,t make the same mistake as 99.999 % of other foreigners make. (1) Spending the remainder of their life in a bar with total losers. (2) Dating and marrying a hooker. (3) Trying to copy the country they left. (4) Never learning to even count to five in Thai.

    when I came to thaiand when I was 62 I intended to stay till I was 70. that happens next year and I will be leaving, not sure where I go but I will not return. I may add I like Thailand but my time is up

    What exactly are your reasons Tom? I am contemplating coming to Thailand to move and I am 68. I would hate to make a mistake.
  7. Sadly this is the majority of foreigners moving and visiting here. Booze seems to control their brains and then they get involved with hookers for a girlfriend or wife. This shows a serious lack of common sense and brain power. Yet they keep arriving here by the plane loads. Make no effort to learn Thai, eat anything Thai, hang with their bar buddies and try to copy where they left. Low profile good luck on that. Most Thais know them because they are unable to stay out of trouble.

    I met lot of guys here in Thailand, who have lost all. 100% of their sad story involved a Thai woman.
    here you need money and a brain. then you need to keep a low profile, avoid investing, business....

  8. no because after all these years here i have managed to stay out of trouble unlike most that are here. if that makes me self entitled so be it. i guess you encourage this type of behavior at the airport. to be direct the guy sounds like a danger to himself and others. Malaysia likely had a damn good reason for deporting him.

    You sound like you have a serious lack of common sense. You should fit in just fine with the majority of the expats and tourists in Thailand. Just curious how long you will last in Thailand before getting tossed out. What you did in Malaysia really takes some effort. But thanks for the warning.

    Not sure which part of the story you did not understood. OP was allowed to go to boarding without his fault. Then they blamed their inability to him. A lot like when in MH370 case when Malaysia did not check lost and stolen passport database and allowed two people to board under false identity.

    It is you that fit will with a large segment of foreigners in Thailand that feel self-entitled, and just strut all the time.

  9. Sadly you sound like another foreigner that does,nt get it. If its so bad why stay here ? Booze is likely cheaper in your homeland.

    About time.

    When they cease with the corruption and sheer incompetence I promise to buy a suit and tie for the sole purpose of wearing it when I extend my tourist visa a couple of times per year. Until then I honestly think a dirty Chang tank top and flip flops are equally as smart and professional as the immigration process in Thailand.

  10. could not have said it better but would just add a few things to the thank you list. If you are willing to learn from the Thais there are numerous positives. if you spend the majority trying to copy everything you left behind , being afraid of everything new, the food, the culture ,the language and spend the majority of your time hanging with other foreigners , sitting in bars and drinking yourself silly. Thailand has no problem chewing you up and spitting you out. the sad truth is the majority of expats make that fatal mistake and end up joining various versions of the Pattaya Flying Club. So don,t blame the Thais for all your problems you did it to yourself. Too many jump on the plane and expect to survive on money alone. If your unwilling to do some serious research and adapt to the country your now living in better you just stay home. Money alone will not save your sorry ass.

    I plan to live in Thailand for the duration.

    But if for some reason I had to leave, these would be my parting words:

    Thank you, Thailand, for your acceptance, your kindness, your welcome, your warmth, your smiles and your laughter.

    Thank you for all that you tried to teach me, even though I only soaked in a tiny bit of all you had to offer.

    Thank you for your patience, and your willingness to let me discover things for myself.

    Thank you, Thailand, for letting me be who I am and for letting me discover who I am.

    Thank you for giving me the chance to be a husband and a father.

    Thank you for helping me to grow as a person, and for helping me feel my life had purpose and meaning.

    Thank you for helping me understand what's important in life.

    I love you, Thailand. I miss you already, Thailand. I will never forget you.

    Thank you, Thailand.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you."

  11. Like i said i never have all these weird common problems i hear the foreigners whining about. Learning thai saves you a great deal of money, time, gains respect and much more. But if your so focused on getting drunk, hanging with your foreign bar buddies and chasing bar girls you deserve to get screwed. Avoid the tourist restaurants, hotels, travel shops, and just about anywhere they hang out and all your problems suddenly disappear .

    Do you run into dual pricing on a daily basis? I certainly don't.

    Pretty common if you go shopping for food in the markets.

    Most markets I go to have the prices clearly on display.

    Every one of these delivery trucks selling fruit, vegs or whatever have the prices on display.

    Dont think I have ever been dual priced at the gas station, when paying the phone bill, electric or water bill, the can insurance is the same price as Thais pay, same for car parts such as tyres and batteries.

    7 doesnt appear to have a dual pricing policy, I dont see it on a daily basis where I live in Bkk.

    If you are a good comparison shopper and speak Thai you can eliminate price gouging of foreigners almost entirely. A couple of vendors have had to learn the hard way that overcharging will results in the loss of a customer.

    The only place dual pricing is practiced openly is at national parks and tourist sites. It is the government's right to do this, and if you don't want to pay, don't go. Many universities and colleges in the US give preferential pricing to in-state students vs. out of state students. Same, same, no difference.

  12. For example. Three women are selling a small plate of tomatoes with no price. Have you ever thought of asking every one what the price is.? Do you have any idea what the going rates for produce is at the markets? Ever thought of listening in what the woman next to you is paying ? Or are you having all these problems because you can not speak a word of Thai?

    Do you run into dual pricing on a daily basis? I certainly don't.

    Pretty common if you go shopping for food in the markets.

  13. flip flops are high fashion for your common foreign alcoholic -sex tourist.

    Ok. The dress code has nothing to do with normal people its the idiots the signs are for. Signs been up for a while now its nothing new. Come in for business in normal street clothes there is NO problem. T shirt shorts flip flops its ok. The dress code is for people who think its appropriate to wear bikinis and no shirts. During my visit last last month, I watched the volunteer tell a woman in a bikini and a guy who came in with no shoes and no shirt to leave. It was great.

    No conspiracy here, just good old common sense.

    "No shirt, no shoes, no service". I am fine with that. I would think people visiting a country would want to make a reasonable impression on the government officials. I live in Florida. I see nothing wrong with a decent looking pair of shirts, a polo type shirt with a collar, and a pari of topsiders or some sort of sport or boat shoe. Flip flops don't impress

  14. just what i figured. well have fun with your booze and Thai bar girls. hope you don,t dress like a common sex tourist in public or at Immigration.

    Sorry you feel so unloved. If you really hate it here why don,t you leave. Question is why do you stay ? Let me guess. Cheap booze, cheap women.


    Like the Thais really really care about us.

    How long have you been here jungle boy?

    Don't be sorry jungle boy. I get all the loving I need on soi 6 after a skin full of ale at 55 baht a beer. Love it.
  15. from the sounds of it a FMP mushroom shake.

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    It has absolutely nothing to do with respect - it's about conformity and control.

    For most of you I suspect that you resent the freedom of beauty and youth. It's opposite of what you are - enslaved, trapped in old painful bodies, ugly.

    I'm trying to be respectful when asking this, but what are you on?

  16. I don,t have this problem either. Either (A) Your behavior is pissing someone off or they think your a common tourist idiot. (B) You are dressing like a slob and pissing off the locals. © Have a bar girl in tow showing your just another low class foreigner. (D) Can not speak a word of Thai after twenty years. (E) Or all of the above. I never have these problems. If i think the price is higher than normal i just go elsewhere . No thai is holding agun to your head. The word NO does wonders.

    one thing i wont miss about thailand is the constant money issue. it hovers over most interactions either in the form of questions, prices or small daily interactions in a way i dont get in the west.

    Who the heck are you hanging out with? I'm around Thais all the time, professionally and socially, and I never get any of this "constant money issues" that you speak of. That's the problem with some farangs in Thailand. You associate with certain types of Thais and assume all other Thais are the same. How about get out of the gutter occasionally?

    yeah, dual pricing is pretty much mythology now.

    Do you run into dual pricing on a daily basis? I certainly don't.

  17. If your not into the hoop jumping you could also move to another country and jump their hoops. My hunch is your just a common foreigner who can care less about the Thais as long as you have money to flash. Try your little stunt in more conservative countries and see how long you last that is if you don,t get hauled off first. Nothing but sickening arrogance if you want to dress like a clown. If you can,t follow the rules in a certain country best you leave. GET IT!

    "We are a 'guest' in their country"

    Oh, please! A well used phrase by farangs who are deluded. I've been here over 13 years. I regularly jump through hoops to stay here. The authorities would use any excuse to kick me out but as long as I'm jumping through their hoops and parting with wads of cash then I'm tolerated.

    I've never had a problem with immigration. I usually wear decent shorts and a polo shirt. That is acceptable. Anything less says something about the wearer.

  18. How many guests are invited to come here ? Far too many already. I think the Thais are finally getting sick of our trailer trash behavior.

    I guess you don,t get it do you? I bet i can guess what country you come from. YOU are a guest in THEIR country. Don,t like that idea please L:EAVE!

    Immigration trying to drum up some biz for all those poor tailors you find on every street corner?

    But it's not their business to tell a tourist how to dress especially with the police ordering tourists to provide a urine sample in public. Where's the respect in that?

    Hear we go again Jungle Jim, we are not guests in this country, you do not order 'guests' to report to anyone every ninety days, you do not send 'guests' out of the country for certain visas.

    I agree that Thailand has the right to make their rules as they see fit, but if we don't like them we don't have to live here. But stop referring to us as 'guests', 'guests' are people who get invited to a place,

    how many of us Farangs were invited to come here?

  19. You do,nt get it do you ? Curious how long you will last here. It has nothing to do with age. It is called respecting the country your visiting. YOU are a guest here.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with respect - it's about conformity and control.

    For most of you I suspect that you resent the freedom of beauty of youth. It's opposite of what you are - enslaved, trapped in old painful bodies, ugly.

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  20. Sadly most tourists/expats/ students don,t give a damn about the Thais nor their culture. I wonder why so many have non stop problems. Dressing like a pig does not help.

    Farangs seem to always think quite highly of themselves... so why not show their supposed "quality" by wearing appropriate clothes?
    Or would there be indeed a "quality problem" with all those farang expats/tourists/students, to the point where immigration must request proper attire?
    It's only normal to dress adequately wherever we go.

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