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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. I guess you don,t get it do you? I bet i can guess what country you come from. YOU are a guest in THEIR country. Don,t like that idea please L:EAVE!

    Immigration trying to drum up some biz for all those poor tailors you find on every street corner?

    But it's not their business to tell a tourist how to dress especially with the police ordering tourists to provide a urine sample in public. Where's the respect in that?

    • Like 2
  2. About time totally agree. Perhaps foreigners would get a lot more respect from the Thais if they did not dress like total slobs. Meaning like a typical alcoholic sex tourist, common criminal or foreign street hooker. I can not believe what i have seen in the tourist areas. Sometimes i think the foreign women are the worst. Half naked i guess trying to compete with the Thai bar girls.

    • Like 1
  3. Another drunk foreigner in Thailand story. They never learn, non stops scams, date and marry a bar girl, money taken by bar girl, drug in drinks, getting beaten up, ripped off by taxis. What did i forget to add to the list. They are their own worst enemies. I just avoid getting anywhere near them and the majority of the tourists and expats. After numerous warnings on the web , in books and just a serious lack of common sense they deserve everything they get. Nothing but non stop problems.

  4. correct ! This is Thailand ! never have understood that logic. Move here and act like you never left home. the only difference is the make believe Thai bar girl girlfriend who you have no idea what she is saying while she chats with her Thai boyfriend on the phone.

    Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

    Cost of living is cheaper here,


    Please don't edit my posts. Forum rules require you quote them in their entirety.

    You know, this particular misperception is an ongoing argument on TV. And it is usually made by people with mediocre job histories, and/or a miserable existence in their homeland, making retiring to Asia and "enjoying" forty baht meals out, 150 baht massages, and 1000 baht "girlfriends," a good deal.

    All the foods I like are available here at no up charge. In Thailand they carry a 300% up charge---even before Villa or Foodland grab their own take.

    On Friday, I bought a very nice Chilean Malbec, on sale, for $4.19. That's 125 baht. IN LOS, the same wine was close to 700 baht. I bought an excellent cheese on special, thick smoked bacon for a dollar a pound, and a steelhead trout filet for $4 (fresh, not farmed). That's far less than what I paid at Villa.

    My gym does not require a membership, and so has no pesky salesman. It has a flat rate of $15 per month. I, like all members, have a key, making it available 24/7.

    When I use UPS or FedEx here, they are reliable and reasonable. Nothing gets stolen, or nailed for extra fees.

    When I pay a serviceman here to do work on my vehicle, or my lawnmower, or my plumbing or electric, it is almost always done expeditiously, safely and right, the first time. This, as opposed to going through a series of workers who not only don't get it right, but often make a problem worse.

    In LOS, I never had my '65 Honda motorbike running correctly, because the mechanics were incompetent or dishonest. Or both. This increases a tradesman's "bargain" rates considerably, making them no longer a bargain.

    One time when I went to pick up my bike after some work, I noticed the original Honda seat was replaced by junk, and my seat was on the bike of the mechanic's buddy. When I pointed this out, they did this: whistling.gif . When I insisted they put it back on my bike, they became confrontational. I had to pay a cop to get my seat back. I don't think I have never had that experience at a Honda bike shop in the USA.

    I bought a new gas BBQ last week at Home Depot. Regular cost was $99. On sale for $69. What's a gas BBQ in Thailand? I know the answer: about 10,000 baht for junk. The price goes up from there. The dumbbells I bought in LOS? One there cost as much as six here.

    If I buy something at most stores here, there is a no-questions-asked return policy. I have returned to the local Smith's Supermarket, a number of items I found unsatisfactory. Always a smile when handing back my money. As such, I am a loyal customer. In November after returning to the States, I was checking out some groceries, and the bill was fifty-some dollars. I jokingly asked the checker if he had any coupons. He reached in his apron pocket, and swiped one across the scanner, and my bill dropped to $32. This is now a regular occurrence.

    Gas where I live is almost half the price it is in Thailand. It is lower in other states.

    In Thailand used vehicles carry a ridiculous price. Last week, I bought a '66 Chevy Bel Air. It had sat in an old lady's garage for years, and has 38,000 original miles. I paid $3700 for it. Now I have my eye on a '65, fully restored Chev pickup. $7000. Far less than a used pickup in average condition in Thailand. Both are investments that will never lose me money.

    The Asian market I shop in Salt Lake City, actually has lower prices than back at Rhek Thum's "fresh market." And they are the same brands.

    Here the tennis courts are free, and in good condition.

    Here, cops don't stop me when I'm driving legally, unlike Thailand where they attempt to extort money. And here, Avis doesn't even think of extorting me for a pre-existing scratch, when I return a rental to the airport, just because I speak English.

    My dentist here does not try to drill out non-existent cavities, nor pull a cracked tooth that can be repaired (if you have good training), nor spends a mere 15 minutes "cleaning" my teeth. Here it takes a solid hour,and is done right, so I only have to go twice a year rather than every couple of months.

    This summer I'm out to buy a piece of land and build a vacation home. It's mine when I'm done, though my wife's name will also be on it. And where we are building, land is cheaper per acre than the rubber tree land where I lived in Rhek Thum. Don't believe me? Do your due diligence and research it, and you'll find my claim holds water.

    Most of the nutritional products I take that keep me free of those expensive American doctor bills, are not available in Thailand. The few that are, are substantially lower in price here than in LOS. After feeling like crap the past few years, I am once again healthy and have my vitality back. That has great economic value.

    The firearms I buy to go hunting and target shooting are at the very least, 1/3 the price they are in Thailand. The books I read are cheaper when new at the store, and a once-read paperback bought at a garage sale is 10 baht.

    The tools I will use to build my house, Makita, Ryobi, and Milwaukee, are much less expensive here in the States. And if they break, the warranty work is done locally and in days. Usually they just hand over a new tool. The building material selection is far more diverse here, enabling both short-term and long-term savings.

    Are there exceptions? Are there things cheaper in LOS?

    Sure. Instant water heaters, air conditioners, unhygienic meals out, short-time"girlfriends," and massages. There are others, such as contact lenses, but as a whole do not measure up to a genuine savings.

    Many items may be cheaper, but are built so cheaply they have a crap service life. Water pumps, clothing, and electrical items are a good example. Speaking of clothing, I bought new Levis last month. On sale, plus a coupon, $22 a pair. Good luck with that in LOS.

    Want to retire to a warm climate that has reasonable prices? Try Port Charlotte, Florida. Check out the land and housing prices, and all the free services and discounts for seniors. Thailand does not even come close.

    You tried living a western lifestyle in a Southeast Asian country. Of course it was expensive for you here!

  5. Don,t you just love the foreign criminals here.

    The primary point I take from your post is, you deal with integrity.

    That, I miss the most.

    Virtually non-existent here.

    You need to have some integrity yourself before you can expect to find it in others. In your case, you may be in for a lifelong search.

    Another bar stool psychologist.

    And I'm not just talking about the Thais, there are some real low life foreigners here.

    The kind of "entrepreneurs" that would be jailed in the west.

    Shove your conjectures.


  6. Right ! I don,t have a problem with the majority of Thais unlike so many foreigners. You really have to be a dumb ass to move half way around the world and expect Thailand to be home. If i remember correct this is Thailand. Thais speak Thai not German , not Russian nor barely English in most places. If you move here deal with the fact that you will likely have problems if your unwilling to speak the language. If you really believe a bar girl is going to be your guide in life keep drinking. Is that too hard to figure out?

    Totally agree. He likely can,t speak a word of Thai and lives within a area of thousands of other foreigners that are unable to cope with life outside the foreign zones. Never have all these problems the foreigners moan about. Why ? I stay far far away from the foreign zones and i don,t look nor act like a common foreigner lost without his bar girl in tow. Having problems ? Learn to speak Thai.

    i assume you have no problems with the local noodle vendor in the "non-foreign zone" and a discount of 5 Baht when you order your daily dinner speaking Thai... right? cheesy.gif

  7. Sorry that i left out women. Have also seen a number of foreign women both young and old drunk non stop. Also have seen more than a few women elders dragging behind a young Thai man that looked like a beaten puppy. I really felt sorry for him after seeing the elder foreign woman alcoholic beast.

    Good for you. Now please notify the millions of other alcoholics flooding into Thailand that being drunk here 24/7 is a bad reflection on other foreigners that live in peace here. Perhaps they might wake up to the fact that they are not well liked here and marrying a bar girl is not the brightest idea when your brain is soaked non stop with booze.

    Nice well intentioned try. considering the average alcoholic would not stop drinking if Jesus returned to earth and told him to stop one sort of doubts the alcoholic would worry too much about foreigners image perceived by thai's or hooking up with a hooker, which many a non alcoholic also do.

    my ex wife love affair with alcohol and her descent into hell is all too familiar

  8. Have never seen so many alcoholic foreigners as i have seen in Thailand. Stopped visiting Hua Hin , Chiang Mai, Koh Samui, Phuket, Pattaya , Chiang Rai, Pai, Khao San Road, Cha-Am, Udon Thani, Khon Kaen, Koh Phi Phi, Koh Tao, or anywhere there are more than fifty foreigners. Why ? Non stop problems caused by drunken morons , young and old men and women. Disgusting watching them staggering down the street at 8 am beer in hand bar girl not far behind.. The number one complaint i hear from Thais drunk obnoxious stupid foreigners. And then they wonder why they are always having problems.

    Good for you. Now please notify the millions of other alcoholics flooding into Thailand that being drunk here 24/7 is a bad reflection on other foreigners that live in peace here. Perhaps they might wake up to the fact that they are not well liked here and marrying a bar girl is not the brightest idea when your brain is soaked non stop with booze.

    Well done that man ( from another phil ). I too despair when I see old bloke ferlungs walking aroung at 10 in the morning clutching a warm Chang. I wonder ..were they like this in the old country or do they just get like this here. A few winos to be seen back in the UK but nothing compared to those I saw in Hua-Hin and C/mai.

  9. OMG! You hit the nail on the head. Foreigners that make zero effort to learn Thai and make a small effort to fit in deserve everything they get. Who do they tend to date and marry ? Bar girls ! Without them they are totally helpless. Their nasty stick up their butt looks gets old. Put the bottle down and deal with life. You in Thailand not Germany or Sweden . Can,t handle it. Stop bitching and go home!

    Right to the end,burned at the wat.

    Ditto !

    Just like dear old (departed) dad. I brought him over for a 1 month holiday in 2008, when he got back (to Canada) he couldn't pack-up, close-up, visa-up and return fast enough. As he was leaving he told his friends that he wasn't ever returning and would die in Thailand. Man of his word ! (He now resides at Wat Dham Samakkee)

    He was miserable in Canada. He'd had enough of the cold weather, high prices, taxes (and politics to some degree) and despite having 3 pensions and no debts, was not enjoying his golden years. Moved here, his money went further, the weather was (much) warmer, he got to get out and about more and had some "companionship" to brighten his remaining days.

    I've lived in various places over the years like North America (Canada), Europe (Germany) and Thailand. Of everywhere I've been, there's no place I'd rather be than here. The whole "this place has that and that place has something else" argument has been done to death. Everyone has different tastes and different standards. Someone even commented that America has better tasting beer ! blink.png

    Some of us can live comfortably and easily in situations that others would find hard to cope with. Some people have different standards of living than others. It doesn't mean your way is the "right" one and theirs are all wrong. So you need (5, 6 or 10,000 dollars) a month to live on comfortably. That doesn't mean someone else can't possibly be happy on less than $2,000/month.

    Over the years I've noticed somethings about the foreigners living here. The ones that are the happiest are the ones that try to integrate into the local lifestyle/culture more. Learning the language (at least a little bit), eating the (local) cuisine, participating in activities and having Thai friends (as well as other ex-pat friends).

    The ones who seem to be the unhappiest are the ones that make absolutely no effort to do any of that. They sit on their bar stools day in, day out and complain about almost everything, but primarily about how "this place" isn't like "home".

    There is no "perfect" place to live in the world. If there was, it would already be overcrowded, under-maintained, too expensive and full of people whining about how things used to be, or how things are so much better somewhere else.

  10. Totally agree. He likely can,t speak a word of Thai and lives within a area of thousands of other foreigners that are unable to cope with life outside the foreign zones. Never have all these problems the foreigners moan about. Why ? I stay far far away from the foreign zones and i don,t look nor act like a common foreigner lost without his bar girl in tow. Having problems ? Learn to speak Thai.

    one thing i wont miss about thailand is the constant money issue. it hovers over most interactions either in the form of questions, prices or small daily interactions in a way i dont get in the west.

    Who the heck are you hanging out with? I'm around Thais all the time, professionally and socially, and I never get any of this "constant money issues" that you speak of. That's the problem with some farangs in Thailand. You associate with certain types of Thais and assume all other Thais are the same. How about get out of the gutter occasionally?

  11. Good for you. Now please notify the millions of other alcoholics flooding into Thailand that being drunk here 24/7 is a bad reflection on other foreigners that live in peace here. Perhaps they might wake up to the fact that they are not well liked here and marrying a bar girl is not the brightest idea when your brain is soaked non stop with booze.

    • Like 1
  12. I was joking about Sarah . She is a nutcase. Alaska is great and very different than the rest of America. having said that i take Thailand over America any day. People whine about the corruption here well in America it is just a different style and makes Thai corruption small potatoes. I did not move half way around the world to hang with other foreigners, eat crap expensive foreign food, hang in girly bars , get drunk 24/7 i came here to experience the Thais. So when foreigners try to compare Thailand to there home country it never works . Guess they forgot where they were the moment they stepped off the plane. Your not in Thailand/Germany Thailand/Sweden your in THAILAND. I except Thailand for what it is as i would Laos , Malaysia, or Iraq. Unless you live in a walled off fortress like the Swedes/Germans do in Ban Huay Yang don,t expect to be in Sweden the moment you step outside your little bubble fantasy world. Spent a afternoon there not long ago to see it for myself and the place gave me the creeps. They need to have their own military air force, army and navy to protect themselves from the savages outside their walls. They walk around with a stick up their butt scowls or the eye bugged out look like every Thai is out to attack. A real freak show !

    Escaping from Anchorage i don,t blame you. What a hole. Did you meet Sarah ?

    Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

    Cost of living is cheaper here, better quality of life, and:

    People smile without hoping for anything other than a smile back;

    Haven't heard a single dog bark in three months, let alone been attacked by a pack of them;

    No burning of plastic;

    No loud music, caterwauling as the moon sets, or unbridled exhaust;

    Haven't seen one person pick their nose. Nope, not even the person preparing my food ...

    Were there good things about my time in Thailand? Sure, but no where near enough to consider living there any longer, let alone dying there.

    My wife is joining me in April. We have a bucket list in the first month that includes:

    The Grand Canyon- camping and rafting;

    Las Vegas- attending a Cirque de Sol show, and, in the casinos, losing money;

    Driving north from San Diego through Malibu, sailing to and about Catalina, then taking Hwy 1 up the coast into Washington State and eventually Victoria, B.C. We'll stop at wineries and cheese farms along the way, detouring for camping in Sequoia National Park, and Redwood National Forest. Then Yosemite and back over to the coast ….

    Absolutely no way I would consider wasting another precious day of life in LOS.

    Rode my motorcycle all the way from Anchorage to San Diego...every mile on the coast (except for the Alcan!).Stick around BC and Alberta a bit longer...stunning scenery.

    Magic...wonderful experience and would do it again in a heartbeat.

    Rode then to Vegas via that big Canyon. Then continued to ride all the lower 48's.

    Can't see any of this in Thailand.......

    Did I meet Sarah? Unfortunately not Jim...or should that be fortunately??!!

    I actually liked Anchorage. Yes it's a bit raw but that is part of the attraction for me. I hung out with the guys and gals from the dealer who know the place well!

    I also happened upon an Inuit bar....that was some experience. I was welcomed with open arms when they found out I was Irish. The cops had a presence outside for most of the two nights I was there!

  13. What is the old saying ? Don,t let the door hit you in the ass when your leaving. My only wish for New Years was millions of boozers and losers will leave Southeast Asia this year. Young and old men and women. You bitch and moan how much you hate Thailand yet you stay. You spend many of your days drunk, being obnoxious to your guests the Thais never bothered to learn the language nor customs, hung out with other drunk foreigners and your so called bar girl girlfriends or wife and wonder why you have such a horrible life here. Please leave and give us the folks who love this country and our guests so more room. So Long Farewell And Goodbye.

  14. They are paranoid because they never took any time to learn the language . The majority of their time was getting drunk with their so called buddies , wasting money on hookers, and surviving on over priced crap foreigner food at Big C. Like most living here they are totally helpless without the bar girl in tow. you can tell by their non stop paranoid where am i look and the constant scowl.

    Some people on this forum seem so paranoid about Thailand. It is a wonder some of them can get out the front door. All these, mostly Thais and seemingly especially Thai women,that they believe are out to get them! I am wary of all humans but i am not gonna let it stop me enjoying life in this wonderful country. Whatever you put wholeheartedly and honestly into Thailand you will get back in kind, get back doubled. I have always found it to be more fair to foreigners than its own people. This will be shocking and ridiculous to the majority of TVF sceptics who will say I have gone troppo. If you knew me you would understand the reasons why i can be so positive and why, to return to the OP's original diatribes, living anywhere but here could never be right for me. I'll go up the chimney at the local temple when the time comes.

  15. answer to A and B/ Booze and bar girls nothing more. Shut down the girly bars millions would leave tomorrow. Raise the tax on booze . same thing.

    Those who wonders what Im doing still here in TVF, I want to say that reading all this bs happening in Thailand just makes me feel better about my move.

    That does explain a lot about why those who've left are still posting on TV....although you seem to have a severe case of "selective reading." But I hope all the malcontents and miserable mugs who are still in Thailand read your Vietnam post and decide to follow you out there. Maybe they'll prefer a Communist country to what we have in the LOS.

    Why are they,

    a, so bitter and twisted and

    b, if its such a shythole why did they stay for so long before leaving.

  16. Cesspit ? Why ? Please explain what has changed.

    Left the shythole, went back for 2 weeks recently...wanted to change the flights to depart earlier...could not wait to leave... happily cancelled my retirement visa on departure....the place is just a cesspit these days

  17. no from witnessing myself, daily reports on tv, the newspapers, and the internet. never had any of these issues. Never left my common sense at the airport.

    Every white foreigner should have one glued to their head on arrival . Problem is most are not smart enough to read. maybe that is one of the numerous reasons they tend to get themselves in non stop problems. Rule # 232. Do not walk around Pattaya at 2 am drunk covered in gold . Rule # 555 Do not leave your common sense at the airport. Rule # 666 Do not marry a bar girl.

    I assume your words of wisdom are from years of experience in all three areas?

  18. Every white foreigner should have one glued to their head on arrival . Problem is most are not smart enough to read. maybe that is one of the numerous reasons they tend to get themselves in non stop problems. Rule # 232. Do not walk around Pattaya at 2 am drunk covered in gold . Rule # 555 Do not leave your common sense at the airport. Rule # 666 Do not marry a bar girl.

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