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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. Ridiculous overreaction. Extremely low chance and only for anyone actually touching the deceased. This world and especially this place have gone well off the deep end with their fear mongering overreaction nonsense.
  2. Had it been 23%, would've sounded more believable. Not buying this 2.3% BS. The numbers here have always been manipulated to the extreme on the low side.
  3. So nice to see things getting back to normal, based on the latest posts!!! This suspected iota of success was really throwing me off. Typically Thailand!
  4. Was just doing a bit of ball busting! But being from the USA and learning Celsius & metric later in life, always strived on being as accurate as possible. Especially since living here so long and working alot in Europe. Great cats and their duds. ????
  5. LOVE the cats!! 16 is chilly for sure, but since when does 16c = 59f???
  6. Anyone giving odds? Will it work or will it be just another FAILURE? I know where I'm putting my money! 555
  7. Usually yes. Amount varies depending on the venue. 10% generally, but more for exceptional service...or if the waitress is exceptionally cute! Rarely when in small open air restaurants and if so 5-10 baht, regardless the total cost. When out with Thai friends, they almost always say not to tip in places such as this. Never at a place that already includes a service charge. Restaurant and grocery delivery usually 20-40 baht. Maybe B50 if she's hot! ????
  8. Shows exactly what that EXTREMELY overpriced "ELITE"(555 ????) truly is...worthless...other than to the scam artists taking your money. It's a joke! Doesn't get anyone anything that can't be gotten much cheaper. Still gotta leave or renew. It's an expensive status symbol which isn't worth the price at a 90% discount.
  9. If using Chrome, or whatever browser, try clearing the cache. Sometimes these browsers keep loading old, cached info. I had problems initially when they got it fixed and back online. Cleared the cache and got right in and successfully registered. Did take 6 hours to receive my password. Good luck.
  10. Seems the resident denier/troll either learned something (doubtful) or bailed. Couldn't dig himself out from under all that ???????? he was slingin'. ????
  11. Last night about an 90 minutes after sunset. Handheld Moon & Venus pics over Jomtien Beach.
  12. Jing jing, Jingthing! The FLERFS (flat-earthers) say this all the time. They deny and disregard every credible source...scientists, universities, NASA and all other Space Agencies public and private and instead go with nonsense vids from ignorant nobodies. Some really entertaining debates pitting all sorts of these nut jobs against some really great debaters can be found at "Modern Day Debate" on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook.
  13. Agree with much of your post...BUT speak for yourself on this one! ????
  14. Free?!? Should be FREE for EVERYONE ALWAYS. What is that about? Sounds like another Typically Thailand FusterCluck anyway, reading the comments.
  15. He does that alot if you're not in the "sky is falling" ???? chicky little camp.
  16. Yes it's early. They need more time to get more data, but early indications are what is currently known. This from 6 December. Omicron Is Fast Moving, but Perhaps Less Severe, Early Reports Suggest https://nyti.ms/31tasKm
  17. Keeping this extremely simple. 3 rudimentary diagrams intended for the resident denier, but won't do a lick of good. These people deny every qualified scientist, accredited university, government and private space agencies on Earth and latch on to idiot-nobody-know-nothings on YouTube instead. Boggles the brain. Keep in mind that the planets orbit the sun at different speeds, so they're not usually in line with one another. Certain times of year conditions are just right for seeing Venus or Mercury for a couple hours before or after sunset. The the 2nd & 3rd diagrams (especially the 3rd) needs to be envisioned in 3D for perspective and orientation, while staring at a 2D picture.
  18. Lie and you know it from the previous threads and all your previous "sky is falling posts". Which it's NOT and never has been. You know I promote anti-fear. Get vaxed, take your own comfort level of precautions and don't freak. But Thailand (and you) are off the charts with BS and fear mongering.
  19. Time to STOP feeding the FLERF. Lost more brain cells reading his drivel than from this bottle of Sang Som. At least he has the same effect and he's free! ????
  20. PLEASE keep it going flerf! You're killing it. Where's your standup gig? You gotta be the headliner! Certainly a head case. ????
  21. Yet. I give a week or 2 at most and SLAM! Same ol' neverending ????show! It'll be in no time. No alcohol. No travel. No fun. ????
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