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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. Biggest drawback to AZ is the 2-3 month wait between doses. 3 months is a LONG time if need or want to do something which depends on being vaxed.
  2. So the military police state, which can't even regulate or control itself, can just regulate and control private business pricing??? They never managed nor cared to regulate all those phoney "Taxi Meter" BS gouging taxis in Pattaya (and many in BKK). Never once in Pattaya did one of them ever use a meter. GRAB and BOLT finally put them in their true place. Always loved when they showed for my Grab/Bolt ride for B60 where they previously gouged at B300. I always walked away. Thailand....dead set on mucking everything up. Land of Muck Up. Of course another letter that begins with "F" fits quite nicely too. Such a mucked up place they've made this. ????
  3. More like the Unwelcome Mat. Thailand to lag in tourism recovery Ya think?!? ????
  4. The vendors jack the price to pocket more money for themselves. This has been going on forever. Occasionally there is a crackdown and prices in some places, mainly Bangkok, revert to the actual price clearly shown on the tickets. After a week or 2 the vendors jack them again and continue on their merry way.
  5. PayPal stock is up 404% over past 5 years. However it may be running out of steam as this year YTD it's down almost 13%
  6. @KhunLAis correct. Oriental Magpie-robin. Either a juvenile or a female. Adult males are black where this bird is gray.
  7. SOOOOOOO true. Never have been and never will be. Peon Western Wannabes is their highest achievable rank outside Thailand.
  8. Quite the wildlife sanctuary u got goin' on there? ???? U better hope Ol' Killer doesn't mess with the wrong snake. Bye bye doggie rather than bye bye birdie.
  9. And staff will be too busy playing on their phones to actually answer the Hotline phones. ????
  10. Some cars and many motorbikes have no license plates. Always Thais that I've observed without the plates. Never noticed a foreigner. The laws aren't generally enforced on the Thais violating, but generally are enforced on the foreigners. T.I.T.
  11. More nonsense from the most inept, ridiculous Capita of STOO-PID.
  12. The "hooks" and the crooks are licking their chops! Crackpot scheming and dreaming place, this.
  13. I entered mostly on visa exempt from USA (and Retirement extension past 5 years) nearly 150 times total during the past 29 years. Not once was I ever asked about money. Never. It may be another of their silly-stupid rules, but I never encountered it.
  14. No one is surprised the system is defective. Anyone whose been here more than a minute knew this was coming. Arrogance and Ineptitude are a dangerous mix and so TYPICALLY THAILAND.
  15. Perhaps "shim" or "she-male" or Ladyboy! works for ya! 555 I have always referred to any god concept as an IT or a Thing. Since they are unknown, unproven, unlikely, unrealistic and unsubstantiated.
  16. Yes and in USA people vote and politicians legislate based on subjective superstitious beliefs. And even some judges, put these beliefs before the secular Constitution they all have affirmed to uphold. They are required to state an oath to uphold the Constitution, not any book of superstition, yet many put Bible before Constitution. Before the law of the land. Dangerous, divisive and unacceptable.
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