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Everything posted by sipi

  1. I could rename this "what do you carry in your manbag" But English is my second language, and I'm guessing a wheelchair won't fit in your manbag.
  2. They might learn about proper thoughtful music, instead of being sheeple.
  3. I'll add nail clippers and hair comb to today's machines. I guess CPAP machine is something else to look forward to.
  4. Apparently "Pink Floyd Welcome to the machine" is age restricted. God help us..
  5. I'll put this in the pub section, because that's where I feel most comfortable. So, I have been wearing prescription glasses for a while. I should be wearing hearing aids, but I'm too stubborn. However, I did buy a machine that blasts water between your teeth to remove the crap before brushing and flossing, and I quite like it. Then I bought a "nasal irrigator". Well that's different, but it blows all the crap out of your head. I guess it's just a matter of time before I need a walking frame and a colonoscopy bag. So what machines do you use, other than the bum gun and tooth brush?
  6. I drilled a hole in my peg bucket to let the water out.
  7. Sticky rice with green papaya salad and bbq chicken, and a hot bottle of Chang in a plastic cup, sitting cross legged outside on the concrete.
  8. "There's" a cup of water. My cup of water is here.
  9. Run up and down the fence line on your hands and knees, barking. Guaranteed she won't be back.
  10. POTY was a good Christmas entertainment. Egos were bruised, half the forum got suspended, twins and Mr Bitey got abducted, a certain poster was chastised for not powdering his head before a photoshoot, but no-one lost an eye. It was actually a good time to see photos of real posters in their natural habitat.
  11. The good old days SC. I won't mention my favourite four. They know who they are.... Actually, I will drop a few names, without actually dropping their names. Rumak, big Pete from CM, Wayne, the Canadian, the Greek.....
  12. We need a TOTY (thread of the year) competition. More objective. Edit. Or Thread of the Century. I'll go with Costas "taking your ferret for a run" Or the one where Wayne saved that chap from the hospital. They had us on the edge of the seat.
  13. I miss POTY. It gave me an excuse to sign on every year.
  14. Anyone who doesn't try to tell me what I think.
  15. Is he the one that played the wobble board and did a portrait of the queen? I can't keep up with these nobodies these days.
  16. Thanks Gamma. The only thing I learnt from the last one hour and 47 minutes of Feynman videos is how to waste one hour and 47 minutes. Although I did find the second video a lot more interesting than the first.
  17. I watched the entire video. But I completely missed the part where "smart people are atheist", which is the title of your post. At EXACTLY which minute mark does he say that?
  18. So exactly where on the video does Frenman say smart people are atheist? At which minute mark? I painfully watched the bit about tooth brushes, atoms, seagulls squabbling over a chip and some other irrelevant stuff, but completely missed the exact verse Gummy is trying to duplicate.
  19. Yesterday I climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, then went on a train ride through Sudan, then I explored some Vietnamese markets. Then I turned YouTube off and had a coffee.
  20. You were wrong Bob, I could tell from the first sentence. Anyone who gets into an argument with a woman is wrong. That's just how the world works. Even if you're right.
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