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Everything posted by sipi

  1. Where's Geronimo when we need him, we need a good compare?
  2. https://aseannow.com/topic/1135962-poty-candidates-only-post-here/?do=findComment&comment=14806366
  3. I found this on Facebook.
  4. No hurry. It took me from 1986 to 2023.
  5. That was bogin in the nineties. They grew into fat, bald men with a grey goatie and bad teeth, and riding a Harley with tassles on the handlebars.
  6. And then what happened?
  7. I'm still waiting to hear what Bob did after having a beer and hopping on the forum. Did he have a dump, scratch himself?
  8. He needs to redefine the word "adventures"
  9. And comparing apples to apples. (If we're allowed) There are a few other Thai forums that are still running, just. Thailand24 is like 3 men chatting in a pub, the thaiger seems to have lost its wind, teak door is just pain difficult... Probably more, I think Asean Now seems to be holding its head above water ok.
  10. If I can remember my other passwords I'll give you 12 more nominees.
  11. Lol. Well done Lou. I did that deliberately and was waiting for a reply.
  12. I greeted my mother in law with "good morning horse" (in Thai) for years, until my wife finally corrected me.
  13. If I could sum up my opinion of the forum in one word, it would be.... Boring.. I just find myself scrolling through page after page of threads that just don't interest me. And when I do finally find a thread that interests me, I find myself scrolling through page after page of posts that don't interest me. I'd like you see a but more context. If someone starts a thread "I got drunk last night", is it because he ran into a bunch of Danish backpackers on a train, went to the father in law's funeral, celebrated a birthday..... Or did they just get drunk last night and they feel the need to tell everyone.
  14. Sounds like the Ascot Gold Cup.
  15. I'll have to nominate you for POTY if you keep this up.
  16. I did that the other week. Did you miss it? Still waiting for the adventures.
  17. It a in 1986, so it's already included in the 15 pages.
  18. Has anyone else climbed Mt Kilimanjaro?
  19. I'm not sure what I am. A purple hexagon with lines through it.
  20. I drilled a hole in my peg bucket this morning.
  21. So what other "adventures" you been up to today Bob? Other than waking up, having a beer and hopping on a forum?
  22. I'm still waiting for "the adventures".
  23. The same middle name... 😨👹
  24. Good thanks 2b, yourself? What does Bob the Builder and Jack the Ripper have in common?
  25. And then what happened? (I'm just getting in before 2baht)
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