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Everything posted by sipi

  1. Returned. At least we still say "Merry Christmas", not "Happy Holiday".
  2. Salted dried broad beans. If I buy a carton, I can't stop until they're gone.
  3. To save confusion at the airport and people missing their flight.
  4. Ice cream sandwich with condensed milk and crushed nuts, served from the back of a motorbike by a lady with large knockers and a wide smile. It's a treat.
  5. If I had a spare $100 million, I'd do the same.
  6. I go to the temple and ring the bell and feed the fish and the like. I don't see the harm in that.
  7. Just sprinkle it with chilli. It gets bigger and tastes great. https://aseannow.com/topic/1313729-will-a-sprinkle-of-chili-powder-keep-my-member-hard/
  8. Went and saw Paul McCartney a few weeks ago. He's still got it.
  9. I'm the old man in the background.
  10. I'm an open book, but I'd never start a YouTube channel. Photos are ok. Happiness shared is happiness doubled.
  11. John Lennon tried that.
  12. I'm just happy to be above the ground. Every day is a blessing.
  13. They're being friendly and polite. Some bars in Australia, you say hello to a lady and she wants to knock your block off.
  14. On my 50th birthday (which was quite a few decades ago) my wife turned up with a hot pizza and a cold carton of beer. Considering we live in the boonies about 3 hours from civilisation, to this day I don't know how she did it.
  15. Just go for it, while you're young enough to enjoy it.
  16. Lady Di on her marriage. "We're happily married. He's happy and I'm married".
  17. Another time playing golf with my mates, and a funeral procession drove by on the way to the cemetery. I stopped playing, took my hat off, bowed my head and put my hand on my heart until the funeral procession had passed. Then continued playing. One of my mates said "That's the most respectful thing I've ever seen". I replied "She was a lovely wife".
  18. I took my son for a game of golf. On the second hole there was a tree about 40 feet high half-day down the fairway. I told my son "When I was your age, I could hit a golf ball over the to pop of this tree from the tee off. My son tried 4 times, and every time the ball hit the tree and fell to the ground. He said "Dad, I don't believe that you could clear this tree from the tee off. No-one can do it" I said "When I was your age, the tree was only 2 feet high"
  19. I had a frog, a mouse, 2 scorpions and 3 cockroaches in my Thai pizza. When I complained, they told me that was the toppings.
  20. Seeing the "Bridge over the river Kwai" and taking the train to Nam Tok for the first time 40 years ago. It was like being in the real life movie.
  21. Don't know, we'll never know. I'm not sure if he took 2 in a row or over a period of time, but there were 2 missing from the packet. The way his heart exploded, one might have done the job. It was on his honeymoon.
  22. Train fanatics.
  23. She was rather "matter of fact" about the whole ideal.
  24. Sorry, I do that a lot these days. Alzheimer's and all that.
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