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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Like most sensible people, I always have an alternative method of payment. Haven't you heard of bank cards, or are you so much of a Luddite, you're still fumbling with old fashioned money?
  2. Probably about as many as I see people fumbling around with their purse or wallet searching for the 'right money' then rummaging in their bag for small change. And then having failed in their endeavor, they present large notes and have to wait for the change! And by the way, I decided to switch to using QR when I noticed just how quickly many people were at paying when using their phones. To me it was a no brainer. It's very easy to put the boot on the other foot.
  3. I use QR regularly. The secret is to prepare your app whilst your shopping is being scanned through. Once set up, the app allows you 5 mins to capture the QR code. Quick and simple. (what's the rush anyway?) An unfounded whinge IMO. I use K bank app regularly without any problems, It's very simple and user friendly. And I noticed that Krungsri have just upgraded their app but I haven't used that one as yet.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 125 seconds  
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 106 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 139 seconds  
  7. The only people who have the remotest interest in whether you have done your 90 day report are immigration. And unless you're one of those who do their 90 report the old fashioned way, they will only see your passport at extension time, once a year. For the last 4 years at least, I have done mine on line and I have never printed the receipt. However it has never been an issue when I have reported in to do my extension. It hasn't even been mentioned. I have therefor come to the not unreasonable conclusion that it is not necessary have in my passport.
  8. Yes I do mean the writing on that small picture of a poster which, is in reality, around 1 metre tall. Duh!
  9. I haven't printed off my TM47 receipt since I've been doing it on line, which is about 4 years now. And I've never had my passport checked other than at immigration since I've been here, which is over 10 years. I'm sure the only reason they say you should keep it in your passport is that it serves as a reminder. to you when the next report is due. When you report on line they'll remind you by email anyway.
  10. What's that on the poster just below 'wear a helmet' then? It's precisely because the British embassy do have to help out when one of their nationals have an accident that they are participating in this initiative. It's a poster campaign. Why should the staff need to speak English? It's not their job to give out advice anyway.
  11. Obviously the O/P has more sense than to be a real 'party animal'. (and it seems so have many others) Don't judge others by your own (low) standards.
  12. I believe the last paragraph covers it. And I agree. I'd rather see a kid brought up by a lover couple of whatever gender they happen to be, than by a gnarled old granny who has no vested interest in the child's future. I see that far too often around here.
  13. As Socrates said: 'When your feet hurt, you hurt all over'
  14. Yes I agree with that. I've checked mine against my Omron BP monitor and it is well off the mark. I only regard my smart watch as good for recording my daily step count (from which it derives distance and calories used) and my heart rate whilst I'm out on my walks. I wouldn't rely on it for anything else, despite its many claimed attributes.
  15. Not at all. There is a Jewish community in Thailand and we have Islamic terrorist activities in the south. It's not too difficult for someone to get ideas about hitting a 'soft target'.
  16. There's an interesting article on that very topic right here. Why are doctors wary of wearables?
  17. It's not about the length of ones life, it's about the quality of that life. If your GP considers that a small intake of whisky is not harmful, then that's fine. In fact I'd agree with him. (see my post above) But I've been to too many funerals since I've been here where the cause of death was put down as 'cancer'. But knowing the Thais prehensity for alcohol I'm quite convinced that what that really means is 'alcohol induced cancer'. It's convinced me that 'everything in moderation' is a good code to live by.
  18. I completely agree with you. The last time I had a bender was on my 70th birthday. I've cut way back since then. I'm now 78 and will only partake of one whisky (on the rocks) per day. Like you I don't keep any beer in the house. I have no health concerns whatsoever and haven't visited a doctor's office in years.
  19. The real irony of this income requirement is that, prior to the withdrawal of the embassy letters we didn't have to prove that we were remitting any money into Thailand at all. All we we needed to do was present the letter showing that we had an income, (or in some cases we were claiming that we had one)
  20. Not necessary if one has the income and is prepared to do a modicum of paperwork. Commitment doesn't just mean money.
  21. Have wife here, have my home here. All my income is deposited and spent here and I have no where else to go. If that's not commitment was is?
  22. If you are neither American, Australian or British, then a letter from your embassy will suffice. Otherwise bank statements, proof of foreign deposits and a bank letter are required. P.S. It's 40K Baht a month, not 150k.
  23. Having correctly identified a problem with the brakes (serviceable brakes do not squeak) he still went ahead and rented the scooter. More fool him.
  24. Well, I've just read 'road construction'. What do you regard it as?
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