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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Another of the many unsubstantiated rumours. Go off and have a read of this article. https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/dont-panic-because-thai-revenue-has-written-to-100000-tax-residents-urging-registration-465598
  2. Exactly. I've done quite a trawl of the internet trying to find any article that suggests that we expat pensioners could be targeted by the TRD and I have come up with nothing, not even a hint that it might be true. In fact there are quite few websites that suggests it's quite the opposite, articles that I have previously referred to a number of times on this forum. The only place where I have found any reference to this notion is right here on ASEAN NOW. IMO it's nothing more than a home grown rumour.
  3. Wherever you go Whatever you do Those pesky cameras Have got their eye on you.
  4. Yes @stubuzz inner tubes do leak air. The air molecules actually migrate through the rubber. We have a Click which has inner tubes and an Aerox which has tubeless. The Click needs topping up twice week with about 3-5psi when new as opposed to the Aerox which requires only 2-3psi per month! And the tubes do deteriorate with age. I replaced the Click's tyres and tubes recently. Before I did they were beginning to loose even more air than usual. I don't know whether there are any better quality tubes around, maybe made of thicker rubber. How does start looking?
  5. Wow, you've got me quaking in my flip-flops!
  6. I have pensions, that have already been taxed in my country prior to them being remitted to my bank account in Thailand. As there is, in place a DTA between Thailand and my home country I have no intention of registering with the TRD. If they want me to register then they can come and invite me to, but I will not be doing it voluntarily. If all those in a similar position stick to that policy, I do not think that we will have any problems. The TRD have much bigger fish to fry.
  7. Just to be clear It is not going to be paid out as a 'one time payment'. It will be spread out over 6 months. So it's a bit of a stretch, but 'stipend' fits, just. No one has ever claimed that it will 'bring them out of poverty. Its purpose is to 'stimulate the local economy' which is why they can only use it in their local area, so saving their money isn't going to achieve that is it. There are so many misconceptions about this scheme.
  8. 'Registration can be done within an app called Tang Rat, using a national ID card and facial recognition for identity verification. Alternatively, users have the option to verify their identity through several other methods, including service counters at 7-Eleven stores, Thai Post counters, Boonterm kiosks, multi-purpose government service kiosks, as well as the ThaID app'. Additionally, those who have welfare cards do not need to register as their welfare accounts will be automatically credited. They are way ahead of you smart boy. 😉 https://www.biometricupdate.com/202407/registration-for-thailands-digital-wallet-launches
  9. My interest in the efficacy of good breathing goes way back to my 30s when I took up yoga. I was also an active SCUBA diver at the time so breath control came quite naturally to me. I now practice Qigong which is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (most folks are more familiar with Tai Chi which is a form of Qigong) The style I practice integrates breath control, exercise and meditation all into one very enjoyable session, twice a day. My instructor is always extolling the health benefits of this art and it certainly seems to work for me. I haven't visited a hospital or a doctor's office for many years and my BP, whilst slightly elevated has never given me cause for concern. I'm 78 years old and still going strong.
  10. Airbus A350 actually. They don't don't do pop out doors.
  11. And I wonder how much the Daily Mirror paid the family for this (non) story.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 140 seconds  
  13. You shouldn't have done. You'd have had a really good laugh!
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 51 seconds  
  15. I think that's how I did it, but a lot of hide bound Brits don't do change very easily. It took many folks years just to accept kilograms instead of pounds and ounces.
  16. With Krungsri you can update your passport number easily enough, however I later discovered that, just like you I couldn't activate my phone App when I replaced it. Long story short, it turned out that changing your passport number on the bank's main database does not alter the database used by the mobile apps. I had to sign a request at bank authorizing them to re-download my mobile app data from the main database. It took about 3 hours in total to get my app working again. New passport coming up in 3 years, but at least I know what to do now.
  17. I think the simplest and most logical answer to that is the huge cost of changing all the road signs. (plus maps and travel guides etc) The bigger confusion came when they switched from selling fuel in gallons to liters in 1995. So now how does the Great British public express fuel consumption?
  18. Surely the police should have been notified immediately and Tong's body impounded until released by them, (the police) not by the hospital. What a topsy Turvey country this can be at times.
  19. Good for you. Keep right on breathing.
  20. I have a book called the Science of Breath. which outlines many different routines and there are many more on the web. But I think the real secret is to find the one that suits you the best. Following ones instinct think is the best way to go.
  21. By 'fake' I simply mean not produced by an official source, i.e. the South Yorkshire Police and on that point. you do seem to agree with me. And indeed I do agree with you as to their (the producers) intent in producing it.
  22. I was requesting a change of bank details within the UK for which a form is not necessary. Thanks to @Raindancer above, I now know about this Equiniti website which might be useful in the future. https://equiniti.com/uk/contact-us/veterans-uk-overseas-pensions-payment-forms/
  23. Which country are you transferring from? If it's the US or Canada perhaps you should read Wise's Q2 Mission update. See link below. https://wise.com/gb/blog/q2-2024-mission-update-speed
  24. 1. His height is reported in feet and inches. The UK went metric in 1965 and the police, being an official public body would use centimeters. 2. The post refers to the 'British Police'. There is no such entity. The police in England Wales are divided into regional divisions. If the South Yorkshire Police really produce this poster then that is how they would refer to themselves as. 3. In yesterday's post it was reported that: 'South Yorkshire police have confirmed that Simon’s case has been reported, though they have not launched a missing persons appeal'. So why would they produce a poster? I therefor conclude the South Yorkshire Police did not produce this poster. It's a fake.
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