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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Absolutely correct @Jumbo1968. Below are the stated aims of this new tax policy, announced last year. 'According to legal experts, the policy appears to have three specific targets: residents trading in foreign stock markets through foreign brokerages, cryptocurrency traders, and Thais who have been exploiting a loophole that allowed them to bring foreign earnings into the country tax-free after keeping it in an offshore account for more than a calendar year'. I see nothing in that statement which relates to the taxing of foreign residents. https://www.thaienquirer.com/50748/new-tax-regulations-raises-questions-and-concerns/
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 122 seconds  
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 168 seconds  
  4. Where on Earth did you garner that nonsense from?
  5. If the ice truck was on the wrong side of the road (and I agree, it seems to be the case) he was probably overtaking. In which case there would have been no evasive action the bus driver could possibly have taken.
  6. That 'wild cat' might just be someone else's pet! Why not just leave the cats to get on with their lives? They have their own ways of sorting out their issues and only rarely do they harm each other.
  7. Read the full story. 'The process to issue Thaksin’s certificate of innocence, which allows him to travel abroad, involves coordination between provincial governors, prison chiefs, judges, and prosecutors'.
  8. I completely agree with you @RayC and I've repeatedly said so on this forum. My banker, the Nationwide, even has a helpful advise page on their website on what to do when one goes to live abroad and how they are able to support their overseas customers like myself. And they do.
  9. I do mine on line. Takes 5 minutes. Costs me nothing!
  10. 'That's what my brief told me to say'. Isn't that the standard line?
  11. Yes, DWP will deposit your state pension into your Wise account. Is sounds like your other pension providers are being a bit Ludditeish. Plenty of other providers will deposit into a Wise account. I have two.
  12. I have held an account with Nationwide for well over 25 years who continue to support me despite them being aware that I have lived in 3 different countries. They've always known where I lived and have always renewed my bank cards to my overseas addresses on expiry, including Thailand They even still allow to me have an agreed overdraft facility. I have had a Wise account for over 6 years which I opened whilst living here in Thailand and having no UK address at all. Wise would be somewhat bereft of customers if they insisted that every applicant had a bank account and an address in their 'home country!' Is there anything else you'd like to 'lecture' me on? What is fraudulent is that the Ts and Cs of all banks insist that the customer can always contacted at the address that he/she has given. A campervan in someone's back yard wouldn't count. And that means, of course that anyone living in Thailand and using a false address in their 'home country' is technically in breach of their bank's Ts and Cs.
  13. One does not have to be a resident in the UK to open an account with Wise. The advice from @ElwoodP is quite sound, Wise is also my back up plan.
  14. That's the one the police found.
  15. Then maybe domestic airlines are more lax, but strictly but strictly speaking that is the rule. I've had to show my payment card a few times in the past.
  16. There is a brilliant, but very disturbing docudrama on BBC iPlayer called 'Dopesick'. It is based on real events and examines the dreadful causes and effects of the opioid crisis unleashed in large part on the United States by Purdue Pharma. I've always been averse to using medication unnecessarily and this series really rammed home the dangers that lurk in the murky world of big pharma.
  17. I came across this in an article in the Pattaya Mail recently. And this comment was made by the Director General of the TRD no less: 'Director General Kulaya stated that her department was widening the tax base and looking to increase revenue which had been negatively affected by the reduction in the number of condominium units sold over the past year'. I would hardly think that they would take action that would further depress the condo market. Same would be true of the auto market @ThaiPauly. I don't think you need be concerned at all. https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/dont-panic-because-thai-revenue-has-written-to-100000-tax-residents-urging-registration-465598
  18. Yer, but did he have to put the boot in?
  19. Did I not read that the police received tips offs? Maybe you could try putting 2 and 2 together.
  20. Well stop watching them then. Is it so difficult to go off and find something else to watch, see or do?
  21. 'No names, no pack drill' as we used to say in the military, but I'm pretty sure that I know who you mean and I agree with you.
  22. They don't mention whether there was a calf in the vicinity. Cows (and buffalo) will move to defend their young if they feel that they're being threatened. I encounter both a lot on my walks and I always give then a wide if there are young ones around. What a preposterous notion!
  23. Both you and I have been around here long enough to know that what you speak of here is a very common mistake, So let's just forget it shall we?
  24. Now that is exactly how I understand it as well. I had to file a P85 before I went to work in the middle east. I had to do that to protect my overseas earnings from UK taxation. I still paid tax on my military pension and I was still entitled to my personal allowance. I filed another one when I went to live in Egypt about 20 years ago just in case I found work there as a SCUBA diving instructor, which I did. I've never been back to the UK since, so as far as I'm aware my non resident status still stands, but I'm still taxed on my pensions. Folks seem to have the idea that the P85 is a 'get out of jail free card' as far as UK tax goes. It isn't.
  25. When I hear a shout from someone to whom it actually happened, I shall remain very skeptical. There is no valid reason why an immigration officer should refuse such an application. Unless of course the officer wasn't satisfied with financial information that was presented to him. I'm sure that can sometimes happen and then it's back to the applicant to prove his case.
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