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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. No question that these kids should certainly NOT have been riding on a motorcycle at that age. But looking at the positions of the respective vehicles it does look as if the truck was making a right turn into the yard. Which seems to indicate that the driver turned into the path of the on-coming motorcycle. So I don't think that the truck driver was completely innocent here. In fact it could well have been his fault.
  2. Wise was the first one that I noticed this. The BBC cannot detect a VPN per se. What they do is scan the IPs that are connected to their service and seek out those that have an unusually high number of users on it and assume that it's a VPN and block it. Smart VPN providers are alert for this of course and quickly shift their customers to a new IP. It's a game of cat and mouse and the mouse (the VPN provider) is always one IP ahead of the the cat (the BBC) I've been using a reliable VPN daily for almost 20 years now and I'm rarely blocked out of the iPlayer for very long. But it takes some very sophisticated technology for the BBC (and other streaming services) to do this. The banks have no interest in individuals legitimately using VPNs so there is no advantage for them to make such an investment. They have other sophisticated ways of detecting illicit log on attempts.
  3. That takes me back to my early days in Singapore when powdered milk was the only option.
  4. Joined up data bases between airlines and immigration is the answer to that. An overstayer could be flagged up and the info passed to immigration. it's done in the UK and probably many other countries that have immigration issues.
  5. My vote would be the C130, but no one can deny the DC3's place in aviation history.
  6. I didn't read anything in the article that suggested that the aircraft to be used were in anyway unsafe. The Basler BT-67 is, of course a remodeled and much updated DC 3, (C47 to military types) a model which, in the eyes of many aviation pundits, is regarded as the most successful aircraft in aviation history.
  7. It's just as likely he died from the fall. He was climbing a tree at the time.
  8. Not even there. I spent 15 years in KSA and was never short wine, beer and spirits. Nearly all of it home produced of course.
  9. Thanks for posting that. It seems to confirm something that @Mike Lister said in his 'very simple guide' thread, that UK military pensions (being a government pension) would not be taxed by the Thai RD. If that proves to be true then I can sit back and relax. My RAF pension constitutes a little over half of my total pension income, which means that my taxable income will be well below the threshold set by the allowances. That's it, another beer is called for. 😊
  10. Yes the UK does have a DTA with Thailand and I'm relying on it have my back on this pension issue. It's not exactly reader friendly but have go. UK-Thailand Double Taxation Convention signed 18 February 1981.pdf
  11. Being what I imagine is 'Mr. Average Income' for a pensioner at around 800,000 THB per year, using a spreadsheet and the figures kindly provided by @Mike Lister in (yet another) thread on this subject, I was able to calculate that I would be liable for around 12,000 THB P/A in tax to the Thai RD. Not a sum I'm going to panic over. I'm more bothered about having to do yet more paperwork rather than the sum involved. Personally though I'm not bothered at all. I'm still holding to the one statement that we have all read regarding this matter: 'Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand'. Thai Enquirer Sept 18th 2023
  12. Well don't eat it then. Simple innit!
  13. They cannot detect a VPN, but they can detect that you're trying to connect from a different location, i.e. your ISP is different. It's just one of the many safeguards that banks are deploying now.
  14. Where did you get that nonsense from? https://www.expatbets.com/thailand/national-lottery-guide/
  15. Thank you for your comprehensive answer. It tells me one thing at least. I. along with most folks around here do not understand the complexities of DTAs or even whether they worth the paper they are written on! I totally agree with your second paragraph. Why don't we just leave this whole damn business alone until we DO actually have some more concrete answers on this matter from the RD or whoever? All we seem to be doing is stirring up a load of very muddy water to no real affect, other than introducing unneeded stress into many peoples daily lives who, quite frankly can do without it.
  16. Sorry @Mike Lister, but I don't get this at all. I'm in a similar position to many UK pensioners here in having multiple pensions, all of which are subject to UK taxes. My pensions having been harvested by HMRC are then sent to me here in Thailand. Why should Thailand's Revenue dept have any further claim on that income whatsoever? Isn't that what DTAs are all about? Protecting tax payers from being taxed twice on the same income source(s). If it doesn't, then it isn't worthy of the title 'Double Taxation Agreement' is it! And why, in the original notification, published in Thai Enquirer (and other publications) does it say: 'Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand'. There is a bit of an anomaly here between this, at what you have said above. https://www.thaienquirer.com/50744/thai-government-to-tax-all-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024/
  17. Would you please clarify what you meant when you wrote this line. Do you mean 'Thai citizens who are pensioners', 'pensioners in general', or are you referring solely to 'expat pensioners?'
  18. What a dumb comment! Neatly typed up on a word processor, using the world's most popular font and then copy pasted into ASEAN NOW. Or is that too sophisticated for you?
  19. You might find this web site useful. Wild camping in Thailand
  20. Not so. Here is Sakon Nakhon this morning. The air is just fine where we live 20 kms to the east of the city.
  21. I'd have to run awfully fast if I wanted to beat the transaction in the manner that you suggest here. Whenever I use my Krungsri debit card, I get an SMS from the bank within seconds that the transaction has been completed, usually before I've even received the payment slip from the cashier!
  22. To be honest, I've never quite figured out what they mean by 'billing cycle'. However that doesn't seem to apply to debit cards, which is what the O/P was referring to. Equally. I've never quite understood why Lazada quote 15 to 30 days for a refund via debit cards. None of this is of any use the O/P of course, because it takes as long as it takes and there's nothing anyone do to influence that.
  23. So in other words, you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for clarifying that.
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