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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. I really am not that interested.
  2. Well, we'll find out tomorrow who's right won't we.
  3. I suggest that you go and take a look the linked thread @StevieAus where this topic has recently been discussed at length.
  4. I wonder how many of them have a QR card ready and waiting in their handbag.
  5. I'm sure that the person you are referring to is Tax expert (?) Thomas Carden who was the subject of this post (see below) a while ago. In my view his comments and the posting thereof was totally irresponsible. It was this post that prompted me open this thread as a retort. I have long since made my mind up that all this tax talk is just a load hype stemming from an unfounded rumour that started about a year ago. Mr. Hart's comments are, in my book, very, very welcome.
  6. She landed on a roof first, which will have reduced the impact of her fall.
  7. That's a bit unfortunate for you guys, however Mr Hart says that most expats will not need to obtain a TIN. He can't be expected to cover all contingences in a 5 minute sound bite.
  8. This article, posted in the Pattaya Mail, came to my attention this morning. Although it already appears in another thread, I felt that it is important enough to warrant its own heading. My thanks to @Scouse123 posting this earlier. Thai lawyer argues most expats won’t be impacted by personal income tax Do be sure to watch the short video.
  9. It's hardly surprising that the revenue offices don't know anything about the new rules affecting us retired, non working expats. Because there aren't any new rules.
  10. This method was featured in a BBC documentary a couple of years. It was, apparently very successful.
  11. When doing 100kpm plus in an overloaded pick up, (just look at the amount of rubbish that spilled out) any bend is a sharp one. And given that many drivers will habitually hog the righthand lane, any misjudgement, no matter how slight and their off into the median. I don't think he needed any assistance from his wife.
  12. I believe discussion is about domestic airline within Thailand. So what's 'major western airlines' got to do with it?
  13. It is surprising the number of ways caffeine creeps in under the radar. I discovered the caffeine link one evening when I drank a bottle of soda water without any whisky. Having established a stable one pee a night routine I was suddenly going 3 times! I tried it 2 more times and I was convinced it was the soda water. From then on its been whisky on the rocks for me. (and back to 1 pee per night) Good luck. I hope you find the above useful.
  14. A newly qualified pilot will typically spend 1 to 2 years a second officer before advancing to the left hand seat. Your worries are unfounded, in fact I would call just yet another Thai bash.
  15. Spirits and soda drinks are not a good mix. The Hong Thong contains alcohol and the cola contains caffeine, the twin enemies of our prostates. I used to drink whisky and soda until I discovered that it was the soda (which also contains caffeine) that causing me problems at night. Once I switched to whisky on-the-rocks, the problem was greatly reduced. Now it's one drink only and never later than 4 hours before bedtime. Usually I only need to visit the bathroom once during the night.
  16. Ok, so have you managed it yet, or do you need some guidance?
  17. As already suggested, put a note in ones diary. I always have done and I've never a report yet. I think I did have one email go astray a while back.
  18. The mother did not leave the motorcycle unattended. She was still sat aboard when the kid 'hit the throttle'.
  19. From what I have read (and I've done a lot) both alcohol and caffeine have a negative impact when it comes to night-time urination. It is suggested that one should cut back on both and to abstain from alcohol for at least 4 hours before bed time and from caffeine even longer. 8 hours is suggested. In fact I now practice intermittent fasting which means I do not partake of anything after 6pm. This has improved my situation a lot and generally I only need to pee once in the night. I do have one more trick up my sleeve. I keep a stock of single use catheters and use one just before sleep time to ensure that my bladder is completely empty.
  20. As do most shoppers. It is only a few that fumble at the check out. The same is true for those that pay using their phones as well. But for some people on this forum it seems to become a tragedy when they have to wait a few minutes.
  21. You'll find the answer to your query above in the post by @ballpoint. There's no point in me repeating it.
  22. Do you want to amend your number using the app or the website? It's easy to do on either.
  23. So will a direct transfer using a phone app. No power source required. Large institutes such as Big C have UPS and generator back up anyway and will always have a power outage protocol in place.
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