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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. I intend to steer well clear of any, and I mean ANY discussions about this, so called, new tax ruling.
  2. No they do not! I've had quite few refunds paid out to both my Thai debit card and to my UK credit card. It's never taken longer than 4-5 days. Sometimes even quicker.
  3. For a short period, just a while ago that was happening to our True connection. I photographed the router (which was indicating signal failure) and had the True techi call in. He recognized the problem and soon had it fixed. The upstream router has its own miniature UPS apparently and the battery needed replacing. All good now. So there is a point to having a UPS. (and the phone number of your internet provider)
  4. It would seem that our IOs aren't paying that much attention then, because I've done that as well. Mind you we did have a new gal this year. There's been a reshuffle following the Chinese visa scandal and a well known face has disappeared. Perhaps it's time I changed my tactics next year. After all how much does a set of photos cost?
  5. So has ours up in Sakon Nakhon. In the old, very crammed building a visit to the loo meant walking through a veritable canyon of paper, all stacked up in boxes up to head height on both sides. Gawd knows how many years of applications were stacked up in there. It's one of the reasons I never bother taking new photos of us around the house each year. They would never be able to find last year's to be able to compare.
  6. So will mine, but I use a UPS mainly to keep the router alive during short power outs. Even a few seconds outage will knock it off-line and it will then take 2-5 minutes to recover again. Very inconvenient when I'm downloading a movie or having an on-line chat with someone. But you still missed my main point. The O/P had 'recently bought an all-in-one desktop'. He's not likely to change his mind now and switch to a lap top is he.
  7. I've had one these for 5 years now and is still very reliable. It provides power for my laptop and the internet router for about 30 minutes and has very effective voltage stabilization. I've had to replace the battery twice, which readily available on Lazada and easy to switch out.
  8. Very useful advise for someone who has: And by the way, I use a laptop, but I still have a UPS because it keeps my internet connection alive.
  9. A road like that should have a pedestrian bridge, not a zebra crossing. You just have to watch the speed of the traffic hurtling past whilst the guy's being interviewed to see that crossing that road on foot, even on a zebra crossing would be suicidal. All the crossing does is offer a false, very false sense of security. What a sad end of the year for that poor family.
  10. As I said a while ago, address your nitpicking comments to the Daily Mail, from whence this syndicated article came. There's no point in whining about on here.
  11. Well send your nitpicking criticism about the 'very poorly WITTEN headline' to the Daily Mail, Because that's were it came from.
  12. They haven't even found it yet! 'Navy chiefs said they will now use sonar to find the wreckage of the Reggae Queen', 180 feet is too deep for regular SCUBA divers anyway. Only trained mixed gas technical divers can go that deep. I assume the RTN has them available, but I don't know for sure.
  13. I agree, it looks more like a river boat to me. I spent many years working on dive boats as a dive guide. I certainly would not have put to sea on a tub like that. It has all hallmarks on an overloaded pick up. An accident waiting to happen.
  14. I also get excellent and free service at their branch in Robinsons in Sakon Nakhon. I always pop in there when I'm that side of town for an ultrasonic clean and have the screws checked for security. Last year they replaced the nose pads for me as well.
  15. Well funnily enough, so do I. with a friendly smile and a polite 'thank you'. In this life you get what you deserve! P.S. Welcome to my ignore list. I can live without prats like you.
  16. It's the same for us as well up in Sakon Nakhon. On our last visit to do my marriage extension, there were six of us in the office. My wife and I, two officers and two assistants. I got the impression that they were getting bored and were pleased to see us. All done in about 40 minutes. No hassle at all. Like you, I get the impression that many of the problems related to immigration occur in, what you referred to as the 'tourist ghettos'. I've done my own marriage extensions using the income method (probably the most challenging) for many years now and I foresee no reason to change from that method.
  17. They were my immediate thoughts as well. And what on earth was a dive boat doing out in rough seas at 11pm?
  18. Why a smug grin. What's wrong with a friendly smile and a polite 'thank you'.
  19. The sole purpose of us being here is exactly the same as every other living thing on this planet. To propagate our genes. (The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins 1976)
  20. The person to whom it was addressed understood it. That's all that matters.
  21. However: And my wife, a keen lottery ticket buyer confirms what @loong said above:
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