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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. A printer is not required for an on line report.
  2. We lost ours several years ago, (don't ask me how!) But we've done repeated marriage extensions since then without any problem using scanned copies plus the usual Kor Por 2. We also still have the official translation signed and stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. That's probably as good as, but we've never used it.
  3. Works very well but should not be used regularly. I use 'Hotta Plus' (ginger tea with 4,000mg of fiber), 2 or 3 cups a day is fine. 2 Weet Bix for breakfast is great and very effective. Vistra DT Daily (fiber powder drink with 7,000mg of fiber also works well.
  4. I see no shame in handing out the monies to the welfare cardholders first. They are invariably the oldest and the most needy in Thai society.
  5. The previous attempt didn't fail per se. It was 'prorogued' because of the upcoming general election. there was not enough time to complete the procedure. I don't see another general election on the horizon, do you?
  6. Watch the video again. The hand brake does not actuate the brake lights.
  7. That is not correct. Your state pension will be taxed via your military pension, whether it's paid into a Thai bank or not. It makes no difference where you have it deposited.
  8. This bill was reintroduced after the general election and has now reached the 'committee stage' in the House of Lords. See also Wikipedia. https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3430 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Protection_and_Digital_Information_Bill
  9. If you switch to using tourists visas, there is always a chance that you could 'hit the rocks' somewhere down the line and no one can predict whether or when that might happen. The retirement extension on the other means that your virtually bomb proof and also if the requirements for extensions where to change, you would be 'grandfathered'. If I were you I'd stick with the extension. It's cheap (even with the multi entry stamp) and reliable.
  10. Neither is true. The monument was erected in June 1941 to commemorate the Thai victory in the Franco-Thai War.
  11. Did you read the quote properly? If that does indeed come to pass then the wording of the DTAs will be irrelevant won't it.
  12. I do not consider the opinions of posters on this forum to be any better informed than the Thai Enquirer, unless they can prove that they are qualified to give such opinions. But what about Baan Thai, are they any better qualified than the Thai Enquirer? (or you for that matter) 'Upon the revised law’s announcement, retirees were understandably concerned about their pensions being taxed. So, will they? It depends on the factors mentioned earlier: your country’s DTA with Thailand and whether your pension was already taxed in your home country. I want to stress this again—if your pension was taxed at home, it’s unlikely to be taxed again in Thailand'. https://btisolutions.co/will-you-be-impacted-by-thailands-revised-tax-code/ Once again I invite you to come up with your sources of information.
  13. At last, a statement which indicates a bit of common sense. In fact I've been beating this same drum ever since this topic came to prominence in September last year. An article in the Thai Enquirer which opened with the alarming and somewhat misleading headline: Thai government to tax all income from abroad for tax residents starting 2024. However in the body of that article we find, if we care to look, the following: 'Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand'. Why that all important sentence has been ignored, even dismissed as irrelevant by some pseudo experts I have no idea, but from my point of view it is the one anchoring point in a whole sea of disinformation and I'm sticking with it unless and until some more informative and credible information comes along. https://www.thaienquirer.com/50744/thai-government-to-tax-all-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024/
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 165 seconds  
  16. A properly constructed panel van would not shed its entire rear end into the cab and beyond. We don't even know if it was a high speed crash. There seemed to be very little damage to the bus. It was the shoddily built construction of the cargo container and possibly a ton or so of ice that was loaded into it that resulted in the damage that we can see and the death of the driver.
  17. What? Isn't a vehicle that comes apart in an accident, destroys the cab and kills the driver not dangerous enough for you! Maybe you'd have been more convinced if the 'tin shed' had smashed into a fully laden school and killed a few kids as well!
  18. That is the Benz that was travelling really fast. Well, it was a Benz. It's a Bent now.
  19. Potentially this dangerous.
  20. And the same ruling probably also applies to the thousands small EV scooters, bikes and trikes that we see constantly on the roads nowadays. And they're not being ridden by Chinese.
  21. Your UPS doesn't just respond to a power outages, it also senses voltage fluctuations and will adjust its power output such that it remains stable. In technical terms it's called a 'servo loop'. What it probably happening is that when you switch something on or off in the house, there is a slight change in the voltage going to the UPS and it is responding as I've described above. My Zircon also bleeps occasionally with no obvious cause, IMO there's nothing for you to worry about.
  22. Which is another way of saying you can't provide a link. I thought that might be the case.
  23. So where are your facts CM? All I've read from you is the same old waffle that started back in Sept last year from you know who. So post us a link CM. Show us where it says that we are liable to be taxed. Come on, let's see it. And not another one from within this forum, which is where this rumour started. Let's have a credible link. If you can find one.
  24. He's still around and under the same username. But stays very quiet on this topic now. Wisely so IMO.
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